So who was in the wrong here?
So who was in the wrong here?
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All terrorists are Muslims.
I can't tell is Maher hates Muslims because he's Jewish, but this is probably the only topic I agree with him on, and I'm glad he hasn't faltered on his stance in light of all this Muslim apology shit the MSM has started the past like 2 years ever since Mama Merkel opened the floodgates and it's apparently the West's job to flood themselves with all these allahu-ackbars now.
He's like the one liberal (self proclaimed, I'm not labeling him that) that has stayed strong in being against Muslims.
The homewrecking drunk who utterly failed at being Batman and at making a good mobster movie
Nobody. It was a debate where they couldn't agree on even basic definitions to strengthen their arguments. They instead resorted to "NUH UH/YUH HUH" and shit got shitty
I prefer Mohammed bin al-Fleqqi
He refuses to make the bridge from hating muslims to not wanting to let them into the west though
>Wonder Woman is played by a Jew
>Batman is played by a Muslim
>Superman represents Jesus Christ
sam harris talks like he read an ebook on how to talk to people
Maher doesn't consider himself jewish though, he doesn't like Israel, and didn't even know he was jewish until he was in his 30's or something. He hates all religions because he's an atheist, but especially Islam, because he's not an idiot.
>they must come together to defeat an edgy atheist
what did Zack Snyder mean by this?
>all these military-aged men taking refuge
if these fuckers fought instead the war would be over
I'm still not entirely convinced he's a neuroscientist, he's too much of a retard
he gave himself aspergers from too much meditation, he analyses every little thing he thinks and someone else says without just letting it happen automatically like a non-autist
This is actually a great description of him.
It's like he's read all the theory under the sun on how to have normal human interactions and can put it into practice perfectly but he's missing the human aspect.
He'd be perfect as a skinwalker or a T-1000
any more examples of this?
Oh really? I don't watch him. I've only seen the episode in OP and the first one after Trump's inauguration just to see what it'd be like (don't want to turn this into some Trump debate, I just wanted to see what he'd say since I saw a thread on it the night of. I won't disclose if I even like Trump to avoid any derailment)
In this episode he seemed pretty against Islam. I guess there wasn't really a "should we let them in" question or topic, just general feelings on Muslims and Bill seemed to remain pretty against Islam is all.
I know he's super atheist. He's got that one documentary mocking religion, what's it called, Religulous or whatever. I watched it a while back and didn't mind it. Looking back on it though he seemed like a smug asshole. Then again, that's Bill Maher. He makes his viewers feel superior and smug. Nothing wrong with that. He knows how to draw an audience and he knows what they want. I don't fault him in the slightest. But anyway, yeah I know he doesn't really view himself as Jewish. I don't know his stance on Israel but if you're correct that he doesn't like it, good for him. I'm American and wish my tax dollars would stop going to all foreign bodies. Just let them all kill themselves. Why is our job to protect anyone over there? This includes offensive spending as well. We just need to fuck off out of that hellhole called the Middle East.
>against Muslims
He doesn't hate Muslims. He hates religions, and by extension Islam, and the people who use Islam (whether justified or not within Islam) to justify terrorism. Mostly, he disagrees with people who argue there is no link between Islam and terrorism. The problem therein is that others (rightfully so) want to avoid justifying persecution of people based on their religion, so there's this weird dance between the way things are, and the best ways to deal with that. Basically, retards that don't understand nuance will watch Maher/Harris argue that Islam is dangerous, and therefore believe they are arguing that Muslims are dangerous. Their actual position argues for promoting the reformation of Islam, essentially nullifying almost any potential ideological danger.
>sam harris talks like he read an ebook on how to talk to people
Let me plant a flag here, what do you mean by talk?
sam harris is pua supreme gentleman shit
Are you saying that Sam Harris IS an e book on how to talk to people?
>reformation of Islam
Isn't heresy like this punishable by death under Islam though? That shit isn't going to fly.
he had a recent conversation with Jordon Peterson, a guy he probably agrees with 99% of the time and they could have had a great discussion, but Jordon had this admittedly unhelpful way of using the word truth to include moral wisdom, and Sam's autism got triggered and he spent like 2 fucking hours straight coming up with autistic and retarded hypothetical situations where you could be factually accurate and morally wrong as if this needs expanding on, and Jordon had to spend the whole time on the defensive not really being able to add anything, when a non-vulcan would have simply moved on or inquired as to why he used the word that way so that the discussion wasn't a huge waste of time
I think the key is just not taking it that seriously like how most christians are peaceful by just not taking the old testament to heart
>tfw you wasted two hours of your life listening to grown men having a Sup Forums style nit pick argument over one word
how the fuck do you turn into a turboautist at that age did he do too much acid?
t. worried autist who took too much acid maybe
It's easy with Christianity since Christ himself was a hippy. Harder to say "but look at what the founder of your religion says" when that was "fucking kill everyone ALLAH AKBAAAAAAAR *rapes a 9 year old*".
see he's purposefully as analytical as possible
actually, I have heard him mentioning exploring hallucinogens, so that might also be the case lmao, so watch it
can someone explain the Jesus meme? Nigga used to be a carpenter, how did he into enlightenment in order to mind game other bitches into astonishment? Was it fasting? Meditation? DMT?
