Justin Trudeau is soon destined to meet Donald Trump in person

Justin Trudeau is soon destined to meet Donald Trump in person.
What do you think is going to happen, Sup Forums?

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He wins.

Trump fucks his wife, Kek wills it.

Drama teacher vs. billionaire businessman when you think about it

This tbqh, and Trudeau will love it

He's going to humiliate Trudeau more than Turnbull because nothing would happen if Canada is humiliated yet again

He will kill him like he was programmed to do.

>slurp slurp slurp

But if he kills us, we win.

Trudeau is the Canadian Jeb

This makes or brakes us. We just saw what happened to Australia. If Trudeau flinches AT ALL we are fucked.

We would never be allowed to talk to you guys again :(

Justin Trudeau wins after he is electrocuted to death by Mike Pence.

Yes leaf, you will win.

Trudeau will atempt a roundhouse kick but Trump is going to sweep his leg before he can pull it of.
Trudeau dies on the spot due to breaking his neck when hitting the ground.

Hes gonna plank on a table while trump fucks his wife yugely

I keked for a solid minute.

He'll bend over, obviously

Trudeau will wear a burqa to the meeting.

>Trudeau is a glorified Obama pawn
>Trump just came back from a trashtalk hotline with aussies, trying to swallow a shitty deal made by Obama himself

Cant wait

First he will throw Trudeau into turnbuckles and then stomp a mud hole into him and walk it dry.

After that it's just a kick to the gut and a Stunner for the 1,2,3.

He's going to demand the US pay for the wall.

>What do you think is going to happen, Sup Forums?

It's gonna be a complete shhitshow.

Trudeau has thrown far too much shit at Trump to back down now (and lose all credibility with Canadians).

He's gonna act tough and get fuckin REKT because of it.


>Canada pays for the wall


Just replace Vince with Trudeau.

I think Trump will be Trudeau's wake-up call to what serious world leaders are willing to do.

Remember that Trudeau has never met Putin or anyone of that character before.

>knees weak arms are ready
>spaghetti everywhere
>big gulp, frog in throat
>H-h-hello Mr. Trump! We're sory aboot our past differences while you were on the campaign trail.
>Now if I may can we discuss our renegotiation of NAFTA?
>stabs chest
>Canadians everywhere IP banned from 4chins

>electrocuted to death

redundant my man

Trump will use arabic and chinese translators to talk to him. Also trudeau will get goat-shaped sex doll as present.