The jews are ok

in this thread we say something nice about the jews. Ill start, I find they have a good sense of humor.

Michael Savage is a pretty cool guy

they are great making smoke rings

A fair number of the women are truly nurturing and a pleasure to be around.

They bake well in ovens

Rabbis suck the baby's dick after circumcision.

reminder that jews and women are not funny

Anthony Weiner helped Trump get elected

I used to date a jewish girl who LOVED sucking dick and she was really good at it. Swallowed every time too.


Please be true, I'm sick of my background checks for gun purchases taking 5 fucking hours

And he gets to keep the tip! what a deal!

Some delicious food.
Pastrami, corned beef, potato pancakes and matzo ball soup

Seinfeld shills for circumcision, one of my only gripes with it


They have cool noses.

hello slide thread


lol who does this hahahahahahah

You're not all the same, right?

how do i find one of these dick sucking jew princesses?

are reubans jewish? always enjoyed them but not sure there origin

>let good sense of humor meme
No. No they don't. They're humor is entirely dependant on self degradation or the degrading of others. The cumulonimbus effect of Jewish humor is depression, societal destabilisation and degeneracy. They produce nothing, they can only consume or manipulate, damn good at that though.

Israel is the oldest and strongest ally of the United States.

May God bless Israel and guide the Chosen People to their rightful place in the Holy Land.


whats the critical post? feel free to link it here. im interested

I just stumbled upon this one because she was on the same assignment with me at work. She came from israel and I think was just infatuated with the idea of an American man.

After we broke up she ended up marrying some american kike. I hope she told him about the 500 goyim loads she ate in the couple years prior LOL

Theyre clever and cunning so they make a worthy opponent

Oldest? It didn't even exist before ww2.

The Jews did play a leading role in the creation of the United States didn't they?

You said Israel retard, it doesn't actually exist.


A few Jewish men are genuinely funny.

A few Jewish women are genuinely hot.

The rest, in the words of 3rd Bass, can get the gasface, literally.

So what? It's an ethnicity.

they're usually pretty kind. a lot of the jews i met actually were involved in, if not the directors, of non-profits that extended social services to people that needed help.

there were times when my paranoia would make me think it was all a front from something heinous or they were stealing money from the non profit but for hte most part it just seemed like they geniunely cared about providing social services and maintaining non profits.

TOP fucking kek

I like yiddish, it sounds funny as a language.
>depression, societal destabilisation and degeneracy
That's most humor though.

hahahaha very nice,

I want to fuck Sarah Silverman now or some other Jewess

trolling with cheap bait

I know a few bro tier jews.

klezmer is patrician music

They're better than anyone else on Earth at removing kebab and making schwarma.

Ashkenazis are useless though.