So realistically how easy would it be to infiltrate this group? I'm in Texas and I'm curious what these faggots are up to.
Austin is a super liberal town but for the most part the lefties here are total pussies.
So realistically how easy would it be to infiltrate this group? I'm in Texas and I'm curious what these faggots are up to.
Austin is a super liberal town but for the most part the lefties here are total pussies.
Other urls found in this thread:
Buy some jeggings and a balaclava.
Should be easy, just knock over some trash cans.
Why would you want to infiltrate them?
Just surveil them and compile a list of members and locations.
>show up to riot
>yell stupid shit
>violate trash cans
this is easier than you think
>Wait for a protest
>Join in
>Wear hipster clothes
>Shout Buzzwords
>Make "friends"
The big problem is they're going to get cracked down on soon very hard and you dont want to be confused with them. Unless you dont care for your life I'd suggest you leave it and infiltrate a SJW group and divide them among themselves.
make sure you are out of shape and have fetal alchol syndrome to blend in. You must also be able to talk about free to play MOBA/Mobile and sonic games for hours on end
ANSWER Coalition
Party for Socialism and Liberation
There's your in. Network with commies from these two groups, and they will lead you to Antifa if you can convince them of your sincerity.
I've been growing my beer out for three years to infiltrate...
Fuck these fucks
this would be fun to do but i am a walking embodiment of the stereotype they hate so much and could never pull off an infil
Make sure you listen to a lot of shitty punk music and communist anthems.
Make sure you're not a super-liberal type (yes, really)
'Smash the State' and shit like that should be your go-to phrases.
Antifa aren't to be fucked with, they aren't some idiot SJWs or even unorganised pster groups like BLM.
They are real domestic terrorists - if you see them, keep a record of EVERYTHING they do and where they hang out/reside/etc.
If you don't feel comfortable at any time, hand ALL of that info over to the police (send a copy to the FBI for good measure)
In reality, you probably shouldn't unless you're already good at it...
>been growing my beer out
do this now!!
Just get one of those stupid fucking pink hats and you're in. Zero subterfuge required. Most liberals these days can barely spell let alone argue their ideological differences or accept opposing viewpoints.
Probably easy if you suck cock and like anal. Real talk, that's all I hear about when I talk to these guys.
And the women aren't better off. They have to strip and let their top guys eat them out. No sex, just oral.
Something about loyalty and doing whatever it takes.
It's fucked.
I've already infiltrated my state group
You could stop shaving for a month or two, wear a silly woolen hat and a flannel shirt and your're one of them.
#revolotion end dry skin
>The big problem is they're going to get cracked down on soon very hard and you dont want to be confused with them
so once you're in, make contact with a law enforcement agency and tell them what you're doing and give them inside info for your get out of jail free card?
Literally check Facebook for a local antifa page
That easy they're that fucking stupid
Build your wall, grab your guns, ban other countries tough guy.
You're scared of antifa and you won't do a fucking thing about it. Save us the trouble and kill yourself now.
>scared of antifa
why would anyone be scared of them? they look like they do IT work in the daytime and haven't ever lifted anything heavier than a router
nerd virgins desu
>zero tattoo
>zero piercings
>zero social media
>former military
>literally "look like a cop"
>drive a gas guzzling truck
maybe i could pull it off ...
I would've asked for another judge.
THIS. My state group literally only has like 8 members, and I think 3 of them are under 14 years old, here's a meetup from their Facebook.
Look at this shit kek
Holy fug, coopt that shit
way ahead of you famalam
>the lefties here are total pussies.
that's how it is everywhere, man
I realise CTR has been trying to goad people into retaliating. Creepy fucks. Don't do anything stupid ameribros
Is that Mr current year himself?
Literally walk in and say you are one of them.
I suggest reading the communist manifesto and maybe some Marx-Engles reader.
It's like that in the rest of the Anglosphere for sure, but in the States, outside of the Bay Area, antifa are all university limpwrists.
The thing about antifa is that you have to be either
a. non-white
b. without any kind of pride or dignity
And what is there to accomplish? Not like they do anything except occasionally chimp out.
There aren't exactly clever schemes you can find out, not from the 80iq foot soldiers at least.
I'm not sure but If you could it would probably be an easy way to get laid.
When I was at Ft.Bragg their was a group that would show up and protest the school of Americas. One of the soldiers did what you are suggesting and said it was the easiest time getting pussy he ever had.
