Typical middle class' 9th Grade, America
>25 pupils
(wait for it)
>30% white
America is multicultural, multiracial more than you nazis even imagine
Typical middle class' 9th Grade, America
>25 pupils
(wait for it)
>30% white
America is multicultural, multiracial more than you nazis even imagine
This user has invented a new form of statistics based on a single sample.
That's not very typical at all really. I live 45mins drive from NYC and 90% of the kids in my Daughters middle school are white. Niggers and spix maids cant afford to live here. Chink doctors and Indians working at IBM can though, they're okay...
majority of america lives in rich white areas.
Majority of American whites are poverty stricken and don't possess advanced degrees. That being said...compared to a lot of places in the world America is "rich".
It's called Urmom distribution-driven ANOVA, mate. Learn your shit.
>how do you guys spot us shills?
we have about average iqs, and you guys a fucking idiots.
Typical where, lol?
Fucking christ why do all of those people look like shit? My school had much, much cuter girls than that. They're all like 5/10 or less for their age. Do girls just not give a shit about looking good anymore?
There are only 1 or 2 whites there.
WTF this is NOT okay!
I'd say everywhere except Redneck Murica. Those states will be the white man's reserves once you guys reach 30% overall and start getting your racism back.
Igoudijil wtf is that name
Colin looking smug as fuck, he's getting ready for a new high score.
Probably from Maghreb. Muslims are a consistent minority among young Americans.
>also I need to point out the FOUR Hernandez, who look completely unrelated. Lol
>This is what "diversity" means
Wow, thank you leftists for the enriching, wow.
You would think of all the flags you would choose to proxy as Australia would be the last. Fucking leafs.
Still can't handle our president's bantz, huh?
nazis lost, this is not news
*autistic screeching*
Nigga we still better then your shit island
That yearbook picture was probably in a Texas school.
Just because we're 60% white doesn't mean there are niggers roaming free wherever they want to. We have a 180,000,00 and that's plenty.
You don't know anything about USA demographics, eh? The South and a few major cities around the country (Detroit, NYC, LA) are where the niggers are.
The daycare near my place (I live in Toronto) literally only has black and brown kids. Not even ONE white child there. This is the future of Canada and it's only going to get worse.
The five kids on the bottom left all have the same last name.
Massachusetts here
we had two black kids and I dated the only Korean girl.
keep telling that to yourself young, angry white boi. Look at this
>Ask Anyone from Minnesota lol. They'll confirm. Rape gangs roam there like in Sweden.
>pic related
I have a bad feeling about Joshua Heyward
Colin's wondering what life would have been like at Columbine.
Joshua 'Shmoney' Heyward
I live in Minnesota and I've only seen refugees in Minneapolis and Dearborn.
Not that bright i see
Floridabro here. Most of the schools in my area average 70-75% white. The other portion is mainly Hispanics.
>I'm from Sweden and I've only seen refugees in Stockholm and Malmö
You sound like this.
God I love Hispanic girls.
Just to trigger you guys I will probably marry one.
My school had even less whites.
Never send your white children to a black school. TRUST ME
This is off topic but it's the only chance I'll get to ask you this considering the fact that you're REAL and not a shitposter, so please answer.
Tell me about the Abos. Personal stories, did you go to school with them and where do they live?
Literal retard. Hispanics ARE WHITE, they're direct descendants of the Spaniards.. You're thinking of the dark-skinned Latinos.
Sample is obviously not taken from a yearbook from a PRIVATE school. Or even from a school in a good school district. Oh. And dindus still only equal 13% of the population. Muh diversity. Piss off.
But seriously, this means nothing because that class is probably in Baltimore or Atlanta or some other negro city
Most of America is white
Those are the ones that I like, the native american 4'10" ones.
>latinas when referring to female btw.
Then why did you call them Hispanic, dimwit?
Richard Hoang looks stoned as fuck
Thought it was mestizo ?
this. even those don't really look white. chase hopkins is probably closest
>Jeb married a border goblin
>somehow this triggers Sup Forums rather than causing us to laugh our asses off
Do whatever you want bro, it's your kids!
most of the whites are in private academies.
Mestizo is a mix between Hispanic and Latino.
not going to have kids, Our environment is fucked people don't have much longer on this planet.
>white """people"""
ooooo well that is good to know.
Anyone here ever have sex with a puerto rican girl?
>America is multicultural, multiracial more than you nazis even imagine
old news
lmao at Regan Hugar
even those are starting to get overrun with slants and poos
a bunch of fucking names I can't even pronounce...how can people have let this happen?
>Hispanics ARE WHITE, they're direct descendants of the Spaniards..
good goy
55% niggers.
They are 13% of the population.
This is not typical at all.
Hispanic = no racial criterion, adhering to Spanish language and culture to include New World Spanish
Mestizo = racially mixed, specifically between European Spanish stock and New World aboriginal peoples (eg, Maya)
Latino = Catholic or Catholic influenced, or tied to "Latin America"
Chicano = ungrateful and deeply angry American born in America who nevertheless tells everyone they meet that they are a proud Mexican
i don't see no slants and poos using affirmative action to get into my kids schools, so i'm ok if they earned the right to be there.
mestizo are hot af
On crime reports there are only two categories to classify criminals; white and black. Latinos obviously aren't black, so...
Mmmmm I already knew these terms.
This is probably Southern California. Anywhere in the Midwest, Northwest, or Northeast will look much different
post the grad picture of that same class, i dare you.
Sven detected
Maybe because they're in 9th grade, and you're hopefully not attracted to them anymore?
I ship Chase Hopkins + Taylor Hopkins
I mean pockets of new-england look like this as well, people don't know but we are actually the most segregated area in the U.S. We have low amounts of Blacks and hispanics and 90 percent live in same areas.
All I see there is white americans, OP. You know, true white, not like us nigger spic chink abo jew mongrels.
>Not a single white guy.
Fucking hell.
on a similar note
Too bad half of them will be deported by 2018. So much for non-white America
>too bad most of them are probably 3rd+ generation nationals that can't be deported
What the fuck is with their faces? Why are they so deformed, not even going to talk about how most of them are darker than the average gypsy here.