Also his quotes are completely subversive and ridiculous so I know he and probably his saints were in on the meme and milking it. Example:
>Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; but I tell you, not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these. "But if God so clothes the grass in the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, how much more will He clothe you?
>Isn't heresy like this punishable by death under Islam though?
yes, completely
there can not be a "reformation" of islam because there was no heavy fragmentation of the core beliefs like there was in the roman catholic church.
> christ says be meek
> meanwhile, the catholic church gold-plates every damn thing they have
> people complain, and "reform" their beliefs around the original core
> islam says "kill the infidel"
> islamists do this
> no reformation because "still following the rules"
dumbfuck tribal warlord nomad religions where you had to out-crazy the crazies on the hourly are not EVER going to be "peaceful" even in a world with legitimate world-destroying technology.
And this is where Harris, Dawkins and Maher fall down, because you can't simultaneously think Islam is the genocidal, barbarian religion that it is and also a) think the west should have more mudshits and b) treat mudshits like normal human beings
It may have been boring to listen to, but I can see why Harris got stuck on that... Jordan's notion of "truth" seemed bizarre to me, he claims that if some scientific discovery wipes us out, then it isn't true.
The normal usage of "truth" is different, he should probably use a different word or phrase than "truth" to mean information that's useful for survival.
>Why is our job to protect anyone over there?
The basic thought process is that if you help them at their lowest, they will align with you once they get their shit together. To frame it another way: some people advocate for the removal of foreign aid to some European countries because they offer nothing to the US. This is perhaps true, but those countries will then have no allegiance to the states if/when they recover, and the strength of the West will begin to dissolve. American dominance is predicated on the strength of the alliances it has formed.
There's also the perspective that a lot of what is happening in the Middle East (specifically Syria) is a proxy war between the US and Russia, and China's position is kind of in flux. If the United States were to back out, Russia would fill the gap, and essentially assume control of the entire Middle East. Basically, neither side can really afford to lose, so the area, especially Syria, is in a constant state of war.
Better them than you.
Butthurt christfag detected. Back to your /lit/ circlejerk, mental midget.
>Better them than you.
t. Abdul Mohammed bin goat fucker
>a lot of what is happening in the Middle East (specifically Syria) is a proxy war between the US and Russia
As well as a proxy war between Iran and Saudia Arabia... it's a complicated mess
>implying that quote isn't kino
Anyone who compares the two is complete trash
He's a Muslim enabler by default for being anti-Trump. Pat Condell is better than him.
He even opposed the 7-country visa halt, what a fucking crock
I'll be the first to call Muslim terrorism out but Sam Harris is full of shit when he pushes Islam as an "existential threat". That is some shameless Jewish propaganda that makes everything he says about religion suspect.
Where are you from?
fuck I hate when other boards move their shit-tier threads here, fuck off
Sup Forums
I posted it on Sup Forums to post some ben muhammad pictures really
That's exactly what we say about Sup Forums.
> hates religion
> constantly defends the mistreatment of Israel
What does this mean?
>still watching and listening to that cuckshow
you fucked up op.
Alright Sup Forums shits, you got 5 minute to get the fuck off my board.
why is everyone unkown
No, it was fucktarded. There is no possible excuse for wasting two hours of people's lives. It could only have been weapons grade autism.
I've heard interesting interpretations that his "resurrection" probably actually did happen
as in, the Romans thought he had died on the cross because he'd stopped breathing, so they take him down and his followers put him in a cave, he had actually just passed out and was taken down just in time to save him and comes to 3 days later
since if you were going to simply make-up a resurrection story like that from scratch you would make up something dramatic and trustworthy sounding like 100 Roman soldiers witnessed it and begged for forgiveness, but the actual accounts of it are his female followers who were grieving outside the cave were the only witnesses to his resurrection, who would obviously be bias towards him, emotionally unstable at the time and in those days a woman's testimony was considered worthless
so maybe what happened is he was just another dude going about saying I'm a prophet of God, got a bit of a following going from these bronze age people, but then lucks out by legitimately seeming to come back to life, then he's the rock star of the age who can say whatever the fuck he wants and people will believe it and a billion people follow him to this day
I think what he means is it really is a possibility for, say, jihadists to take over a Pakistani nuclear weapons facility and half the world population, and it's going to be muslim terrorists wanting and capable of doing that 99.999% of the time rather than any other terrorist ideology
thanks for the (You)s even if they don't show
The Grand Mufti Bin Al-fleck (PBUH)
it's a bit obvious Jordon only does it so he can then go onto explain his religious beliefs and it's ironic considering he's standing up to SJWs on the grounds of abusing common usages of socially crucial words
but they're both at fault, since it takes two to tango wasting that much time over autism
ayy lmaos are here