MEME Magic Confirmed!

Beyoncé has taken an official "WE WUZ" photograph. How did you do it, Sup Forums? How did you meme this into reality?

Isn't she supposed to be black

Black celebrities straighten their hair and use cosmetic to brighten their skin.

I don't even know anymore. She looks, dresses and acts white, but she claims to be a supporter of the black community. What is her endgame, Sup Forums?

Yes...thats why she made herself as white looking as possible

But hey, at least they know what the market wants

>Pol can't tell what white is.

Have some respect you insignificant ape. Thise beautiful woman carries a future KING that will rule over plebs like you.

Why do her supporters not mind this? It's practically saying that white women are more beautiful than black woman, or at the very least white attributes are more aesthetically pleasing than black attributes.

>be beyonce
>never pose nude
>get pregnant
>decide to pose 99% nude
god dammit i hate this gay earth

Beautiful human submarines

JayZ is kind of ugly. I feel bad for her kids as this is going to be a Bruce Willis situation all over again.

Of course we can tell, we're simply stating that it appears she's ditching her black roots to look more beautiful (white).

Yes, being a cross-over star as a black female requires "light skin" because the world generally does not like dark women.

Beyonce has a black father and 1/4 black mother.

You gotta look deeper. She appears white in this photo shoot, she's trying to say that the Egyptians were white.


I honesty wouldn't be surprised. Younger generations worship celebrities for a folkish reason that I for one can't comprehend. They'll worship those children, guarenteed.

Nefertii is bae, right Sup Forums?

She has millions of non-black supporters that may not have supported her if she still rocked a tan. Beyonce was always light-skinned and black people have supported her since she entered the industry, her color never mattered to us. And she doesn't look "more beautiful" with that washed out skin so your theory is kinda dumb.


I want to destroy that fat, pregnant ass.

The "meme" has been around before 4chin even existed, retard.

Can I watch

>inb4 she gives birth to Destiny's Child

If you don't think that photo is edited to make her look more light-skinned than she actually is than you're fucking retarded. It's clear as day when you compare it to this un-edited photo of her.

Children. She's pregnant with twins.

>implying they'll both make it

shes a fucking hypocrite thats what
she knows most of her fanbase is white people so she has to pander to them but at the same time play both fields with her black community folks

I wouldn't know, I don't keep track of delusional black fantasies.

You are retarded. Sup Forums didn't come up with "We Wuz Kangz", that is literally a rap song/album by NY rapper Nas. People heard about it and circulated it, which is when it ended up on Sup Forums. You are fucking retarded and should never post again. I suggest never using the internet again either.

Why would anyone say "WE WUZ" out of the blue if it wasn't based on reality? It's logic, you moron. It's not about keeping up. Delete this useless nigger infested thread.

She doesn't look remotely like the average African-American. How could they even believe that the Egyptians are their ancestors?



I know. I'm just memeing, I just thought it was funny she put an ancient Egyptian in her pregnancy photo of all things.

Oy vey like she wasn't artificially inseminated to further more trash. Im Queen i get twins. Nig power. Im going to laugh when her kids come out retarded.

she almost looks white.

Tan. Beyonce's natural skin color is quite light.

With that skin colour it's almost historically accurate

Fuck you; we did this!

>suddenly skin tone matters to a bunch of racists
