Does anyone else get the sense that this ANTIFA vs. ALT RIGHT shit is the damn Jews again???


Other urls found in this thread:

I could point out how 9/10 of the 1919 German communist revolution leaders were Jewish, how affirmative action was a Jewish creation in both Canada and in the USA, how they were the driving force behind opening our borders, how the lawsuits that allowed near unrestricted abortion in our countries were both lead by kikes or hell I could lay out the thousands of hooked noses behind the drug/porn/tranny degeneracy they target our children with. But I won't. Rather i'll ask that whenever someone in this thread witnesses societal/political rot ask yourself, and don't be afraid to do some digging if necessary, if a certain sunken eyed inbred tribe is behind it.

Sup Forums calls this 'taking the redpill' and it ruins everyone as it's impossible to stop seeing the (((coincidences)))

European diaspora desperately wants to escape responsibility for our condition.

So we keep searching for scapegoats far and wide

I don't understand this statement. What did you mean by this. It can be taken in two very different ways.

>nazis literally convinced that everything is a Jewish conspiracy

Of course. Alt right is their label. Antifa is their label. I'd say (((their))) identity politics is strong at work here. Don't let them direct the narrative like that.

Of course it is.

They're super pissed off about not getting their Jew World Order on time.

let me just double check here: Every single e-celebrity is (((them)))...isn't it

Jew, I . .

Europeans have been apart of all this every step of the way.

Blaming it all on a tiny minority is insulting and doesn't open up real solutions.

>... he said, ignoring the mountain of evidence threatening to topple and crush him at any moment.

They didn't invent alt-right. Richard Spencer coined the term with his website. They've created the widespread connotations and persona that it's associated with the alt-right, but the name is not their invention.

but they're so powerful. They are every head of every bank. Head of every media corporation. Every face we know. Every movie we've seen. Why shouldn't we take this into account?

shut the fuck up and go to your control opposition website TRS. We don't need copypastas.

This ends the anti fa

it proves that the old regime was protecting paedophiles.

No movement wants to be on the paedophiles side.

Pretty sure it's the Russians sowing discord

Of course. Dude is getting a lot of attention..
It will be positive though, since he's gay.

so you're saying it's the russians making up stories about the jews making up stories to kill the goyim?

Both sides needs to jump off a cliff.

Does anyone else get the impression that the Alt Right doesn't really exist anymore?

Like sure there were some people identifying with it during the election, but it seems like right wingers have largely dispersed from the label. Now it just seems like a label thrown on people the left doesn't like. Maybe I'm way off here, let me know if you still think it has a presence.

The entire argument of the left feels like "We've ran out of people to disagree with, so we made up our own opposition." ie calling everyone and everything racist/sexist/etc. Demand for that sort of behavior (coming from the left) far outstripped the supply. I mean legit racism hasn't had any hold in the public consciousness for a good while now. (Though liberal bullshit may be causing a comeback)

was a useful tool to band under a bit for trump, no longer is relevant at all. mostly a bait and switch to trick the left

The Jews have an average IQ of approximately 115. The mean verbal IQ of Ashkenazi Jews is over 120.

This means that Jews tend to be overrepresented when there's strong selection for IQ (especially verbal IQ). You know one what helps with becoming popular as a journalist, public speaker, Internet personality, et cetera? Having a high IQ and being good with words.

So don't be surprised if a disproportionate number of leading figures in cultural movements have Jewish ancestry. The shape of the Gaussian distribution means that, even if there's only a difference of say one standard deviation or so between averages, at the tails the group with the higher mean can be very very overrepresented. So, that's why you'll see quite a few leading conservatives AND liberals AND libertarians AND communists (not to mention comedians, physicists, mathematicians, novelists, the list goes on) who have at least some Jewish ancestry.

I don't come here that often because from my perspective this board is full of dumbasses. Also, no, I'm not Jewish I'm more or less 100% Irish Catholic by ancestry. But I'm fairly confident that the one I've just related to you is the correct explanation. Not a Jewish conspiracy.

