>Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has promised to allow the “blue block” of states on America’s west coast – California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington to join Canada should they choose to secede.
>A legal precedent was established in the Texas v White Supreme Court case of 1869 over state freedoms.
>The merger would fundamentally change North America as we know it and transform Canada into a superpower.
>Trudeau is quoted in a news release as saying "It is well known that the Chinese word for “crisis” is composed of two characters, one that means “danger”, the other “opportunity”. "
>"Emergencies can create disorder, which provides an opportunity to reorder and rebuild, better and stronger. Donald Trump is giving Canada one of those moments now."
Canada invite liberal US states to break away from Donald Trump's US
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Mohammed you can't just make up news and post it on Sup Forums and expect people to believe it. You're learning english very well though.
Overall 4/10 needs work
>new york part of Canada
Please no
Let them have NYC, leave the rest of us alone
They can't join Canada if we're annexed first.
Rake me baby.
Need to also break off the conservative provinces and add them to America. Fair is fair, just sayin.
please don't make me go north and rake you Canada, it's cold up there.
but who would win the following war? how much of american military power would be transferred to canada?
>take liberal states
>doesn't dare to move on Alaska
sounds about right
I thought that was sunset sarsaparilla from the thumbnail
Fine fine. I can wait until the summer, you pansy.
trade you alberta for california
Lol we'll sell SoCal to Mexico for wall money and annex Jefferson before we let that happen with Cali. Make those fags reap what they sow
>After all this time, The South will actually end up winning
I cant believe it
>>Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has promised to allow the “blue block” of states on America’s west coast – California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington to join Canada should they choose to secede.
No he didn't.
Fine, lets finish the war of 1812
Saskatchewan goes into the deal too. Alberta and Saskatchewan are the exact same as midwest USA.
Holy fuck yes please. Albertan here, how do I sign up?
Well can the US take Newfoundland? I'm fucking sick of these liberal mainlanders.
have them, cali has been a blight on the american people for centuries
New Hampshire and Maine wouldn't join that shit.
Heck yes, I'd love to visit Newfoundland.
>join Canada
Those states far outstrip Canada's population. If anything, it's Canada joining the Pacific states.
This is some next level shitposting, Hans. I'm proud.
everyone with guns(real guns not 9mms) in cali would want to stay in the union. not much of a civil war desu.
>thinks its only LA
Just build a wall around LA and starve it
Upstate NY here
We will fight for our own damn independence before we bend a knee to fucking Canada, take NYC and Buffalo though
jesus, you could have been making 20 dollars an hour with the hillary election smear campagin.
How to get invaded by the US : a tutorial by Justin Trudeau
we would lose about 40% of our total population, but, by estimating from the DoD enlistment numbers, that would only translate to about a ~30% loss in troops, since the south (esp florida and texas) are overrepresented in the troops, while all of those states are underrepresented
This is bullshit although if it did happen the best thing would be that Spanish would overtake Quebecois as the second most spoken language and those faggots forcing everyone to learn French would be completely blown the fuck out.
Trade Alberta and Ontario for Maine.
If that happened, it would be a declaration of war. That's something Canada couldn't actually follow up on.
>Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has promised to allow the “blue block” of states on America’s west coast – California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington to join Canada should they choose to secede.
What? When? That fucking weasel
get fucked canada. t. washington
Source you cucked piece of kraut garbage
>(real guns not 9mms)
we would lose nuclear sub bases n probably some silos and stuff, though. at least most of the training grounds are on the east coast, right?
Not really familiar with Cali geography. Can the wall cover San Jose and San Fran too? How far gone is San Diego
>Canada basically annexing American states
>Implying we wouldn't just blow the Canucks to kingdom come, making them even more irrelevant to anything than they already are
Reminder that Great Britain begrudgingly finds us endearingly stupid, Leaf. You all are just Diet America, Britain Zero.
Stay outta Oregon you fucking Canacucks.
WTF This could never happen right??
I knew I should of moved to montana....
>Not wanting to merge with Mexico.
Umm, racist much?
All this "muh secession" crap didn't become a thing to take seriously until Trump. Texit was a massive failure and so will any other attempts for the same reasons.
If you actually support this crap, please swallow a 9mm bullet.
>take NYC and Buffalo though
fuck no, you need to deal with your own garbage.
I'd sooner welcome a bombed-out Sarajevo into Canada than fucking Buffalo.
I wish Trump would declare war on Canada so that Trudeau could just.. give us the country.
>implying Trump would let that happen
Alberta and Saskatchewan would join USA
Pic related is SD, which I believe is salvageable
Build and starve a good chunk of the Bay area
I'd be pretty OK with this, if only because it would mean Alberta is no longer the sole province propping up the entire goddamn country.
