Cuckservatives unironically look up to a faggot Jew who exclusively fucks black guys

>Cuckservatives unironically look up to a faggot Jew who exclusively fucks black guys

The literal fucking state of the right.

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And yet the gay immigrant gets kicked out by liberals because he says things they disagree with

>Just another day in paradise

>he thinks people can't see through his shit

>liberals unironically believe a coalburning gay Jew is a Neo-Nazi
The state of the left is far worse than the state of the right.

hes the ultimate trojan horse

>look up
nah, we just like to watch the left destroy their own ideologies. it could be a talking duck for all we care.

nice bait btw

It's Divide and conquer.

Didn't you learn this with British Empire?

I don't care where he's from, what he looks like or who he fucks. That's the core difference between the right and the progressive left

He's ideal because no one can accuse him of being homophobic, racist or antisemitic, you thick retard.

All fags and jews should be killed, to be honest, lads.

Meanwhile, you add another piss-bottle to the pile in your aunt's basement.

He's the future though. He's the part of the coalition of conservative gays, nationalist jews and angry white men to take on globalism. Embrace it because it's the only chance in hell we've got of beating leftists.

Do people actually like this shekel whore? Wtf?

> I like queers but only if they have the same political views as me

It says a lot that the right is so much more open and tolerant than the left these days.

>right wingers

>open and tolerant

>plebs dont understand he is just a very effective pawn

gay, jew, fucks niggers and yet people still call him racist. gives you an opening to point out the debilitating retardation.

The BBC is superior. He is just fulfilling his role as a slave to the BBC. He should have a white woman to let the BBC impregnate after he preps it though.

Can these threads just be banned already

>open and tolerant
You say that like it's somehow a good thing

Spot the difference:
Liberal OP attempts to break a person down into derogatory categories.
Conservatives enjoy an exchange of ideas and intelligent conversation.
You got issues, bud.

Usually we just say OPs a fucking faggot, but this works too...

I will never respect for a man who takes it up the ass.

Fuck it they aren't even men.

it's kinda funny though.

Fuck at least make an attempt.

Everyone stop replying


He's inadvertently redpilling normies and enraging SJWs all over the western world, why should I care if he's making mad shekels and sucking black dick?

Kill yourself, fag-enabling Crew shill

Milo is the perfect guy to bait out the violent, psychotic hatred of the Left.

He's a giant, flaming degenerate who should be, by all standards, a raging Communist fuckface. Instead, he's a conservative, and that drives the Left insane with rage.

There's nothing on Earth they hate more than minorities that escape the plantation.

These Anti-Milo riots will only serve to redpill normies and shift the Overton Window even further rightward.

How can anyone actually take him seriously? He's a fucking joke.

Is he gay?

Milo has and always will be a terrific and visible punching bag for our opponents.
He needs no support just to be left to do his own thing.
And we benefit from him.

That being giving him any attention is a bad move for the right. He's like a disease, send him into liberal retarded land and forget about him

You never ONCE felt like blasting his anal cavity with cum?

He's a filthy libertarian.

>Usually we just say OPs a fucking faggot, but this works too...
Thank you

> Kill yourself, fag-enabling Crew shill
He shoots, he scores!

I am one too tehe

It's so true, it's like we really are on the best time line with this guy on our side.

>paid (((Shareblue))) drone
>goat-worshipping Hebrew Satanist

That asshole was going to show his supporters how to uncover illegal immigrants and report them to get deported, and they are certainly cruel and racist enough to go through with that shit. Knowing the facts, what happened yesterday is completely justified and it should happen everywhere he goes.

>Moldova is unknown territory


"hi Im Milo and Im gay. did I mention Im gay? Im super gay so it's silly to oppose me. anyway the left loves identity politics which is bad"