I see you don't really understand the situation.

then why are they such an in-group? Why do they have median IQ's at that level if there isn't some level of coordination within the in-group to keep it that way, and not marry low IQ blacks etc. Seems like that's a conspiracy to me--especially when you consider the amount of BLACKED and MGTOW threads the jews publish here and spread throughout the internet generally. And are you claiming zionism (both jewish and christian) don't exist? I don't understand your point on various levels.

He has already admitted to intentionally fueling it.

Present a counterargument please. Explain what's insufficient about my explanation.

If you're going to tell me that the Jews are liberal, or pushing a liberal agenda, ergo they want to destroy the West, well I'm not going to like what I'm about to tell you but IQ might actually explain that too. The two issues where Jews are most liberal relative to the rest of the population are gay marriage and abortion, which also happen to the two issues where the liberal stance is most strongly correlated with IQ. It all makes perfect sense from my perspective, but...hey! Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the Jews have a secret plan to destroy civilization because that would benefit them in some way that no one has explained.

This is blatant racism, sorry sweety.

No, your hypothesis is reasonably coherent. I'd say the main incoherence about it is that you can't seem to decide whether you're out to lionize Jews or demean them.

Well, since "the alt-right" was coined by the (((media))) in order to defame...I'd say you're on the right track.

Lionize/demean is more of an emotional attitude than a factual belief. I don't see how uncertainty or ambivalence of attitude makes my claims inconsistent.

FWIW I think the Jews have certain admirable traits, but at the same time we're not responsible for advantages we're born with. It's luck. Blacks aren't responsible for having lower IQs either.

>They haven't taken the bog pill yet and realized the bogdanoffs are behind it

Do you need the quick rundown OP?

How are blacks not responsible for having low IQs? Is somebody preventing them from improvement? I thought we were aiding them this whole time.

Why not consider the posibility jews simply want to rule the world and keep everyone else in the position of livestock. It's already they way they describe us (goyim).

Thanks for your response.

>Why do they have median IQs at that level if there isn't some level of coordination within the in-group to keep it that way, and not marry low IQ blacks etc.
Well, I'll say this. We're working on the assumption that the Jewish IQ advantage is genetic. For a genetic advantage like that to accrue to a specific group of people, it would take generations and generations of coordinated effort. There's not really much evidence that Ashkenazim had a deliberate eugenics program going. It's just sort of an implausible conspiracy to posit without evidence.

A little more. Historically, Jews were endogamous for religious reasons and did not proselytize. This meant they were genetically isolated, which is one of the conditions for rapid selection for a certain trait. It makes more sense to think that Jews being legally corralled into cognitively demanding white-collar occupations, and their emphasis on religious scholarship, were what drove selection for IQ.

Another thing is that there are liberal Jews and conservative Jews, and they're quite different groups. 50% of Jews in America marry non-Jews and some do marry blacks. Drake, Maya Rudolph, Rashida Jones, Lenny Kravitz are all half-black half-jewish. Generally it's the liberal Jews who promote liberal stuff to the goyim, and have liberal values in their own lives. And there are conservative Jews who love Israel, want their kid to marry a Jew, etc. You could say they're working in tandem but they certainly do seem to be different demos.

Anyway those are my counterarguments. They may or may not convince you. Thanks for presenting arguments I respect that.

>trump picks CEO of exxon mobil as potential member of staff
>becomes secretary of state
>2 weeks in bannon already wants war with iran

Shit idk Sup Forums surely they aren't after ahem more oil or some reason to invade the middle east?

That comment was made on the premise that genes play a role in the black-white IQ gap.

