Percentage wise, how much of the American armed forces stand behind Trump, like him or not, but bound by duty and honour?
Is a coup at all possible?
In the presidential campaign Trump's team said they had the endorsment of 88 retired Generals and Admirals. Meanwhile Mitt Romney had over 500 endorsements in his 2012 run against Obama.
Could the military remove Trump?
Does military stand behind Commander in Cheif?
Don't know, but man, that pic is a freedom boner.
Im assuming all non officers with more than half of all officers are happy that trump in commander
most of the ones who dont like him are toilet cleaning enlisted who just joined for gibsmedatz.
would I be correct in saying that Trump generally wants to keep American soldiers out of unnecesarry military conflicts?
with the appointment of Mattis Trump has at least 80%-90% support in the military.
Not enough against to even bother attempting anything large
chain of command, commander in chief. a 5-star theater commander during wartime is the closest america has to a figure with nearly so much authority. any separatist actions would result in, what? a junta at best! if america was a tattered starving shadow, then yes. but now we're imagining a lot of other shit that has to happen so why even
you think your average military man is happy with all the cuck shit that has been going on the last few years in in the US military?
Before he appointed his generals to high positions, ~65%.
Now? Probably 80-85%.
Oh and also, he has the alpha's with him aswell.
I'd say 90%+ support judging by reports, social media, friends I know in the military, the works.
Especially with Mattis. Might be 95%+.
Only ultra libshit niggers and spics, plus, the eternal poc female, are against him.
You froget people in the military are on average redpilled as fuck.
Also, despite some idiots and chip on the shoulder retards here and there, the large part are actual patriots and true believers.
thanks for the post, that was deep
Could the President theoretically lead troops in combat?
Yes, you are correct
Bulgarianon has it right. The only soldiers I know who dislike Trump are white guilt libcucks (very few), women, and negresses. Most hispanics I know actually like him or are relatively indifferent..
>military remov
They're ROTC which means they were fags to begin with. The only good officers are either Prior enlisted or from the service academy.
It's impossible to say at this point.
He certainly campaigned that way, but his view of necessary remains to be seen. I'm worried about his positioning with regard to Iran.
Overwhelming majority of the military supports Trump.
I'm a foremen at a manufacturing plant.
Our older Mexicans claimed they were voting and voted for trump
The job of the armed forces of the United States is to kill the nation's enemies. That's why they adore Trump. He actually has their back.
When the order comes down to march into shitlib and shitskin-infested cities and finally take out the trash, no soldier worthy of his uniform will need asking twice.
I can't wait myself.