Ciccariello? More like Cuckariello amirite
Beat me to it Sup Forumsand.
They are such liars. No one is afraid of being outed as undocumented at Berkeley. Anyone who is openly brags about it.
Fuck Milo.
why would he do that? theres a government website for that.
An obvious story concocted to try and justify their unruly behavior.
>(((Reliable sources)))
>Somehow the undocumented were documented
>Free speech only applies to us!
>Our violence was just!
Where do I recognize that handle
Oh yeah it's this irrelevant fucktard
Is he still talking?
wtf i hate milo now
>Publicly name undocumented students
>In 2017
If this were the case, then why couldn't he just post it somewhere online? The same people who would go to the speech would probably read it anyways.
>undocumented students
>illegal immigrants
Gee he wants to out people who not only flagrantly break the law but form their own special identity around being illegals, but expect special treatment for it?
Obviously just cause to riot.
>assaulting people to hide criminal and stop speech I don't like isn't fascism
Milo just doesn't care what kind of suffering and chaos he causes. He just cares about his own publicity. He will cause more and more subversive violence. Milo is literally the Eternal Jew. Never trust him!
If that was his goal wouldn't it be easier to email immigration?
wtf I hate Ciccariello now
Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
I've only caught snippets of this from Sup Forums, there's no news on this. Wtf happened at Berkeley with Milo? A riot and a coverup?
>Reporting illegal immigrants is bad
What did he mean by this?
that is fucking dumb. You actually think that is a clever statement? lmao dumb fucking shills this is why you lose
Milo is an attention whore who is only in this for publicity and fame, but he triggers liberals better than anyone besides Trump
>no no, you absolutely have the right to speak, you just don't have the right to utter words.
Kek'd, that fucking guy.
The polarization is so great that there is an equal opportunity for duplicity on both sides. I didn't follow the particulars of the speech. If it was a paid speech, then an economic boycott makes sense. But if the speech was unpaid, then there is duplicity to shut it down by libertarians.
Milo has never done anything of the sort, fuck these lying pieces of shit
Stfu rambles
What's wrong with naming criminals?
>undocumented students
Oh no!
What happened to their documents?
Did they lose them?
Did somebody steal their documents??
Jesus Christ if he had it he could just post it on the net.
Fucking morons.
god damnit i wish that was true though
Couple things.
>reliable sources
>nobody said this yesterday, so it can't be the cause of the riots
>if I murder a baby and later learn it would have become a serial killer I'm still a dick
Post hoc justifications, lads. Not even once.
Even if this was true, which is incredibly unlikely, what would it matter? No one at Berkeley would give a shit or do anything about it.
he was invited to speak by some people, other people prevented that
anti-first amendment rioters don't have the right to rescind an invitation to someone elses speaker
when you're right,
>Jews have the right to live. They don't have the right to live here
This no one has the right to decide who I do and don't want to listen to
>defending illegals
Even if true, how is this not treason?
but liberals four days ago were doing the whole hashtag thing about "undocumented and not scared" or whatever.
so which one is it? they confuse me so much
just read through his responses. he is sooo full of shit "i can't tell you my sources, but you have to admit, it fits milo's style"
I... don't understand. Isn't reporting illegal immigrants a good thing? Why would stopping him from doing it be good?
He's a kike that adopted the name of his spouse.
Can we report him to Drexel again? I already sent an email to
Niki Gianakaris
Director of Media Relations
[email protected]
Tell them he shows a history of being a violence promoting, free speech hating communist.
I'd imagine you would get preferential treatment, scholarships, discounts and heavy helpings of white guilt for the rest of your schooling.
He should get an armed escort and pick a fight with protestors. They only need Billy clubs. I'd do it for free.
I don't consider naming students who have violated the law by being here, and now taken resources from citizens by attending a taxpayer funded state university a bad thing.
It is a public good.
A cuckike then
...but he was invited.
Damn. I remember when people had "reliable" sources on Trump saying "nigger". Then that turned out to be bullshit.
Also, as much as right wingers really need to be patient and not retaliate against AntiFa to win over people, I wish this guy would get his teeth kicked in.
He's saying that the students the don't want him there don't have to let him in.
The mental gymnastics he had to do to come up with this could win a gold medal
these kikes know they are lying, they are so brazen. it's a part of their schtick. such bare faced lying so obvious it disarms people.
fake news
Fuck Milo, Fuck Drumpf, and Fuck white people.
you've almost got to admire them. their absolute complete lack of shame or hounour is almost endearing.
>California saying it wants to become a sanctuary state
>guy comes who you assume is going to call out illegals (fucking how)
>Shut it down like as if you don't want to comply with the first point
I'm confused
Checked, but thats not anywhere close to treason mate.
>you have to admit, it fits his MO
hmmmmmmmm...........rally jaggins da ol niggers
>you gotta admit...
People paid police and invited milo there. The student cooperated with the school.
This is an attack on expression. PENCE HURRY THE FUCK UP WITH YOUR BILL!
he was finished forever ago, we always hated that dirtbag shill, tell him to get fucked for all we care
rn he feels the heat from that comment and doesn't even know where it's coming from
Letting in those dago motherfuckers was a mistake
Stupid Antifa fag gets destroyed by /pol how typical
When will they learn?
Official /pol Discord:
>someone commits a crime
>conservative: "Hey, that guy is committing a crime."
>liberal: "Wow what a fucking nazi let's burn this place to the ground and commit our own crimes to make sure the other criminals aren't caught committing their crimes."
>somehow the liberals think they have the moral high ground
Honestly, I didn't believe it at first, but now that he mentions it, you DO have to admit that it sounds like something that could possibly happen in a hypothetical situation that is made up and not possible to confirm in any way so I guess that makes it true. I really expected better from Milo.
Polly brings the bants
That's the guy that said White genocide was good btw if you lads don't remember
That the haitian genocide was a good thing
Who the fuck cares?
Name them all. They're criminals.
Milo was shut-down because he had actual fact-based arguments.
I was being facetious ;-)
>not reporting crimes
They're legitimately a cult.
>you have the right to speak
>but you can't speak here, and even if you try we will attack people and loot businesses
How long after they vandalized the Student Union did these "reliable sources" surface?
You black?
Mic drop
>He cannot publish those names online.
>He cannot give up those names on Tucker's show.
>He cannot forward them to ICE.
But he was literally invited to speak by a Republican student group.
>aiding illegals is necessary and good
>helping people break the law with impunity is necessary and good
Enemies of the fucking state.
>what is a sanctuary campus
Is he really this retarded? Not like UC Berkeley would have done anything about those illegals.