LITERALLY low energy
LITERALLY low energy
>having to argue against australian shitposting banter for 45 minutes
most people don't even survive 2 minutes...
but thats the australian flag
I would get fucking tired of Australian lag as the faggot going "Huh? Huh?" every single second because of latency too.
What is there even to discuss?
Australia is fucking irrelevant.
It was probably 45 minutes of
>be american, get shot
>yeah nah cunt australia's the land of the free
>australia will be the new world power by 2020
>we saved your fat american asses in WWII from the japs, you're welcome
>cunt, you're speaking australian right now
>best HDI in the world cunt
>why do you guys sound so canadian
>yeah nah, take those refugees yeah, diversity is good for you
>ausie pm is an inter-dimentional soul-sucking vampire demon confirmed
Australians smell funny, I've been to Australian and they smell worse then the 60% mongrols here.
No way? really? I want to hear more
I'd be sleepy if I had to talk to fucking Turnbull too
And just like that, the world's leading exporter of dank bants was blown well out, by Mexico.
australia is a pure UN cuck nation i dont know how anyone could be proud of what this shithole has become come at me UN shills
Donald had to take a nap while Prepbull was satisfying a regufee
Australian PM is based
Many such cases!
lmao trump is gonna get stroke as hillary got
Ive seen a couple aussie tourists here in chicago theyre really loud and swear alot.
Fake news
Yeah that's caused by us wiping our ass properly and not sharting in the mart, might want to look into that.
Its amazin ghow these "sources" listen in on confidential, private phone calls between world leaders and from listening in can determine the energy levels and feelings of the speakers.
Like you could do better.
Its common knowledge that Australians elect their Prime Ministers based on latent shitposting talent.
After he was elected Turnbull spent the next 2 years in a hyperbolic time chamber.
This is an apex shitposter we have on our hands
Literal strawmans. Hear that? Liberals like men whom scare crows and protect their fruit and veg.
>globalist kikes are OK when they're from Australia
Fuck off. The deal is bad for both countries. Australia has to take in 4000 refugees and America has to take in 2000. What's the fucking point? Just boot them back to where they came from. You cunts should be more pissed about the deal than us.
Pick one
Fuck off Australia for trying to push your shitskins on us
being tired of Obamas bullshit doesn't signify low energy
He needs some guacamole to increase his energy. Unfortunately Jeb! has purchased all the supplies in anticipation of the upcoming trade war
all trump needs to do is not allow anybody who has committed a crime into america... they all went to australia illegally. is that really so hard?
Jeb! for white house guac chef.
Haha there's le meme in ur post xD
Fuck off, German