A Trump flag was spotted on a military convoy driving outside Louisville, Kentucky, on Sunday...

>A Trump flag was spotted on a military convoy driving outside Louisville, Kentucky, on Sunday. The US Navy confirmed to CNN that the Humvees were being driven by an East Coast Naval Special Warfare unit -- also known as a Navy SEALs unit.

>The Facebook video showing the convoy had been viewed almost 80,000 times before it was removed Thursday afternoon.

>The responses to the video were harsh, with some people blasting the person who filmed it while driving, to others who told the world to get used to President Trump being the commander in chief.

>Trump becomes president
>military truck has trump flag
>cant do that
>people are literally angered by that
>angry comments on video
>video of it is taken down



Other urls found in this thread:


>wow soldiers are people with opinions!
There are a ton of lefty antifa losers in the military too

They're all in supply or support positions. The guys on the front line know the deal.

Fort Knox is denying that the convoy is theirs, which tells you everything you need to know about the military.

>soldiers liking their country's elected president and commander-in-chief


Was really shocked to see how many pozzed people there are in my branch :/

Well, maybe not too surprised. You run into a lot of lib pussies in the Navy.

>The guys on the front line know the deal.

shut up faggot

ayy louisville mentioned I live there


>there are fags in the navy


Because it wasn't his personal vechicle.

>military can't fly a flag with the name of their president on it

Nice one America

While the vast majority of everybody in the military supports Trump (varying between the branches from ~60-70%, the low end being the Navy), the fact of the matter remains that this very much so against military rules and regulations.

It's not as bad as it would be in the lead up to an election, but it's still a massive no-no, and something that people in the military are explicitly taught that they're not allowed to do. Regardless of my feelings on the matter, rules are rules, and whoever did it should have known better, and likely did. He deserves to be reprimanded.

hey, have a fuck you from lexington you damn nigger lover

>Be American
>Military can't show support for your president
>Kid gets shot at school

When you join the military you become property of the US Government; the military is not supposed to participate in politics--especially when in uniform.

Trump makes the rules now

>politicization of the military is fine

don't you have homework to do?

dude if there was any doubt, selecting mad dog meant the army is about ready to support trump as a goddamn benevolent dictator

people are upset that the soldiers like their top commander?

Ironic considering our military is responsible for 4/5 of the world's politics.

>You're not supposed to participate in the one thing that decides your role in the world

Yeah fuck that bullshit.

The military is sworn to defend the Constitution, not the president.

>Americans actually believe this


I'm in the Air Force and this is correct. In fact, we have to be careful even when we express opinions NOT in uniform. Public speaking at a rally for a candidate or party is forbidden, even if you make no mention of the fact that you are active duty.

It's a clear conflict of interest..

Holy shit, a person with common sense. SALUTE

while you were non-existant in the NHL final we actually were fucking any sort of political balance in the middle east.

God bless

That is bullshit. According to my PAO, I can talk about politics and who I support as long as I say that in my opinion instead of we.

Whole new ballgame.

My PAO in the army says we can express our personal opinion, but not the interest of the entire Army or my unit as a whole.

hatchet act

Army are a bag of dicks

>When you join the military you become property of the US Government; the military is not supposed to participate in politics--especially when in uniform.

I don't hear people attacking the Park Service for their anti government twitter.

Supporting the President and CIC while being in the military is the least political statement you could make. But lefttards hate Trump so they will cry, riot and loot if people hold opinions counter to their own.

>mfw lefties and sarah silverman shittalking about a "military coup"

The military seems like it would be too much work for an aimless thirty-something who's never had a real job.

back to scrubbing soldiers' dishes with you

Marines are goat fuckers


Antifa would never make it pass the academic portion of any military testing

Especially civics

>believing the literal vaginal jew

You fucking pog, talking about politics to someone isn't the same thing as flying a flag off your GOV.

If we back down now it's all over.

Trump supporters need to match and eventually surpass the intensity of the professional bitchers.

If we cuck now it was all for naught.

>The military is sworn to defend the Constitution, not the president.

I'm not going to follow your orders, I swore to protect the constitution not to follow the legal chain of command.

Yeah, that's going to work and help you avoid jail.

Marines slay goat fuckers, goat fucker

I know the guys who were driving. Their names are Lieutenant mind your own fucking business and Co-piloted by private First Class go fuck yourself.

>video taken down.

Good thing I have the full webm. The driver that filmed it was massively triggered and he sped up to the lead vehicle and cut the convoy off the ramp.

It all depends on what you are trying to do, there's a lot of grey there so be careful. If you really want to get serious about your demonstrations in some organization, talk to your base legal office.

Americans are whiny pussies, what's new

It's absolutely hilarious. These faggots live in a fantasy world and are so disconnected from reality.

Flying a flag in honor of your country's President isn't exactly outrageous.

the best thing is trump doesn't give a fuck about veterans.

I am 100% sure it is okay for us to show support for President. Now we can't show negative reactions. I said whatever the fuck negative shit about Obama to everyone I knew. Fuck Obama.