Do something or shut up ya faggot
> 911, what is your emergency?
[muffled speech]
> ...You dressed up like Antifa fag and infiltrated their protest?
[muffled yes]
Okay..., what was the emergency again?
[muffled speech]
> ...They're a dangerous liberal organization?
[muffled yes]
> ...Are you in danger?
[muffled no]
> ...Are they committing any crimes?
[muffled speech]
> ...They knocked over a trash can?
[muffled yes]
> ...Did you pick it up?
[muffled no]
> ...You should probably pick it up then.
[muffled speech]
> ...Sir, I don't care that you weren't the one that knocked it over.
[muffled speech]
> ...Excuse me sir but I have a job to do. Please call back when you have an actual emergency.
[muffled spe-]
*hangs up phone
You people are fucking retarded.
It's piss easy.
If you are not white, you already have the keys.
If you are white, admit that you have gender issues and that you think trump is evil. Bonus point if you come there with lipstick
should be pretty easy. learn about anarcho socialism and act like a huge faggot.
>people think Antifa are liberals
Antifa are lefties/commies, liberals are centralist Hillary shills
Huge diff, lads.
"Goodmorning Kenny Powers.."
it depends on how smart you are compared to the others in your local cell, and how well trained you are in relation to their counter infiltration activities.
and this. how well do you know your way around a trash can? you ever see any real action before?
this faggot should get fired for supporting terrorism against Americans
Antifa is socially liberal, dumbass.
Take one for the team and give yourself a lip ring.
So much liberal kek.
That doesn't mean that they're liberals, you goober. To them, liberals hold back the movement because they're the type of people who want to reform capitalism rather than abolish it.
Libertarians are socially liberal too, but you wouldn't call those goobers liberals either, now would you?
Seconded. I'm left as fuck. I'm large, in shape, an experienced fighter, heavily armed, and respectable enough to avoid suspicion. My father ran with the Weathermen, I grew up hearing war stories from old Black Panthers. I've made something of myself and have the funds to seriously help with the cause. I haven't inventoried in awhile but I'd guess I probably have at least 10,000 rounds on hand right now.
I wouldn't go within a mile of the antifa. They're disorganized, virtue signaling, halfbrights who think they're looking for a fight but really want ideological purity. They're going to get someone killed.
It's already been done. But dont let CTR know.
The play is called Mr Big, everyone.
Join them then make yourself look like an idiot. This may sound stupid, and embarrassing but trust me, people will not take them seriously at all when they associate Antifascist with furfag, weeb, horsefucker
Look like a homeless faggot, complain constantly about capital building capital and you can easily infiltrate them.
Everyone on the left is a liberal.
On the outside I don't look like any of those things.
>and this. how well do you know your way around a trash can? you ever see any real action before?
>waking up to antifa just now
They've been active in Europe for a long long time.
Like 98% of the political violence stems from the left (Antifa), as of 2015.
I live in Austin as well. Every anti-Trump protest flier and "goodnight alt-right" sticker I see I pull down. I live right by the UT campus so it's a prime spot to laugh at SJW libtards.
Texas bros: how did the Lone Star get so crowded by Libs? I loved San Antonio when I vacationed there and didn't see anyone but patriots. Granted it was back in 1993.
That's good shit. I woulda shown his face though.
I honestly don't know. There's always some open carry patriots who show up to their protests though. I'm like OP and wouldn't mind infiltrating them and wrecking them somehow. I am college aged so it would be easy.
They make fake piercings. I used to wear them as an undercover loss prevention officer. It was great.
>Tyrone is blatantly shoplifting
>I stealthily walk over in my methpunk disguise
>I drop Tyrone with two shots to the chest and one to the head from my TJ Max issued .45
>"Clean up on aisle 6. Bring a mop."
but seriously folks I was undercover Paul Blart and I spent way too much time on my costumes.
They're not common in America
How does one get involved in undercover asset protection?
It seems fun
Get a che guevara shirt, a red star pin and shit, dress like a moron, act like an idiot, that's pretty much it.
>posting CGI
Post some one that looks exactly like your pipedreamfag shit.
>inb4 (((Cernovich)))
Are you nuts?
>So realistically how easy would it be to infiltrate this group?
