Developments Feb3 >IS sets ablaze Syria’s largest source of gas as SAA closes on their positions >2 kids had hands amputees by IS for refusing to execute civilians >SAA attempts to liberate Battalion 559 base in east Damascus >Syria denounces Turkey’s illegal incursion into the country to the UN >IS takes over new areas in East Qalamoun, threatens airbase >IS uses captured Turkish Army equipment against SAA in Aleppo >IS loses several sites in western Palmyra to SAA >Turkish military claims to have killed 51 ISIS terrorists in airstrikes >IS executes 6 fighters for running away from SAA in DeZ >Siege of DeZ Airport almost lifted >Based Syriabro visits Aleppo citadel,hangs out with Ru military, tiger forces, takes pictures 4 /sg/ His story → Previous →
WikiLeaks: Turkish oil minister links to Isis oil trade - Top aide to Hillary Clinton: :Al-Qaeda is on our side in Syria -
>SJWs are planning to march all the way from Germany to Aleppo over the course of three and a half months:
There's no need to get violent chaim. Sup Forums is a board of peace.
Jackson Foster
Because i still have 4 days before my next semester start, just finished one with gender studies.
Connor Perry
Hows the SJW march going?
Blake Parker
you have wikipdia sauce?
Levi Lopez
give me all the bread and nobody gets hurt
Luis Harris
Ian James
Noah Torres
debaltsevo 2.0 lets go!
Charles Nelson
Please not again. I can't think of a more useless conflict. Everybody is acting like such a retard. EU and USA help a corrupt piece of shit to power Piece of shit won't back down Other guys won't back down because afraid of piece of shit
Donbass' population probably hates Ukraine so much, even if the Ukraine won, they'd never become a regular part of the country ever again. At this point it'd be much smarter to just let them go, this won't end well for Ukraine, even if they won.
Isaac Turner
Ilovaisk 3.33 You Can (Not) get kotel'd
Jace Sanchez
At least looks exactly the same for me is2.Sup
Dominic Green
>is2.Sup you saying this is fake news? i.e. this is an event which already happened?
Ayden Sanders
I loved how Putin just fuck EU plans in Ukraine with the Donbass, and didn't cost too much, only few weapons and food for the people. Meanwhile Kiev have a 41$ billion debt. Will the FMI pay again that debt?
Cooper Gray
It's not the same recording. Besides, grad hailstorms tend to be very similar.
Brandon Powell
Your numbers confirm KOTEL!!
Gabriel James
I have a question for you: 2015 was the year of the military interventions by airsupport (late 2014 for the US and late 2015 for Russia). All the syrian factions are (or can be) affected by this (except the SAA):
>the rebels are bombed by the syrian army and Russia >YPG fears a turkish intervention (which could mean turkish airstrikes) and was bombed by the SyAA. >ISIS bombed by Russia, the syrian army and the coalition
Can these quoted factions develop themselves a "decent" AA defence? Can they make some mid-range SAM ? Can they make decent radars?
I'm not talking about buying, but making.
I would like to get an answer because this war has showed how innovative people can become in war (with the hell cannons, the remote controlled machineguns, the drones, etc) but can they reach that point?
Eli Davis
>didn't cost too much, muh sanctions
John Gonzalez
It costed Putin the sanctions, Russia was crippled.
Benjamin Moore
No, just a mistake.
I see.
Adam Scott
>can they reach that point No way.
Jeremiah Thompson
appropriate pic related
Asher Gutierrez
>Hearing about Russian Collpase since Euromaidan >5 years after Russia is still there
Dominic Gonzalez
so i heard that trump told israel to stop building ilegal settlements, and that BIBI is goung to resign soon
Carson Brooks
I'm not saying it will collapse, but it was hit hard. Its now recovering though.
Aaron Ortiz
for which reason? lack of knowledge, materials? what's this?
there was a guy in New Zealand who was threatening to build a long range missile, not quite an icbm, but big, in his garage in 2003. He was prevented from ompleteing his project.
If you do a search on youtube and google u will find his story. I'm not saying you can hit a jet. But you can build a scud type thing
Ethan Parker
Tyler Howard
Its been some time since I played that. I guess I´ll play it a bit.
All the groups have access to manpads that can knock out low flying aircraft so that equals everyone fly higher.
None of the groups have knowledge about advanced anti-air and only uses what they get. Designing a makeshift cannon is nothing compared to creating heat seeking missile.
Brody Bailey
>there was a guy in New Zealand who was threatening to build a long range missile, not quite an icbm, but big, in his garage in 2003. He was prevented from ompleteing his project.
kek that fucking madman
scud type SSMs aren't guided and don't need a lot of knowledge compared to SAMs
Ryan Hernandez
>Joshua Landis Cuenta verificada >@joshua_landis >ISIS, despite over 100 suicide bombers in Deir ez-Zor, fails to take city in attempt to secure fall back capital when Mosul & Raqqa r fall.