Butthurt POG detected

>Sup Forums making fun of people being angry

Are those soldiers ready to die in the rocky deserts of Iran for Trump?

What did they say? Was Sabaton blasting from the convoy window? Kek.

If they believe the order they receive is in violation of the constitution it is their duty to refuse that order. Will they be sent to the brig and face a trial, yes, but if it was an unconstitutional order they will be cleared.

LMAO, Aussie telling me what Marines can do. They fuck goats after the Hajis and other mudslimes do. Marines prefer sloppy seconds.

Trump just got one SEAL killed and four injured in a botched mission. SEALs won't be flying Trump flags anymore after this.

Yeah. It's called the American flag you upsidedown kangaroo fucking abo.

They can vote. They just aren't supposed to be partisan while in uniform or on duty

>SEALs are knee-jerk faggots that don't understand the risks involved with their line of work
>implying Trump made this plan, rather than military staff


>W-what the fuck is this? Is that a Trump flag on the humvee?
>deep breathing
>speeds up
>*wife in passenger seat* I think it is. Oh god....what is this
>deep angry breathing
>cuts convoy off just as you hear humvees pressing their horns and video ends.

At first the military denied it was them and said "it was surplus" now they confirm it was serving personnel.

It's ridiculous, but that is WAY out of regulations.
Also this No one cares if you go to buddy's house and have some drinks and talk politics, but while in uniform and at work, don't do it.

ITT manbabies who don't understand the significance of flags or the politicisation of the military.
Seriously, this happens in 3rd world shitholes and you laugh and shrug, shitskins gonna shit, right?

The fact that it was Navy Seals driving that truck and not some POG reservists just makes it all that much sweeter.

God bless those men.

>this is the military that liberals suddenly expect will be on their side for an uprising for some reason



His military advisors are responsible for that

Trump is head of the executive branch. Politics don't come into play, he is the president and their commander in chief. Cry more faggot

Fookin' mint.


Rake plz.

The AQ terrorists knew they were coming.

Trump implied the troopers were betrayed and he will seek out and punish the betrayer.

PLOT TWIST: The Seal was a member of Seal Team 6 the team that "killed" Bin Laden. He was one of the last few surviving members of that mission after the bulk of the team were killed days after the raid in a "helicopter accident".

Seems (((they))) are cleaning up Obama's loose ends.


"The Hatch Act does not apply to actively serving uniformed members of the U.S. Armed Forces, although it does apply to Department of Defense civil servants, as well as Department of Homeland Security civil servants in direct support of the United States Coast Guard. Uniformed personnel are subject to Department of Defense Directive 1344.10 (DoDD 1344.10), "

What is young Jeb Bush doing in this webm?


"Just following orders" isn't actually a defense if you turn out to be the jackbooted thug on the wrong side of history.

They can do that it was Trump is the president you fucking idiots

That's why you get into a special forces unit.
Regular armies are shit.

they should know better

That convoy was confirmed for not being military.

It's the RWDS mobilizing with privately owned military vehicles.

This is low level nonsense even for Sup Forums.

>be against these soldiers flying a Trump flag
>be cynical about politicians but optimistic about soldiers
>still think this pic is awesome

>Can't support politics while in uniform.
>Obama encouraged military to march in gay pride parades in uniform.


You stow that shit until you get back to the World.

Would the Navy be in shit if they flew a Obama Hope poster in 2009?

no this is fine he is the president. Its the same as flying the US flag you fucking tard


"the wrong side of history" is just called "the losers".

america is going to be the Fourth Reich. except this time we win. this has been being planned since the late 50s when certain key players realized that we had fought on the wrong side.


The perfect way to break up a protest ones the commies and anarchists start bulling innocent garbage cans and cars owned by immigrants.

but i'm not a tard and you're wrong.
confirmed how?

>Its the same as flying the US flag

There's only one flag, moron.
Flying an unathorized guidon is a punishable offense.

>Australia chiming on American politics

>There are a ton of lefty antifa losers in the military too

This is what I'm worried about.

You already have Obama and celebs telling the military to over throw Trump.

Whats to stop the libtards in the military form doing this?
I know they exist because Obama did meet with the military on numerous occasions and always the young people flocked to him.

How do you not have the right to celebrate your leader? I don't get it.

>certain key players
>gay, cosplaying manchildren
yeah put that with the conspiracy theories or maybe even /x/

The military by doctrine is supposed to be non-partisan and to outlast political agendas. They are servants of the people.

You're not an individual when in uniform, I know it's hard for millennials on this board to understand. What you support as an individual should not represent the organization as a whole. It's like working for a company and saying "Yes, my views represent the company as a whole". Then you get fired.

Dumbest post of the day

displaying a flag with the presidents name on it isn't political.

>shit yourself in public
>"Only American citizens may comment!"
ok m80

Conspiracy theory threads are banned on /x/ so just keep them here so I don't need to filter them later