Don't know, why don't you do some research then come back and tell us
NW Austin reporting in. I know only a handful normal people here. All others are barely tolerable libs
I want to see a group of AntiFa and juggalos go at when animal planet had the "what if a tiger and alligator fought" shows.
Extremely easy if you arent a sperg.
We Wuz Seeds
Honestly yeah it is pretty fun if it's your thing. I didn't make much money but tje memories will last a lifetime.
I loved busting shoplifters and filing police reports on them. I loved hearing them beg me to let them go. I just about busted a nut everytime I heard someone say they were on papers and would go back to prison if the cops came. The best part was all I could really do is say "Come with me" authoritatively and dumbasses actually fell for it and waited with me for the cops to take them away.
Its mostly boring but peppered with gold. You need to be good at making reports, procedural writing, following protocols to avoid liability, all that sort of shit.
I had past experience as a security guard and as a glorified orderly at mental health facility that generated a lot of police reports so I put those on the resume I sent them. I found the job opening on Craigslist.
I bet some of my coworkers had zero relevant experience when they started.
american newfaggot discovers antifa
now start organising your own people instead of petty bullshit
You guys didn't have citizen's arrest powers? Way back when I was a poor college student who needed money and I was working for a high-end department store we were taught to do the "please come with me" bit but if we wanted to make our numbers we'd position ourselves close and between the thief and the door. Any contact they made at that point turned retail theft into robbery and any colorably proportional response on our part was legal.
Corporate didn't like us throwing hands and cuffing someone bleeding, though. It scared the old Jews who shopped with us.
Look up those paid protester posts on craigslist. Thats how you find antifa.
Austin tech startups and San Antonio hosting companies like Rackspace created tons of jobs and drew huge numbers of Commiefornians that have made traffic nightmarish, raised housing prices by 400% in less than 5 years and changed Texas cities via liberal policy into mini LA / San Fran clones.
The mob empowers its violent elements and bears the ethical if not always legal responsibility for their aggressions. If you infiltrate the mob you empower them.
However your presence as strong opposition or physically perforating their ranks with a solidarity group, a lance of stoicism, an intrusion of human flesh, a wall of meet. Such a violation of the mob's integrity as it forms can significantly disrupt the violent elements and preemptively deter their action.
We must mob fuck the left's protestors into submission.
They're really open about everything. They think they're the good guys so they aren't very secretive. Also they're stupid
did this for a few months and decided getting stabbed over $50 worth of merchandise wasn't a good life choice.
highlights of my tour -
>hearing a beaner parent telling her kid to steal that toy if they want it that bad
>kids steals and gets v&
>parent slaps the face of this kid when she has to claim her kid at the security office
>my 'trainer' during this experience was actually stealing from the store and got fired over it.
>shitposting this hard
considering that antifa murdered a guy yesterday, and now groups are chatting about stabbing people with HIV infected needles, you could probably bring the hammer down on them for bio-terrorism and regular terrorism soon
I'd like to blame autocorrect, but it hasn't been working lately so this one is all me.
>my 'trainer' during this experience was actually stealing from the store and got fired over it.
Those were always the best gigs. We used to get a bonus if we caught employees. It was 10% of whatever ended up on the charge of 20% of a recovery settlement (we used to let people avoid a charge by paying out cash for what they stole plus a little vig). We had a lead LPI who was stealing at another store and I ended up walking away close to $10k once all was said and done.
Got a cousin in Austin Redguards...I've partied with these fags before. Basically infiltrated already.
>hearing stories from cracked out black panthers makes me dangerous
>going to get someone killed
they literally killed someone just last night with a metal pole, possibly a shovel
Dangerous? Not really. More like radicalized from an early age. My days of stirring shit are long past. I've got a wife, a house, investments, standing in the community, I'm about as dangerous as your average 3*er these days. Sure, if society went to hell I'd be well prepared to get through it and look like I belong to whichever side had the best shot, but I'll leave looking for fights to the kids.
I was more thinking they were going to get themselves killed. I'm genuinely shocked they had any followthrough. Even money says it was an unlucky shot or a bad fall.
Sounds boring.
Who is that girly looking man ? must be low test, sucks to be him.
It was a flag pole.
They use them because they can't be taken away.
See someone with a shovel - confiscate shovel and place under arrest.
See someone waving flag - can't arrest for simply flying flag.
>myrtle beach Craig's List
Yeah, nah, I believe this