If this happens we take all of Canada.
Fuck you tyrone, we're better of joining Guatemala.
I don't want to be a cuck.
nice fake news
I'm just waiting for the Civil War to happen so 50 years later we can tell these fucks there flag is racist
We could just nuke Canada.
>meme states into joining Canada
>antifa fags happy about joining Canada
>be resident of nu-Canada
>start revolution to overthrow trudeau and no-government
>massive happenings, start Sup Forums Canada movement
>Chinese start buying up Canada property expanding from Vancouver all the way to other side of Canada
>Chinese take over Canada
>still be nu-Canada resident
>spy on Chinese government in nu-Canada
>cross nu-Canada border, give intelligence to bannon and trump
>china gets rekt
>be a war hero, Sup Forums recognized in history books in 2100
If true, Trudeau just signed Canada's death certificate.
>NH and ME in Canada
Fuck no
I refuse to be known as "Little Canada" just because everyone else is cucked
so having all liberal states join you makes you a superpower? super tolerant getting raped by lovely refugees you accept?
also if not on my phone i would edit a confederate flag on the remaining usa in the picture
In b4 American-Canadian War
Double quoted due to rage and Autism
Canada is worse the California. Fuck off. Canada is what happens when Californians control an entire nation.
Let Canada take the people. America will keep the land
Bits of OP are copied word-for-word from this article, which is all about how Canada, Trudeau in particular, should be strengthening diplomatic ties with the Trump administration.
You faggots will jump on anything, even if it's obvious Bullshit.
>California attempts to join Canada
>US declares war
>US annexes Canada
We need based O'Leary now
>Implying the U.S. would ever give up their pacific ports
>Canada offers to annex blue states
>Blue states vote to secede
>Trump launches second civil war to retake rebel states
>Civil war lasts 24 hours because blue-state libcucks can't fight
>Turns attention to Canada for instigating insurrection
>Canada now part of USA because Canada has no military
>Purge begins of leftist revolutionary elements
>America now great again and twice the size as before
How to get invaded: the policy
>literally the CSA 2.0 plus some current freedom loving states
I think we should keep northern Cali, though. They don't want any part of that shit
Eh, mostly Vanpoover and Toronto.
leafies are too cuckes for that to actually happen
So when do Alberta and Saskatchewan get to join the USA?
Why wouldn't they join Mexico?
Because brown?
As a California liberal that map is a fucking dream.
>2 wealthiest states ditching all the dead weight. >No more sending my tax dollars to Republican fly over states that elect leaders to rob them.
>Gentle and rational leaf bros to banter with.
>Can sit back and watch the red states destroy themselves with their awful political schemes while eating canadian bacon and drinking maple rum.
Lets make it happen boys.
Weakest fake news I've ever seen
Why would Canada want to take in an area with nearly double its population? Even weedman isn't that retarded
Rake Rake Rake Rake.
nice bait son, you might hook something
>Our Population Dwarfs theirs
>We have hundreds of the most advanced weapons and vehicles of war
>Attacking in Winter is no big deal.
>So what if they look like us, sound like us and are so familiar with our culture they can pass for us effortlessly.
>All they have are vast forests, lakes and rocky mountain ranges to fight and hide in.
>Nothing like that has ever happened in history, of course we'll win.
Come get some, future Popsicle.
Don't people understand that states are not homogeneous blocks? NY came out blue because an extremely small portion of the state has a very high population density. Cities cannot decide the fate of a state, if city people try to cede, the rest of the state will tell them to fuck off.
alright but uh, let me leave oregon first ok im moving to fl in a couple months reeeee
>2 wealthiest states
>not enough money to keep clean water flowing to all its citizens
If Texas did't get to leave under Obama you don't get to leave over Trump; cry more.
We need to arrange the trade, and laugh as Canada is destroyed by the American leftists. California, Washington, Oregon,New York and Massachusetts have more than DOUBLE Canada's population. Canada would be ruled by the American breakaway states.
>implying we would let Canada take anything
we aren't Canadian faggot
Fuck yes! Make Alberta American! American oil sands! Please KEK make this happen! I want to be an American!
If they take Alberta from us it'd be great too
Do we get to take the US Constitution as well?
Guess not, it's probably too much freedom for us and our newfound westies to handle.
>Canada thinks it can pull a Euromaidan on the United states like Russia
please let cuckdeau try leafs, America needs some wartime economy
and what the hell is a shitlib doing in pol
You'd be US territories within 72 hours. Half your population would welcome us as liberators.
Let me know when you guys figure out how to produce enough electricity and clean water for your state.
HINT: You might have to kill some endangered insects or something.
"if you annex us we win" is what it actually sounds like.
>cutting off the flow of federal gibsmedats
Of course they didn't leave