Confirmed best president

Confirmed best president.

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And we get him for another 30k years.

At which point he is announced Emperor of All Space and Time.

holy shit i missed this


That would fuck the SJW movement in the ass.



Noticed it when I was killing time between meetings.


further proves how moronic he is.
> a select group of students and or other citizens nearby lashed out in an anarchic manner, now I will halt funding of their entire college even though they wanted Milo to speak and discouraged the anarchic acts

are you fucking retarded?

Berkeley failed to provide proper security to protect the speech of Milo and the Berkeley CRs, despite knowing how much unrest Milo events cause. This is on the school and the administration.

>Liberalism isn't deliberately spread at these institutions

>tfw #notmypresident

i love this guy so much

>you invite families to your young child's birthday party
>one shithead little kid is a brat
>parents do naught
>yo can you control your kid or leave

try again

>knowing how much unrest Milo events cause.

Knowing how violently the left reacts to a conservative homosexual.

Don't give in to the narrative that MILO caused this.

The irony is that almost all of the "federal funding" is research grants. Since UC Berkeely is one of, if not the best physics school in the nation, and perhaps the world, you are working against your own interests if you banned research grants.

Also, since only 13% of the school's funding is federal, I think they'll be OK.

Who needs physics? Universities should teach deal making instead.

>what is violating free speech by using violence to shut it down?

Why is he black?

ObamaLeaf if this is you i' swear i'll wreck you
you little shit.

FAFSA. Snowflakes take federal money and loans to go to adult daycare.

>allowing it to happen


>if not the best physics school in the nation

>the best

The best part is, this is a real tweet.

There was a fake one about defunding CAL on pol yesterday

Can we change their animal logo from a donkey to an ostrich? Sticking their heads in the sand has become standard.

I agree they should've planned better but acting like the college themselves condones what happened and that they actively practice it is an insanely idiotic thing to say

if Berkeley the college loses federal funding, it will close down and take Berkeley the down city with it

I would argue at this point physics has become so dogmatic it's holding us back from our potential. They refuse to believe they could be wrong so we are boxed in.

Security was funded and booked by the local Republican student org. Their fault, not the campus management.

this was my one top wish, that he does something about universities especially lowering their budget

I will literally hang up a trump portrait next week, this is probably the best and most caring leader since hitler

His tweets are worded so perfectly. Trump is a fucking poet.

Explain user?

>when the patriarchy doesn't pay for your women studies

The has worked to facilitate and intellectualize the ideas that inspired these riots for decades. They're partially responsible of all left wing violence that occurs in the US.

I didn't agree with that at first, but then I talked to a Californian on Twitter.

Defund them, ASAP.

if you have specific evidence of UC Berkeley teaching these anarchic acts that'd be great

>since only 13%
Profit margins.
Even 5% is a huge kick in the ass for a university, since like a business, they are actually expected to turn a profit.

Funny - I'm sure they'll follow the money elsewhere.

I'd agree with you, If this was the first time this has happened. These colleges not only codone the behavior, they indoctrinate it. Then they have the guts to beg for government funds to repair what their mindless slaves break.

I'm sure all those grants would just go to someone else and the people who need them can follow said grants. So it really boils down to if the university cares about losing it's prestige or not because they are unwilling to get tough with a bunch of criminal agitators.

Plenty of physics and engineering grants end up in military applications pretty quickly. Trump wants a strong military? Invest in the guys who can make technological progress.

The internet was created at Berkeley, ironically. Of course, neither Trump nor his supporters are aware of Berkeley's previous accomplishments as well as their current research. The actions of a few anarchists who arrived from off campus should have nothing to do with federal funding.

I don't think you guys are fully aware of how important "Adult Daycares" are? How many living notable people, who have had a significant impact on humanity haven't been to "adult daycare"?

I knew Trump would do something based today. I switched timelines during class today, I could feel it.
Best timeline.

I can't think of a single person who attended adult daycare and benefitted society.

Yeah it was created there when it wasnt a giant marxist shithole that is so infused with attacking others who dusagree with them.

I'm so happy we got Trump. He's 1 in a million. If he can pull through all of this, he's going to save humanity itself.

Well, I guess you can start off by listing your God Emperor.

I know it pains you to read this, but you're going to have to go to adult daycare if you want to be somebody in today's society. Not because it is some bullshit convention we all do for the hell of it but because it works. The majority of humans are terrible at self teaching, that's why 99% of all living and dead notable scientist attended universities.

We would still be living in dark ages, if it wasn't for the invention of Calculus.

>the nation

But UC Berkeley has allowed free speech. They in fact invitited Milo.

Trump is a retard.

Seriously, he's losing my support fucking fast. Who the fuck allowed this shit?

Berkeley doesn't want to lose funding, so with this threat hanging over them they'll straighten their shit out real fucking quick.

give me a quick rundown, what is Trump's relationship with the Bogdanoff complex?

