Most people understand by now that the wage gap is a myth. Ads like this will inspire a generation of feminists. Boycott Audi!
Most people understand by now that the wage gap is a myth. Ads like this will inspire a generation of feminists. Boycott Audi!
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Is this just virtue signalling, or is there a deeper conspiracy at play here?
Audine marketing team is a bunch of retarded audiots
Dat like/dislike bar
*audi. Not audine
>watching the Super Bowl
>giving even the slightest of shits about bread and circus sports
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.
Reminder: NFL doesn't allow pro 2nd Amendment advertisements.
Fuck those guys.
Of course it is. That's what advertisers do.
4 rings of feminism.
On another note, I wonder how many other SJW approved ads will air during the superbowl. I doubt this will be the only one.
Link to the real one. It has over 23,000 dislikes compared to only 1,000 likes.
they're trying to get feminists to buy Audi cars. Let's see how well that works. Most of them have worthless liberal arts degrees.
see this, already linked
What do you mean by deeper conspiracy???
>rich white girl pushing around poor white boys
>rides off in Dady's brand new audi
>bitches about being depressed
This add perfectly explains white liberal college girls.
I wonder how much money audi wasted on this bullshit
We get that shit all the time from bank ads weirdly. There was one ANZ ad that made me want to find that particular marketer and strangle him to death.
show us an example.
millions wasted
Be prepared for rage fuel.
its already illegal for businesses to pay employees differently based on gender. Those laws were passed in the 1980s.
On the note of a deeper conspiracy, think about the companies that push these ideas. I wonder who owns them, who's sitting on the board of directors. Because we have Marvel pushing social justice and feminism and we have now have Audi pushing it... And Audi keeps appearing in Marvel's movies.
So I wonder if there is some kind of cooperation going on behind the scenes. Like how Viacom owns MTV and Comedy Central and they both push social justice and general leftist ideas.
They're all getting the marching orders from somewhere. If not then someone's basically only hiring people from a certain political affiliation.
On the actual video, it's so fucking stupid acting like a woman would be treated like she's LESS because she's a woman. Uhhh... Men do anything for pussy. Men elevate pussy. Men treat women like they're MORE because they have a pussy. They're complaining about the complete opposite of what actually happens in reality.
Do (((they))) want people to believe the wage gap is real for their own benefit of some kind?
>On another note, I wonder how many other SJW approved ads will air during the superbowl. I doubt this will be the only one.
There have been some other pro-immigrant stuff that's airing too apparently. But I'm with and I say fuck the whole thing..
(Which is weird because my company is actually working the superbowl this year so I have to go help the NFL anyways).
Fuck man, I actually liked Audi cars. What luxury brand should I buy next?
I did some googling....
feminism is funded by massive corporations. There is probably a hidden agenda. What do you think is their goal?
personally, i don't like expensive cars because they are all depreciating assets.
Budweiser is doing one about immigrants
Honestly, it's about the status symbol. Driving an Audi onto campus everyday and watching the tears of art majors knowing they could never afford it was awesome.
I hate the grills on BMW's.
>muh liberal arts meme
weird. I got a polisci BSc/MA and was making 74K before I went to law school (UMich - don't worry, you can't get in).
Is law another "liberal arts" degree to you 45K a year codemonkeys?
I really would like to see you get strangled, but Im sure you will commit suicide before 40 anyway.
this is the type of feminist bullshit the corporations are supporting
Do they not realize it could've been a halfway decent ad if they dropped the feminazi tier pandering and had made it run of the mill "gurlz can do anything" tripe instead?
I like that someone with a shred of sanity at the marketing department made sure the father spoke with a deep gravely voice to try and persuade men they can still be masculine when they buy an Audi.
advertising serves a double purpose as propaganda
In less than two weeks the OP is going to be here complaining about how Trump fucked Canada up with that failed inverted quantum missile test which irradiated each and every Canadian moosefucker between Vancouver and Alberta.
>Driving an Audi onto campus everyday and watching the tears of art majors knowing they could never afford it was awesome.
