620 mile long fault will create the largest earthquake in modern history. Tsunamis will kill tens of thousands and entire coast will be shifted 10 feet lower than it is today.
This is a reshaping event that will completely devastate the western coast of USA. It also past due for an earth quake. In the next 4 years we have a very high chance of cascadia event or big one in California.
I personally believe there is kek synchronicity magic that will cause one soon.
Seafloor core evidence indicates that there have been forty-one subduction zone earthquakes on the Cascadia subduction zone in the past 10,000 years, suggesting a general average earthquake recurrence interval of only 243 years.
The last known great earthquake in the northwest was the 1700 Cascadia earthquake.
Ian Bailey
good, I live here I hope this happens this month
Justin Price
Can we petition to move it 90 miles west to butt up against seattle? Is the possible?
Alexander Myers
How is this political?
Logan Jackson
Don't worry it will fuck up everyone
Most buildings aren't meant for earthquakes since they didn't know the NW was prone to them until the 90s or something. So like a bunch of schools will collapse and kill every kid inside if it happens.
Lucas Phillips
if the west coast gets eradicated, 80% of the democratic vote is going with it
Cameron Collins
>Most buildings aren't meant for earthquakes since they didn't know the NW was prone to them until the 90s or something. This is totally wrong in every way. However, a cascadia megathrust is way beyond what we're prepared for.
Ethan Russell
>Non whites will get killed
Senpai who cares, we need to be more white anyways.
Jose Wright
>PNW >85% white
Blake Rogers
bellingham here. longing to see seattle wiped out via tsunami.
These are my sources. Maybe they upgraded them all in the last year?
Levi Torres
yeah in skin color only. this state is full of the biggest virtue signaling degenerates imaginable. it's basically sweden tier.
Gavin Rogers
>I hope this happens this month once a month ftfy
Lincoln Richardson
Modern buildings are built for normal earthquakes. We experience these on a regular basis. Ultimately there are limits to what you can do with a building relying on the ground for structural stability, so damage will happen in an earthquake. We've known the area was prone to them since always because they happen all the time, but a megathrust is in totally different class and would fuck our shit up.
Isaac Gray
Carter Davis
I pray to my gods for this event every evening.
I hate Seattle, Bellingham, Olympia, Vancouver (x2), Portland, Canon Beach, Eugene, Salem and Corvallis. Marginally supportive of Everett, Tacoma and Longview (working class cities).
Please God, let a thorough douching be thy will. Give the land back to the lice-riddled indians so they can starve on dried fish and whale blubber.
Jose Rivera
I delivered the Bellingham Herald via BMX bicycle when that city was a blue-collar town. Now it is utter shit. WWU is a clown college for beta males and aggressive dykes. If the tsunami won't come, please God give Mt. Baker a reason to exist.
Brayden Gonzalez
will y'all stop getting my hopes up?!!
This would be too good to be true
Landon White
The only black guy that 99% of the households in Seattle-proper have had in their houses is Russell Wilson, via their idiotboxes.
everett, seattle, tacoma, olympia, etc. will be largely protected from any tsunamis due to the puget sound. any damage that happens will be due to the earth quakes, which (from what i've read) won't be doomsday level near the puget sound area.
the actual coast is gonna get fucked though. probably portland too
Bentley Sullivan
agreed. went to wwu but it was so faggy i dropped out to shitpost here. fuck liberals.