This is Berkeley. This is supposed to be one of the best Universities in the country, and almost the whole student population are liberals who believe in free speech, and all those other freedoms. Yet when the University and it's students are presented with a differing view they threaten to us violence to silence the offending party, and the University basically didn't do shit. They support their students.

It's also not the first time Berkeley has done crazy shit, we all know this. Difference is, this time the Berkeley students have nothing to stand on. This was blatantly wrong.

It was the college Republicans who invited Milo, not the school. The school, mayor, and police let it happen

They only reluctantly allowed him to speak and sent out a school-wide email stoking the flames before he arrived.

Their punishment must be more severe.

>losing my support
You're not American, so it doesn't matter.

None of this shit happened. Love how the "alt-right" has to make shit up now. You are not any better than CNN even if you think you are.

Lets just stick to the facts:

>Berkeley said it was a good idea to invite Milo
>Berkeley said it was sad that protesters (who werent students btw) got violent
>Berkeley condoned the violence

You faggots literally have to make shit up now. Dont worry, people will sooner or later realize you're not any better than the people you're supposedly fighting against.

The police, once again, show themselves to be pussy fucking faggots. I don't understand why it didn't go like this

- local cops call all other PDs within 30 miles
- ask for assistance
- when you mobilize, start with tear gas
- then beanbag shotgun and rubber bullets
- arrest everybody
- charge them with felony rioting

Police gave multiple dispersal orders. Once it turned violent, nobody there was innocent since the rioters can easily slip into the crowd and get away. We need to send an example.

If the police won't do it, we the people need to do it. Arm yourself. And do not hesitate.

How many of those universities were run by people purposfully trying to dumb people down?

They'll have to shut down all research, 13% is a huge margin. They won't want this either, no Research Grants = your University ranking and prestige is fucking dumped.

There are a lot of Universities with good business and law schools but without an engineering or medical school and it kills their rankings.

Research is also a big part of AAU accreditation. This would actually, no joke, kill Berkeley.

That's sort of the point. The university should've provided the security. It's their job. They are a state actor. They don't get to be political.

>Since UC Berkeely is one of, if not the best physics school in the nation, and perhaps the world, you are working against your own interests if you banned research grants.
Good, then they've got skin in the game. Wouldn't want to hold back such important research so a few brainwashed antifas can pat themselves on the back for burning down their homes in the name of a some hypersensitive brown people's feelings, would you?

We all knew America was going to crack under Trump, starting from the ideological bubble (left wing oriented universities) to the rest

>The university should've provided the security


Maybe he's just trying to bring California down a few notches. Shift that research towards other parts of the country.

>adult daycare is all higher education
It seems you don't understand me on that part.

Modern cops are just civilians who happen to have a badge and gun. They aren't trained on proper threat assessment or suppression methods that don't involve a fucking fire hose.

This is also partially why generally unwarranted shootings of unarmed black people has been brought to light. I used to be a beat cop for a while in Boston and the guys there basically just walk in and get let onto the force if they have family or friends on the force already.

WTF? I love Romania now.

Nah, he's absolutely correct. This was a university event, it's their job to make sure events are secure and no one gets hurt on campus.

You're retarded. The administration of the university has a responsibility to make sure that Milo's event, which was not illegal in any way, proceeded peacefully. Instead they washed their hands of it and let a full blown riot happen on campus. It should be embarrassing for them.

al gore invented the internet, idiot.

Requesting proof that the Berkeley administration (not Berkeley population) supported violence.

>The majority of humans are terrible at self teaching, that's why 99% of all living and dead notable scientist attended universities.

Tinkering has brought us 100 times more than all scientists combined. Science follows technology usually. Take a look at aeronautics, rocketry, jet engines etc. All massive advances made by people that were just trying to make shit work and the science and theories came later after they found out it worked.

And they did. They dispersed the crowd. They also cancelled the event after seeing that a dozen people cannot really do shit against hundreds of protesters.

> Instead they washed their hands of it and let a full blown riot happen on campus.
literally making shit up now

The so called "alt-right" is losing my so called respect pretty fucking fast.

You are not any better than the so called "leftists" you're fighting against, and just as retarded.

How is it moronic?

If the school is afraid of losing funding and impresses this on the students maybe next time the students see rioters show up in masks ready to set fires and hit people with wooden sticks they'll tell them to fuck off and let Milo say his piece as is his First Amendment right.

t. antifa

Also please show me laws or Berkeley rules which says that Berkeley has to pay money out of its pocket to secure any kind of event organized by a fucking student club.

If you cant I assume you made that shit up too.

Not even an argument

>angry grandpa threatens to turn off the HBO

Trump won't do shit except take more hair loss pills.


You're clearly misstating facts to intentionally obscure reality. Your words are akin to calling the holocaust a "summer nature retreat" then proclaiming that everyone else is lying.

