Why does this trigger conservatives? In which way is your life affected or ruined by this?

Why does this trigger conservatives? In which way is your life affected or ruined by this?

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sometimes blacks get lucky with brainwashed women

Not at all.

But some racist blacks exist. They probably laffing at you in bed.

Anyway those are mentally ill whores.

>Why does this trigger conservatives
It doesn't, most real conservatives have no problem with miscegenation

> In which way is your life affected or ruined by this?
Turns your country into Brazil

>implying the black guy won't leave the woman after she has his child
>implying she won't become a disgusting single mother welfare leech

no one like to see the results of bad parenting.

When those black boys impregnate the coal-burners and leave them, which is a statistical likelihood, I will have to pay for their welfare since I have a job.

It doesnt trigger me desu, all i feel is pitty and shame for white women who fall for the BBC meme and either end up beaten, dead, single mothers, or a combination of the above.

The vast majority, the OVERWHELMING majority, or BMWF relationships that produce children are out of wedlock and never ever get married. Think about all those poor children growing up with unintelligent mothers and non existent fathers.

Why does America need that?

Crime rates.

I fucking hate being a Canadian on this board.

why does america need niggers and coalburner welfare queens with beige babies?

Why are leaf so liberals?

I honestly don't care, but it's weird that white female x black male is always pushed by the media but no other races are. Not even black female and white male.

Hmm... I wonder why...

Yeah and it's just creepy to me. If it was not pushed so much I would not even care, but it seems that society has a fetish for it for some reason. It's as weird as a greasy weeb and a asian women. youtube.com/watch?v=DI5fHIhqrPE

Yeah she's obviously rebelling against daddy~

america needs more single white moms with brown babies

>america needs race mixing
>but only like BMWF k

Sickle-cell disease is a genetic disease
" People who carry only one copy of the sickle cell gene do not have the disease, but may pass the gene on to their children."

" The sickle cell gene is passed from generation to generation in a pattern of inheritance called autosomal recessive inheritance."
" In the United States, it most commonly affects black people."

Because it's so virulently pushed as normal that a white has to question what the fuck is going on.

Women go on welfare after the dindu's leave because "they dont stay for the child rearing". Soin societal terms it hurts everyone as the child is statistically more violent,criminal in nature, and its a drain on public resources.

So in short, blacks are horrble but if ya burn the coal, ya gotta pay the toll

>highly sexual social campaign pushed on social media and in mainstream media to humiliate white men in particular by depicting and encouraging white women to pair with non-whites at a time of unprecedented foreign immigration

It's not hard to understand why this is not going to be taken well. Its intent is to provoke and then vilify white men. It's really a horrible and disgusting thing to do, but it's hypocritically justified on the premiss of what is actually hatred and bigotry against whites and especially white men.

Sup Forums wouldn't care if it wasn't relentlessly promoted. It's just very obviously a part of a wider agenda alongside immigration and the lowering of white birthrates via social engineering to genocide whites.

This. Even normies notice it and think it's weird.

>Why are Americans afraid of blatant propaganda that pushes the genocide of their entire race
Are you that bad at shilling?

It doesnt. Chivalry is dead.

This. The fact 12-13% are exaggerated in relevance is highly suspicious.

WMBF isn't pushed
...Yes, yes it is.


There is a good reason for it though, female reproduction is highly limited especially in the West where they curb it on purpose. Which means if you want to win a demographic conflict even by having more children you merely increase your numbers while theirs rise slower or stagnate. The moment however you go after their women, you basically won. Any women of their group who has children for yours is a HUGE loss of investment on their part, somewhere around 400-500k € when looking at New Zealand and what a woman costs the state over her life while a huge boon for yours.

You do only increase your own reproduction numbers, you completely kill theirs. Any halfway functional society jealously guards their women to an extreme degree, women going outside the group aswell as men going after these women are met with hostility and derision at best and violence at worst. Look at how black men react to black women dating outside their race, open hostility and often outright violence. Muslims tend to kill them no question asked, because killing that one woman keeps a dozen more in line. There is a reason why honor killings in Europe are rapidly on the rise, because women in general don't give a fuck when younger. The most absurd part is that people go "Oh Europeans, so angry about this!" while ignoring that the people who demand access and equal rights to all of Europes resources from hard cash to it's women are jealously guarding everything they deem theirs. It's a completely one sided exchange to the benefit of only one side that ultimatively makes it lethal to the one that is being shorted.


>In which way is your life affected or ruined by this?
My tax dollars going to their support when nignog leaves. A nigger once told me white women are great for sex but mama wants them to marry a black girl. Granny don't want no cracker looking baby. So knock yourselves out white ho's. You're just being used.

BBC is a meme

because blacks are less than whites. white women are better than that. say for the mentally ill.

It's something like 3% of couples for America. Yet it's like 40% of couples on TV, film, music videos and advertising.

Anyone who says they can't see the agenda is lying.

ain't there a movie coming up about how the anti-miscegenation laws were abolished by a white dude with jungle fever?


All the fucking Nigger lovers in this thread.

I'll tell you why it triggers us. Because the social trends of a single generation are throwing away a millennia of superior breeding. Women are propagandaized to see black people as ideal mates when in truth the opposite is true. White women destroying their heritage by mixing their genes with inferior blacks will do nothing but bring more suffering to humanity as the global population devolves. Nothing angers me more than white women who think it's ok to procreate with blacks.

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

White girls do it to get back at daddy for the most part. I think you underestimate how little people think about the decisions they make.


rare detected

Exactly this

jesus dude

>Women are propagandaized to see black people as ideal mates
And yet its still not statistically significant. If it wasn't promoted so much it would barely ever happen at all.

I thought all people were equal and there was no difference between races??
but these relationships are particularly good because of their mixed-race nature? isn't that ... dare I say it.. racist?

Tribalism. Another tribe comes raiding for your women you crack their skulls. It's deeply embedded instinct.




Not gonna lie, former coal burner here. This is fucking hilarious watching mudsharks crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let our race go extinct.

this this this this this

I'm a Christian, and according to the good book, bestiality is a sin.


Paracitic relationship

Europeans don't care. Their women, their land, their jobs, their homes, their resources; it's all available for the taking.
Just get into a European county by any means neccessary.

because why (objectively) do we need that shit?

gene flow and gene pollution.
literally throwing away all your ancestors hardship, interfering with evolution;speciation

>le bestiality meme XDDDD

White women are the most racist people on earth.

>kike propaganda and subversive marxists convince some gullible young girl that niggers are human
>ruins her life
>liberals don't give a fuck because they are evil pieces of shit

death to liberals

There is 40,000 years between us and niggers.
200,000 if you include Neanderthal admixture.

All pissed away by dumb 19 year old sluts with shit parents and shitter societies.

Less whites => worse country.

Don't kill yourself just because facts are old



>girl gets beaten and knocked up
>now she's a single mom on welfare
>her kids grow up to be shittier than her

Degeneracy affects everyone.