How does one go about finding a suitable girlfriend? Every girl I meet is "omg add me on fb hahah look at this pic of me getting wasted xddddddddd". I can't find a girl who is either conservative or an introvert like me.
I'm 19 (almost 20).
How does one go about finding a suitable girlfriend? Every girl I meet is "omg add me on fb hahah look at this pic of me getting wasted xddddddddd". I can't find a girl who is either conservative or an introvert like me.
I'm 19 (almost 20).
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Talk to people and go to the right location, expecting to find a introvert conservative at a nightclub isn't the best idea.
conservatives can go out and get drunk you know?
im an introvert and the though of going to a nightclub disgusts me. also i dont like drinking (((alcohol)))
Mine looks like a fucking tumblr girl (septum, birgt color hair) but she is racist as fuck. I'm trying to redpill her little by little. By now she won't say anithing good about Hillary like every fucking leftist fucktard here.
She doesn't give a fuck about politics or history, but I am changing that.
go play sports, and she will find you.
i lift 4x a week, pretty tall, in decent shape, smart. No female attention (or maybe there is but i do not notice)
sports. they need to see you competing with other males and winning. it will get her juices flowing, they can't help it.
Honest advice.
Focus on yourself, make yourself better. Be more social, and just polite to people. And that is polite, not a fucking creep. Be polite, and girls will be all over you
I'm just like you. I'm an introvert, I've joined no clubs in college so far, and I don't have a very big social circle at all. I'm not going the cop out route, where a friend of a friend sets me up for a date, or I just date someone I already know. Here's something I've found out: if you want a good woman, you have to be the one going out there.
First, think about where you're going to find the type of girl you want. You probably won't find a conservative introvert in a bar/club.
Second, you have to go out and approach women, and talk to them. I know, easier said than done. Thing is, that girl that you want just isn't going to fall into your lap. You have to be the one to approach them. You have to be the one that takes the lead. And here's the deal: as you approach more women, you start getting more comfortable around women. What does that mean? You get options. You go out on a date with a pretty girl, and you find out she's some party slut. No problem, since you can approach and talk to women, you can go out and date a different one. And you keep doing that until you find a woman that you feel would be a good match. Remember, don't get stuck on the whole "she's the one" mentality during this part. You have to be able to screen women in and out.
Absolutely. Improving yourself as a person is a good thing in itself.
>Be polite, and girls will be all over you
Be confident and polite. Girls like that. Doesn't mean that a girl will approach you, though, but you will definitely improve your interactions with women.
Unless you happen to find a girl that isn't absolute whore materiel these days just get a fucking waifu dude.
There's better shit to spend your time on than trying to slay.
I lost it at 24 there is still hope for you Faggots
Stressing about what age you lose your virginity is a societal trap for plebs.
Stressing about a girl's politics (especially when your politics are guided by a board as fucked up and manipulative as pol) is a huge trap.
If you research how to please women online you can learn how to turn them on and get them to put out far quicker than stupid images like the OP one imply.
There's no point of no return, just depressed people giving up on themselves.
I should point something out since this is Sup Forums. If you're a fat neckbeard with no sense of style and no personality, you're going to be at a major, MAJOR disadvantage. This is where the self-improvement part comes in. You lift, you buy some good-looking clothes (and good shoes), you work on your body language and personality. Do you have hobbies? What inspires you in life? If you don't have a hobby, get one (vidya gaemz and watching anime don't count. It's okay to be interested in those, but you should have something other than those too).
What women are going to watch inexperienced grown men play sports?
Go to church user. All the girls at my church who I am familiar with save themselves for marriage, are against abortion, and have a strong moral and values system.
Homosex is the true redpill
>17 @Dec 2012
>once in my life
I swear virginity has reclaimed me
My sister is a white virgin pro-Trump redpill who I keep expecting to start talking about the Jews any day now.
She's fat though. Someone take her off my hands.
i wish i didnt lose my virgnity
Would she be good looking if she lost the weight? You can ship her over here if that's the case
I lift. I am also an aspiring mathematician, though I don't think that exactly turns women on.