Is that Jerry Seinfeld?

ugh, yeah?
half the people posting here are ashkenazi jews calling people skypes and kikes for satirical purposes, don't ask me how I know this\

Most of the real alt right posters went to double chan like 5 years ago

its clearly mike tyson
the most redpilled nigger of all

>Another thing is that there are liberal Jews and conservative Jews, and they're quite different groups. 50% of Jews in America marry non-Jews and some do marry blacks. Drake, Maya Rudolph, Rashida Jones, Lenny Kravitz are all half-black half-jewish. Generally it's the liberal Jews who promote liberal stuff to the goyim, and have liberal values in their own lives. And there are conservative Jews who love Israel, want their kid to marry a Jew, etc. You could say they're working in tandem but they certainly do seem to be different demos.
Addendum: and there are a good few in between who are liberal but also have a sense of Jewish identity or practice Judaism and stuff like that.

OP activated his almonds.

>have advanced history class back in highschool
>write A about WW2 and genocide
>learn a little about spartacus riot
>nobody mentions ((them))
>2 years go ago go on Sup Forums
>civil war and a communist revolution in germany
>sent lenin to russia
>bolsheviks win
>millions get purged in russia and ukraine
>financial crisis hits germany probably the hardest
>foreign money is able to buy everything for pennies
>german land and goods get bought up by merchants
>1920's berlin is turned into a modern day babylon
>degneracy everywhere
>media and banks controlled
>6 Millionen without a job
>can't sell goods
>farmers can't pay rents get bought up and starve
>((pure coincidence)) goy

It's Milo.

You can't improve your IQ.


I don't understand it
The antifa and nationalist groups of Europe remind me of middle school cliques going at each other
They have no concept of individuality thanks to their leftist governments

We're talking about genetics, son. You know, that thing that changes most easily from one generation to the next.

Politics are a team sport. Play as an individual and you'll lose every time. Don't play at all and you're at the whim of whoever's in charge.

Blacks aren't smart enough to understand genetics.

That made me laugh too hard

I don't know. There are certainly some idiots on the alt right, but no jews. Jews fight through ANTIFA

What are you, some kind of Jew?

>when the recessive genes start expressing.png

I'd just point out that the most ''''conoservative'''' jews I know also happen to be the most neocon--Ben Shapiro and Sam Harris, for instance are super zionists in their own ways. Compare them to the ''''liberals'''' like Chomsky whose job it appears to be to break down other western societies in a Hegelian dialectic--good cop, bad cop tandem as you say. I don't know of any jews that don't fit into this dynamic somehow. As in ones who don't give a fuck about Israeli/palestinian conflict or the holocaust or whatever. They all simply HAVE to chime in. Why? What else could be driving them to do this, except an ideology?

I don't give a fuck about either one of them--the jews or the arabs--but apparently this an opinion you CANNOT have if you're one of (((them))).

"Goyim" does not mean livestock. It comes from Hebrew meaning "nations", as in "the nations other than the Jewish nations". I don't believe that Jews want to keep the rest of humanity as livestock because I simply don't think there's any evidence for that, especially when you consider the fact that their IQ explains their overrepresentation in many fields.

What have the Jews concretely done to subordinate non-Jewish peoples (apart from the Palestinians, and the Israel-Palestine thing is a classic territorial dispute)? What percentage of Jews are in on this conspiracy? Is Seinfeld plotting our subjugation and enslavement? Most of them seem like decent people honestly and there's very very little evidence of an anti-gentile agenda.

I think one major reason is also that Christianity literally did not allowed their smartest to reproduce.Most people who had an education back when ((them)) weren't so massive over represented ,were priest.

But the church made sure that the people who are able to read and write to do not reproduce.


Nice comic book, nerd.

>(((there's no evidence of that)))

goyim btfo

by jews we mean the proverbial jew

What about Spartacus? Can you point to some good reading?

What? I was talking about the dudes who have a high enough IQ to call themselves Jews even though they aren't.

you want to knwo why alt right and anti faggots all appear the same?

they are all millenials under 30 with no fucking jobs and a bunch of time and sexual frustration

there are no adults in either groups

adults are still relying on the police and /or national guard to put their kids they no longer have responsibilty for in place

they are genetically extremely tribal and will invade other countries as an insular group as a parasite and destabilizer. its technically not a conspiracy but it might as well be.