I'm betting you're a Jew.


It was the college Republicans
There were surely students involved in the protest, this is fucking Berkeley, the student protest capital
Berkeley said, via Breitbart (just a quick google)
[while] "Yiannopoulos' views, tactics and rhetoric are profoundly contrary to those of the campus," [the university] is committed to the "enabling of free expression across the full spectrum of opinion and perspective."

It can be construed as them accepting Milo, but they haven't specifically stated they didn't support the violent protesters. You can't claim they DIDN'T condone the violence, and considering Berkeley's track record and political stance I'm not inclined to believe otherwise.

"alt-right" is a shitty strawman btw, fuck off back to soviet bloc hellhole you impoverished slav

>The actions of a few anarchists who arrived from off campus should have nothing to do with federal funding.
The University administration was complicit, so fuck them.

>misstating facts

making shit up now literally. Making up WORDS

fucking lol

what a fucking retard

this meme is actually funny lol

>banned research grants

This is how dumb the left is...they would just be disqualified the grants would go to someone else

How do you divorce tinkering from science? That's a fundamental part of the method. Tinkering did get us pretty far before we had a methodical way of progressing, but since the scientific method we have seen our rate of progress increase exponentially.

But this is Berkeley we are talking about. They are the top public school in the nation, the have the 3rd best engineering program, 2nd best business, and an amazing cancer research center. I would have killed to get into Berkeley. It's unfortunate how things turned out the other night, but threatening to cut federal funding because of the actions of a few, who might not have even attended the school, is ridiculous.

>the internet was created at Berkeley

kek not really user. If any university in U.S. helped propagate the widespread use and application of the internet it was University of Illinois with the creation of Mosaic.

Get out commie fag

Why bother? You're clearly and idiot and even if someone showed you exactly what you're asking for you would still weasel out of it anyway.

There is no substance with you, only a jelly like slime.

>It can be construed

>but they haven't specifically stated they didn't support the violent protesters

actually they did. YOu are just a lazy faggot who clearly believes everything he reads because of your single digit IQ

People were beaten for wanting to attend this event. The university did not do its job.

>if someone points out my lies I namecall

Not an argument.

Did you even fucking watch the riot retard? Cars got torched on campus lmao, and people got injured because they let the niggers run around unchecked. That's embarrassing for one of the supposedly smartest places on Earth. Why is it you're defending the niggers again?

You cannot "misstate facts"

That doesnt fucking make sense.

Honestly, it does suck for Berkeley, and for the research they're doing. But professors can move to new universities that get new grants, and hell it might not even be at a school outside California. But Berkeley sat on their hands while they let their student body and administration become extremist. It was fine when they were being civil, but hell I wouldn't call all of their protests civil. Now they're acting out violently, and there's no doubt in my mind that students were at least supporting, if not leading, the violence that occurred. That's unacceptable. Protest is protest. Vandalism and censure of Free Speech is censure of Free Speech, and the University/Students might be made to pay.

>Enabling free expression across the full spectrum of opinion and perspective
Sorry sempai but it really sounds like officially they defend free speech. It's impossible to interpret this any other way. You may claim that they promoted violence unofficially but the burden is on you to prove it.

You must be too poor to think


Confirmed Dictator.

oh no. only if their was another top level school in california, specifically the bay area, that I could attend

not an argument

Maybe the campus police weren't equip to handle a riot. How they fuck can anyone but the anarchist be blamed for this. Riots happen often enough for us to know how uncontrollable things can get. This was a small event that only lasted a few hours, not 3 day riots in Ferguson. I can't imagine this type of response from the President any time there is a riot.

Lets ee actual facts now, since it seems you need to make shit up because of this faggot who also loves to make shit up. I'll say this once and just remember this: You can lie all you want but its gonna all coming back to you.

That is literally the Berkeley opinion on this. Lets see how they "supported" these violent protesters as you faggots just said:

>Campus officials said they condemn in the strongest possible terms the violence and unlawful behavior that was on display and deeply regret that those tactics now overshadow the efforts of the majority to engage in legitimate and lawful protest against the performer’s presence at Berkeley and his perspectives.

>UC Berkeley officials and UCPD went to extraordinary lengths to plan for this event, working closely with the Berkeley College Republicans and putting the appropriate resources in place to maintain security. Officials were in contact with other university campuses where Yiannopoulos had been asked to speak, and they paid close attention to lessons learned. Dozens of additional police officers were on duty for Wednesday’s scheduled event, and multiple methods of crowd control were in place. Ultimately, and unfortunately, however, it was impossible to maintain order given the level of threat, disruption and organized violence.

Wow, it turns out the "alt-right" is not any better when it comes to making shit up, spreading fake news and misleding morons? Who the fuck knew?

Hope it all comes back to you, I really fucking do now