Wew lad, so your parents bought you it.
>What do you think is their goal?
Well this feminism in particular I think they're trying to promote women having more money because women are more easily manipulated out of that money through marketing and trends.
They can use useful idiot feminists to promote other agenda too, since everyone loves bundling different issues together and selling them to the public as the same thing despite contradictions. Like feminists supporting Islamists who technically hate feminists and oppress females.
calm your tits! i don't consider a law degree to be liberal arts...
PoliSci hardly counts as a liberal arts degree. I wouldn't classify it the same as a hard science, but I throw it into a limbo category with the likes of economics.
wasnt the superbowl last year all about black lives matter and gay rights?
that's why this shit is obviously an agenda. most superbowl watchers are probably republican.
>Showing the hardships of legal European immigration.
I see no problem with this. If it was some wetback sneaking over the border in a desert and was shown in a positive light, I would be outraged.
You can get a used Audi for a reasonable price as long as you're willing to shop a few model years behind and aren't looking at full spec cars. I got mine for 15k. Admittedly I should have used the money to pay for classes, but we all make poor decisions.
Islam and Feminism should be opposites. There are many muslim countries where women can't drive, yet Islam and Feminism gets along very well. This I will never understand.
Nfl is gay. Men in leggins and helmets and armor? Wtf?! So it wouldint be surprise with dildo comercials at sulerbowl
Yeah me neither and it goes to show how people think in terms of what I call "emotional association" as opposed to rational, logical analysis.
Basically since they don't like the same group of people, in this case the stereo-typical redneck boogeyman, they somehow think they're allies or they're together. Because people look at that shallow thing they have in common without actually looking at the ideas and views each group proposes with it's own words, which are contradictory.
When people ignore logical contradictions it usually means they're trying to use emotional manipulation for some kind of dishonest agenda.
well said.
Feminism is a movement where emotions are treated as facts. And Facts are treated like hate speech.
the truth ^^
commited to equal pay for equal work.
tatical bait and switch.
hidden redpill
desire to do equal work intensifies
Audi... Committed to following a law passed in the 60's like every other company has been doing for 40+ years and handing out all the other quotas and affirmative action required by law to women. HOW SHOCKING!
so. is Cadillac /our car?
>Femshit diatribe
>Comments are disabled
Every time. I'm sure Audi will shut theirs down soon.
>feminism is funded by massive corporations
That's a funny way of saying kikes. Also it doesn't need funding, just a platform, which is what it gets through government, media, and acidemia.
fuck, so what car do i get now? guess im stuck with bmw or mercedes? any suggestions?
The wage gap isn't a myth, but the "77 cents to the dollar" meme is.
The wage gap really exists in the form of unpaid domestic labor. Women (like your long-suffering mother) aren't getting paid to do work around the house. Sharing finances with the husband doesn't count.
>so. is Cadillac /our car?
It's Dodge you faggot.
>Feminism is a movement where emotions are treated as facts.
>And Facts are treated like hate speech.
Think about these two statements for a moment. If it's all about emotion, then why do the reject certain facts? BECAUSE THOSE FACTS DONT MAKE THEM FFFFEEEEELLL GOOD.
A wage gap makes them feel like they're victims and they can exploit that. Saying there is no gap makes them feel responsible for themselves, something they don't like to feel. I'm agreeing with you, just taking the idea further to show just HOW much emotion is driving the movements here.
or Ford
Watch the audi stock go down
your posts are gold.
Oh look, they got rid of the up and downvotes. Now they'll get rid of the comments soon.
>that spic with the neck slice hand sign
>woman driver
>Women (like your long-suffering mother) aren't getting paid to do work around the house.
> Sharing finances with the husband doesn't count.
Yes it fucking does. And she shouldn't be expected to get paid for literally just taking care of themselves. No one pays me to wipe my own ass at my house.
by sharing finance, do you mean DIVORCE RAPE him via the family courts?
do you mean divorce raping men using the courts?
downvotes keep coming, lol
Help us against antifa
Both of these would make it way easier
Who cares?
Audi is a fag car