>Does anyone else get the impression that the Alt Right doesn't really exist anymore?
The "alt right" never existed in the first. It was a politically correct way to say "deplorable" a.k.a. Trump supporter.

The left is dying, and will be "reborn" after it licks its wounds and recovers. This is the death yodel of a dying animal.

Some of us "alt-right" love the sound.

interesting theory--roman catholics btfo.

There is not much to explain,the most high ranking commies in germany were merchants.They tried a revolution similar to russia in major cities.Also they sent lenin on a train ride to russia for the revolution and ((peace)) with russia.

Also many who influenced Communism were actually german jews like Marx(true international merchant tho) or the whole Frankfurt School after WW2.Or even now you have some top tier commies in the parlament.

What annoys me is the goddamn "DON'T BE VIOLENT GOY!" bullshit coming from PJW and Milo. Not to mention "don't do identity politics no matter what!" I hope Milo gets shot.

Like lbgtbbq BLM Antifa and the so called alt right are meme movements, 2 sides of the same coin giving people a fabricated side to choose from hence they can release their anger and set garbage bins on fire.

They are low energy memes, anyone with a brain knows to avoid them like the plague.


We're being played via 10d chess

I thought I understood your post until the last sentence.

Yes, the extreme left has alienated huge amounts of people from the entire political spectrum. If they tried to attack all the other ideologies at once, they'd look like intolerant assholes so they just lumped everyone who disagreed with them into one group called the "Alt-right".


Yeah and he's attacking back.

you have no future in our country... you may as well leave now

I think the Church fucked up with not letting their smartest reproduce.Also the whole new testament made us prone and to soft.

>love your enemy goy
Meanwhile Achmed wants to kill all kavir and Shlomo is planning to rule the goys.

I think the weirdest part for me is how the MSM has taken these false movements with their narratives and run with them, not batting an eye at the idea that they're such blatant propaganda and bullshit. Like this thing with Trump and Schwartzeneggar or e-celebrities like (((Milo))) being kicked out of (((Berkley)))...It's such fake phony bullshit. All of it.

I can't believe they blare it out so confidently..

Of course it is.

It drives the narrative of division and a non-peaceful transition of power.

We will be crushed in the maelstrom and the US's remains will be harvested by (((them)))

we all know who won the war son... your cuck emperor died alone with nothing to comfort him but a bullet to the head... fascism is dead

y'all antifas need inner peace


Sure goyim don't belive the BOG PILL

what the fuck are you doing here you goddam fraud? Nobody's going to play your Nazis berus Gommies 2: Electric Bogaloo you rabble-rousing kike.

No. Antifa has always been cancerous.

of course it is
any conflict ever can be traced back to the jews, every time
how new are you

Mabye my memory is too short, but I don't even remember the word "antifa" until recently. I assume that even if that word had existed before (recycled ideas are nothing new) then it seems like (((somebody))) has brought it back to the fore so violently that it is causing people to bring violence into the streets.

typical trump voter..

they've been in europe for decades. Skinheads versus gommies is a game the european jewry has been setting up for a long time now.

I don't give a fuck about either one of you, arabs or isaelis. Just leave me the fuck out of it. Tired of your zionist wars, faggot.

Yes ever since /r/altright was deleted.

Unfortunately, it seems to keep roping us into their endless shit, such as in the case of the pre-existing World Wars.

Milo isn't alt-right and has never said he was.

Anybody that supports that prancing homo should be thrown in the ovens with the commies.

Charles Lindberg was right.

Yes, the Antifags are forcing us to defend faggotry.

just like how neocons like Wolfowitz and christopher hitchens forced us to defend zionist-slanted atheism.

It a Jew civil war that's going on right now. Just like the Jews on Trump's side and Israeli nationalists vs the globalist Jews. I like to think of it like the old spy vs spy comics, Jew vs Jew.

>he still believes in free will

this goy

The Jews near me were suspiciously silent about this election. I guess it wasn't quite clear where to place the bets or who would best slurp Israel's butchered cock.

What do you mean by this?

I say they're working together. Prove me wrong.