Cameron Johnson
>IS used a captured Turkish Kobra vehicle in their attack yesterday on SAA in Rasm Sarhan south of al-Bab
Thanks, really interesting. I still can't figure out Trump's position towards Jews tho.
Ethan Bailey
>I still can't figure out Trump's position towards Jews tho. everyone calls him the best goy, but i didn't expect that trump would say to israel ""HEY STOP BUILDING THOSE SHITS OVER THERE"!
Brayden Gray
The Jews are literally in da House
Carter Bennett
for keks, if anyone is interested. it was a cruise missile he was going to build. Nowadays you could just use an ardupilot and a python script. c if u wanted to be fancy. even use your phone to lay the waypoints....
>Hezbollah Is Winning the War in Syria > >Hezbollah has gained critical experience fighting in dense urban environments as well as familiarity with fighting against enemies much different from its long-time foe, the Israel Defense Forces. In Syria, the Shiite militia honed its capabilities in battle against various other nonstate actors, including the Islamic State >Hezbollah will also benefit from the enlarged alliance with Syria and Iran to one that now includes Russia (the Iran-Syria-Hezbollah nexus has been referred to as “the Shiite Axis”). Indeed, U.S. officials have verified reports that Hezbollah militants have been working on the ground in tandem with not only Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps Quds Force commanders, but also with Russian special-operations troops, which is a harrowing development. As a fighting force, Hezbollah’s participation in these combined operations have likely helped improve the group’s interoperability with other military organizations, hone its tactics, and expand its ability to command and control forces in a combat environment—all of which can be exported back to its native Lebanon. >last year, the Saudis cut off aid to Lebanon, further opening the door for the Iranians to consolidate their influence on an east-west axis across Iraq, Syria and Lebanon, which was much more difficult when Iraq was a dedicated enemy. > In four years of fighting in Syria, Hezbollah lost more fighters than it did during the entire eighteen-year Israeli occupation of southern Lebanon. Its Syria tally is approximately two thousand dead and possibly as many as six thousand wounded. >In late October, Michel Aoun, a Maronite Christian, was elected president of Lebanon’s parliament, ending a two-year deadlock that kept the post vacant. He was backed in part by Hezbollah. Good article, although the guy seems to hate Hezbollah.
Jonathan Miller
trump may just be flexing. but if he is a vain as he is presented to be, both by himself and the press, then he may just be vain enough to think a tough stance on israel will bring peace. a trump enforced solution. I recon the israeli cabinet is wondering what they gonna get. And with netanyahoo on his way to court they may be up for a leadership change. Interesting times
I imagine him wanting to say
they didn't think I would be a good president, but I brought peace to the middle east without a war. so why can't Schwarzenegger bring up the ratings?
Ryan Hernandez
>the guy seems to hate Hezbollah. (((They))) all hate hezbollah.
David Wright
Yeah, that's why this: is confusing.
Noah Smith
Kek, the ratings.
Adrian Anderson
Let's hope he knows how to at least!
Colton Taylor
should make a /comfy/ edit for al maghrebi
Gavin Lopez
The other week, just after the inauguration we talked about the antifa's being useful idiots.
Here they are in action again, with some press based praise singing.
I think the theme of the conversation was about 'colour revolution technologies being used to destabilise trump'.
>The band of about 150 anti-fascist activists – or antifas – quickly and efficiently stormed the multilayered police barricades that kept the crowd away from the entrances of the Martin Luther King Jr student union.
SAA is making huge advances in West Palmyra, they're storming Hayan Oil Field now, ISIS is taking many casualties it seems
Kayden Foster
Ian Powell
There's word around that Al-Fatameyoun leads the assault on Khanaseer while NDF under Tigers command assaults eastern Homs & north-eastern Damas, how true are these reports? Both 5th Corpse & Desert Hawks Brigades has been observed in the area.
Chase Gutierrez
Plus Crimea. I think that was their main goal, to deny Russia access to the Black Sea and Mediterranean, and now have nothing but the shithole broke Ukraine to take care of
Jack Mitchell
A reporter in the T-4 base
I don't know, but SAA is planning to kill some ISIS areas once for all, pay atenttion on East Qalamoon
Hunter Ward
Ukraine general is still dead, hold me
Alexander Parker
How it is going /sg/? Give the best examples of your country as this thread looks dead. I will start: >Atatürk >Turkish coffee >kebab
Leo Foster
>Weon >Pinochet >IDH
John Martinez
>Give the best examples of your country >Bóg >Honor >Ojczyzna
Noah Ortiz
Why did DINA leave so many faggots commies alive REEE
Jeremiah James
>reagan >coke >burger
Jace Adams
Sebastian Wood
Can I get a tl/dr on the situation of Syria?
Ayden Russell
Allah Souria Bashar ou Bas
Caleb Peterson
Because it wasn't a "Dictadura", it was a "Dictablanda"
Assad + Russia kill many baddies America kill many good guys and fund Isis. Trump coming in to divide Syria into pieces and share with Saudi and (((others)))