>IQ of 125-130
>Dad is White
>Keeps proclaiming he's Jewish
>Has black hair and brown eyes
>Hoping I roll 25% kike
Wish me luck
>IQ of 125-130
>Dad is White
>Keeps proclaiming he's Jewish
>Has black hair and brown eyes
>Hoping I roll 25% kike
Wish me luck
can't beat me
damn, you'd make some fine ass soap
what the fuck kind of beaner name is ian douglas
Do we seem like ants to you? Is your mind like a beehive where you can juggle thousands of different thoughts at once?
You have to go back to the place where you have the most DnA from.
>Be Mexican
>IQ 136-139
>Dad White
>Hair and Eyes Brown
>Medium-dark brown skin
How long does this take?
Oy vey
A made up one.
Giving your dna to (((them))).
Kind of. I've had my fair share of mental illnesses. I also got into an ivy (no legacy or jew-nepotism) while totally slacking and smoking weed in high school so I guess I'm pretty smart.
Fucking poncho nigger.
hi benjamin.
>Selling you genetic sequence for 99 bucks
Why is pol filled with retards?
We've got a detective here!
maximum overjew
talk shit about my brother again you double nigger
I knew what it meant as I ordered it.
I don't intend to commit any crimes, nor do I intend to reproduce.
I'm literally just going to live that cuck life.
Fucking oven dodgers, I swear...
Could you perhaps be slightly more Jewish?
Get a load of this goy
T. Lamp
>99.5% euro
I'd rather be .3% less Jew than be tainted with spic and nigger blood.
Fucking Schwartze
The most disgusting thing about this is the fact that despite the improbable nature of running into a 95% pure kike is the fact that it took 9 minutes to find one on Sup Forums, fbsp no less.
Found out why I'm so hairy
How it feel the nose? doesn't feel it would anytime fly away from your face?
you are the jewiest
assuming that is your DNA, whats your bank account like?
>Being a gook
Don't these DNA scan companies make you sign away the rights to your genetic material? Fuck that shit, in 20 years genetic modification might be much more common. You don't want some 3rd party running around with your entire sequence.
So pure
Stormweenies be mad
t. Jewish master race
No, it's worse. I'm poo in loo : ( god help me
>literally 4/9th Nazi
Man, all the salty goys mad that they arent jewish master race. Thankfully I'm sephardi/basque so I'm gods chosen. Not demon spawn ashkenazi.
>20% human
I rolled quarter kike, what do I win?
highest IQ
feels good being chosen
Are you my long lost twin or something?
Dude im in college and the son of Ukranian immigrants senpai, I wish it was Rothschild level.
It's not too big, but it is jewy.
Be careful!
Oh shit I've got some Ukrainian ancestry as well. In the town of Pereyaslav Although my family has been here for 3-4 generations.
>relevant to anything
back to the oven, schlomo.
Other Jew but this is what's waiting for me once I turn 21
Read their privacy page befre you go full tinfoil. There are 2 reasons why this would never be useful to law enforcement.
1) It's an online service so there is no way to properly authenticate whether an individual submitting DNA for testing actually is who they claim to be. This violates chain of custody rules.
2) The methodology used for testing racial makup is very different from what law enforcement uses to identify individuals, so the data is practically useless.
what are your plans to do with it?
I'm waiting OP answer
Ahhh I see, my parents came here with about $2,000 in total, from Korosten and Odessa, gonna try to make sure my future Jewish grandchildren are loaded though.
Spend half to fund a terrorist attack and the other half to be invested in VIX and Gold.
The only way.
>no Jewish tricks getting into uni
>$400,000 nest egg for your 21st birthday
People know that these are just heuristic bullshit right?
Yes, 23andme and ancestry.com sell your genetic information to third parties. It's not a full sequence, it's just a panel of SNPs, but still, without regulations against health insurance companies using that information, you could definitely be screwing yourself over.
FamilyTree requires your permission to give your genetic information to a third party. The downside is that it's more expensive, but the upside is that it also offers mtDNA and Y chromosomal DNA in addition to autosomal DNA if you're interested in your maternal and paternal lines.
What tricks do you think could've been pulled?
No family had gone, no donations...
I got good grades, test scores, and I'm a good writer.
>checks flag
Not surprised
I won't be able to answer you for about a month.
i'd use 1/2 to buy a small house and as much land as i can.
save the other half for emergency/invest while working a job that i truly liked rather than one i hated but need to pay for a mortgage.
>Just heuristic bullshit
>Racial Composition
>Heuristic bullshit that has no utility
Black hair and brown eyes is in no way an indication of Jewishness. I have red hair and green eyes with this and my dad has dirty blonde hair and blue eyes.
But if he says he's Jewish, he probably is.
fucking goyim, always trying to live a self-sufficient life without causing cultural decay and insurrection just for a couple extra shekels.
LMAO bro, you're a covenant behind the times
how did i do
Well shocking, at least Jews didn't try to erase my country and my people
checked and CHINKED
But sefardies jews have hispanic features.
Also many of my jews friends who are sefardies looks exactly like latinos or arabs.
That's true, but I'm referring to Ashkenazi, which are by far the most prominent type in the US, which is a good thing.
Post cute jew nose desu
Almost every American I see do these tests has majority, or most of their DNA from from Britain and/or Ireland
So much for "German Americans"
This triggers me
as requested
the 97.8% jew nose
Hej Ivan
t. Slav
That's all the proof I need.
OP here
That looks like my nose. I wasn't expecting such an upturn.
Mine has huge pours on top of this.
Maybe I really am part Jewish.
aside from the 1 bump is it really outlandishly jewish? what if I told you it was the nose of my catholic friend
I've met my share of smart as fuck minorities in engineering classes.
Catholic is not a race mate, I'm a Greek Orthodox Jew it really did not make my nose any smaller.
Although I was blessed with a non crooked one, thank God
Not all Jews are equal. Ashekenazi are far more favored than the rest
i'm no slav. At least i don't think of myself that way.
Well genetically you are, at least according to Sup Forums """""""experts"""""""
Castizo nose here.
What could be my ancestors?
I know my mom's grandfather was pure Italian but i don't think i have italian nose.
A free train ride
Just buy a DNA test and have it shipped back and forth.
That's absurd to even try and derive your genetic lineage from a picture of your fucking nose. At best, you could post a clear picture of your face and have people guess.
>0.2% east african
>tfw your great great great great great great great grandparent fucked a nigger
>European 100%
>Jewish 97%
Hmm...really makes you think
How do you know it wasn't great great great great grandmother who fucked a nigger?
Your nose is quite upturned though. Hooked, but upturned. Kind of like mine.
Are big pores a sign of Jewish blood? Mine are massive.