ITT: Something with the is not right the petitions that work properly are only leftist.

The petition that led to this discovery is

When you sign this nothing happens; and before you say "THE 150 PRESIGNS" we are well past that point. As something similar happened to the "George Soros Security Threat" and "PIzzagate" petitions. Which I do not have links for (Someone get those please)

Using the infograph in OP (sorry for the size i didnt make it) you can see that after voting for two different petitions, one of them increased instantly while the other stayed at 1.

After doing my CODEFAG work I found the JSON ( that holds the stats for the currently loaded petition on the page. There is a few values that not like the rest of the petitions on the website. IsPublic and reachedPublic

The Petition in question:


and a different random petition:


After doing some more digging about We The People. I learned that a company named Blue State Deep created it, as well as creating Barrack Obamas Campaign website.

In the archive article it is mentioned that George Soros uses Blue State Digital for basically all his web development needs. Which means he probably owns the comapny or has reaches far into.

"Financier-philanthropist George Soros hired Blue State in the fall of 2006 to work on two projects."

Other urls found in this thread:



Anti-Slide buuuuuump


I knew something was fucked up when I signed it and nothing fucking happened.

To be honest I might be stretching here, but if George Soros is found to be a part of this its literally treason.

thats why we have to get this to someone like Alex Jones, Joe Rogan, or Carlson Tucker.

Initiate WAAAGGGH! Sup Forums.

Fuck Antifa guys, we need to cut off the head.

Oh look digits.

Someone get on this, it's to much of a risk for me to contact anyone

This definitely needs to be spread. These cunts e-mail me leftist petitions yet freeze this one. If someone has twitter please tell someone that can spread this message.


no slide please we need to know more

Well until we find out more, we wont.

But that takes these faggots to bump it




Yes, Yes i am.


take this shit to eight or something, this place has far too many children to keep a thread like this alive.

i need sauce, famalam

You saved my life

I'll try it i guess.

Just send this to Bannon or Spicer

take this you, friend.

I am submitting this post not to contribute to the discussion but rather to increase the visibility of this thread which I believe should be seen by more people than as yet have had the opportunity.

Well fug. :-DDD

Can''t someone else has too, It's not safe.

Alright, brothers. Can we get more investigation of the company who made the site? Find some connections? Unleash our autism?

you do it.

You don't want sauce on that, trust me.

go to a trump rally you will find it my friend


Thanks bro.


you shut your mouth trump rallies are pure

Cant even post the gif

That image the text is on sure is fuck isn't

Nice, I was hoping someone would use my graphic

Shadilay brother

Bump. Do not let them slide this.

I really like these pepe's.

And yours was good, its a little small; but good.

unsure of what you mean, looks innocent enough

Righteous bump my friends

Bump for great justice

I did notice this earlier. I saw a thread around 9am eastern time and it had only one signature. I figured it would just fizzle since it didn't seem to get traction, any I'm honestly not one for "conspiracy" or shady back door shit but seeing it now, something has to be off.

is it ntr or something?
if so i am not interested :(

Shroyer ACTIVELY browses Sup Forums so if this story picks up steam and is verified infowars will pick it up.

>he doesn't like NTR

Back to r/eddit pleb.

I am looking for things, but I also need more user's to use their autism than just using my own.

Stranger things have definitely happened lately - and we can't be silly enough to believe that Antifa/Soros will limit their efforts to the thugs on the streets... they're too smart and too connected for that

We have to think like degenerates

>Corpulent American blimp Lena Dunham

Best Korea.

of course its a fucking leaf

ayyyyyyyyyyy nice to see you codefag!


That is why finding this connection is just way to coincidental.

>muh leaf
Leafposters are the divine messengers of Kek indicated by how many major gets they have aligning with their posts. You are nothing but a filthy goyim in the eyes of Kek.

nice graphics m8

Victim Girls 12

Its not NTR, its about bored Tera characters getting caught by NPCs and being made into fuckslaves.
Pretty standard victim girls stuff.

bump for priority


>spoonfeeding some retard
baka senpai

oh the stuff by asanagi?
thought the style looked familiar
thanks senpai (stll need my lolis in a pure loving sibling relationship though)


this man gets it

they're going to use the names and emails of those who sign this for bad.

Lolis are verboten


maybe in Leafland

Bump for extreme justice.

Did anyone confirm if the Pizzagate petition was compromised in the same/similar fashion?

Those who used their real emails are potentially fucked.

they signed the petition, google has moles inside that will allow access to gmail accounts.

they will make your life hell.

So, what can we do to save those anons. should they delete those email accounts?


I Try.


The "We The People" website is open sourced, I didn't look at it earlier today because I was at work.

