Here is a teacher saying he will get his students to punch people
Leftists Encouraging Violence Thread
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Here is a Muslim inspired by a "Punch a Nazi!" internet tough guy
Who is this teacher? What school do they teach at? Why should they have a job after a statement like that?
Good. A good Nazi is a dead one.
jesus fucking christ, people like this should be stripped of their job and put in jail
the thing is, these kids they teach have no good family, they have no one to look up to
as soon as one professor tells them to do this, they will especially with peer pressure
i am so enraged that these kind of people are teaching the next gen of cucks
i've never owned a gun
but god damn do I want to carry one from here on out
>Who is this teacher? What school do they teach at? Why should they have a job after a statement like that?
I don't know. I just posted his statements. He clearly wants to encourage his students to be violent. It is disturbing.
Awfully brave of a German to take a pro-Nazi stance on such a heavily-monitored messageboard.
Don't dox, it makes us as bad as the left
>taking someone with a minions picture sincerely
i bet you sincerely believe everything someone here says too
i'm pretty sure my life is over if someone ever sees what I write online, I even started a red-pilled whatsapp group and if anyone ever rats me out I'm done for
free speech is seriously dangerous here
What? I am doing nothing but republishing something someone posted publicly on twitter. He is publicly bragging about how he will get his students to become violent.
We want antifa to be more violent
If anything I want the current left to start a violent revolution in order to overthrow Trump. This would give legitimacy to all of Trump's claims.
He's just an antifa infiltrator
posting public internet posts is 100% legal
>do you count jewish people as white
need to see the answer to this
>We want antifa to be more violent
If he wants to become violent that would be a lot better than getting underage kids to be. He is a coward. What happens when one of his 15 year old kids seriously injures someone or, equally as likely, gets seriously injured?
>What happens when one of his 15 year old kids seriously injures someone or, equally as likely, gets seriously injured?
Then society becomes even more radicalized, which is what brings the left closer to violent revolution.
The best case scenario for the right, as I see it, is a violent radical leftist revolution it will be the Communist Revolution of 1919 in Germany all over again
We need all the academics, Hollywood Jews, Democrat politicians, jewish media, etc openly calling for a violent revolution.
In fact I would encourage anyone on Sup Forums to infiltrate leftist sites (reddit) and convince them that they aren't being radical enough.
Shame any leftist who is calling for peaceful or moderate stances.
What wastes of human flesh. I get your point, though.
Here is his spoken word. What a beautiful mind.
what a try hard