Marine Le Pen is 48

>Marine Le Pen is 48
>Marion is 27
>Both look 20 years older than what they actually are

Are the French just naturally unattractive or does hate and anger cause people to age prematurely?

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Fuck off leaf, Marine is qt

Marion is my waifu, and you are forbidden to post pictures of her.

if anything they look younger you stupid leaf
go back to your cuck shed

Our leader is only 3 years younger than Marine Le Pen and is 18 years older than Marion, technically old enough to be her father. Compare the pictures, my friends. I think this says a lot about the differences between right-wingers and progressives.

Fuck off OP, we don't tollerate anti-women rethorics here! It's 2017, you careman!

holy shit those teeth

That's cause he's a pretty boy and had an easy life. Don't forget he's also a man and men age better.


Fuck off to Reddit

Yeah, rightwingers don't look like faggots