There is an Admin part to the site that I am looking into right now. I don't believe they would put anything that would alter anything would be found in a public source. However I am gonna look into it.

For now here is what they store on you, each signature.

define('SIGNATURE_SOLR_FIELD_ID', 'entity_id');
define('SIGNATURE_SOLR_FIELD_UID', 'is_uid');
define('SIGNATURE_SOLR_FIELD_PETITION_ID', 'is_petition_id');
define('SIGNATURE_SOLR_FIELD_USER_FIRST_NAME', 'ss_user_first_name');
define('SIGNATURE_SOLR_FIELD_USER_LAST_NAME', 'ss_user_last_name');
define('SIGNATURE_SOLR_FIELD_LEGACY_ID', 'ss_legacy_id');
define('SIGNATURE_SOLR_FIELD_LEGACY_PETITION_ID', 'ss_legacy_petition_id');
define('SIGNATURE_SOLR_FIELD_TIMESTAMP', 'is_timestamp');
define('SIGNATURE_SOLR_FIELD_USER_AGENT', 'ts_user_agent');
define('SIGNATURE_SOLR_FIELD_IP_ADDRESS', 'ss_ip_address');
define('SIGNATURE_SOLR_FIELD_USER_CITY', 'ss_user_city');
define('SIGNATURE_SOLR_FIELD_USER_STATE', 'ss_user_state');
define('SIGNATURE_SOLR_FIELD_USER_ZIP', 'ss_user_zip');
define('SIGNATURE_SOLR_FIELD_USER_USERNAME', 'ss_user_username');
define('SIGNATURE_SOLR_FIELD_USER_COUNTRY', 'ss_user_country');

was angry before but now there is only pity

is this saying they don't store emails or is that what the first and second fields are?

Either way for you americans in the wrong hands this could be sold as a list of 'fascists'

Thankfully all of my gmail accounts are throwaway tier, they can fuck with those all they like. Just spam dumps.

Wellll fuck. Open source? That's interesting. I assume they could justify the datamining with "ensuring the accuracy of the signature count".

>until we find out more

We should try to make a brand new petition, totally unrelated and that can gain traction to the biggest audience (i.e. petition to add more sismometers in Yellowstone park, more caldera probes, more efficient EWS... This is literally a hot topic, since quakes are happening more and more often around the world now. Just an example. Make up your own, just avoid topics like blm, antifa, ter rorism, immigration, ayylmaos, bogs, pizza etc.)

Use normie account to spread it, people from both sides will dig it.

Now we can see how the System behaves

Keep the results strictly monitored, make screenshots, etc...

Step one is always reconaissance. We have to know how it works.

Does anyone use their real name?

Location is kinda standard stuff. Building a database no doubt.

b u m p

I am under the impression username is email.

Gain 4 inches in 2 days by bumping and praising kek

it's the emails i'd worry about.

it's an important question. if they're harvesting your emails they can use connections to get all your info (if you used a real email) and ruin your life.

also names can be fake but your addresses may one day be used by communists to kill you. I'm not exaggerating. If they kill trump or overthrow the country while trump has the army at war somewhere, you're going to see a purge of normal people.



In this particular one, they get captured by pig monsters, made into slaves, forced to eat excrement, butchered like livestock, and eaten by their captors.

oh that sucks.

if you signed the petition with your real email and you can wipe your email address you should do it. Your personal info can be exploited and these people believe you are a nazi and that anything is justified against nazis.


wipe your email address? How? I used my main email but not my name.

Its an email... What can they do with that? At worst see mondays dominos conformation email...



>while trump has the army at war somewhere
You forget the guns normies have. Cities are unarmed.


Your IP is already stored, email is less important

All the USA I S P major n0d3s are dr@g-n3t f1lt3r3d.

Filling out that form without an V P N has submited your location directly to the admin controlling this petition - If they gather a massive ISP list, they can do some interesting things if in the right hands

like delete everything that could identify you and then delete your account and get a new one.

to be honest i don't even know if this would help.

google likely has access to everything you've deleted anyway and closed accounts. There are definately people inside google who are part of this political group and would happily leak your personal info.



>to be honest i don't even know if this would help

Once it's been sent over the wire, it's all been cached, stored and archived any ways.

i hope you're right.




Yup. This is after me and a bunch of people signed this morning.

2/2/17 10:57a EST



Anyone have all the Pepe tarots?


>In laymen terms, here is the important bit:

Allows people to fill out the form, and submit the info to the database on the server\

These signatures are being recorded, but they are not being made immediately public - They are being marked "Private" by not being marked "Public" - They are watching the signatures grow, without revealing this data in real time

They have set the "Reach" / exposure to 0 = off....

There appears to also be functions to grab the values of the signature data, which most likely means that they have tools to export all the data.