>mfw president of the united states
>13 days into presidency
>40% of the country wants me impeached and only 43% approval rating
Trump's Presidency
>13 days into presidency
>killed a 8 year old girl along with 29 civilians and 1 US solider
>on verge of war with Iran, Mexico, Venezuela, China, etc.
I regret vote for Bernie wish can take back to vote on Hilary to beat trump
I was pro hilary and voted for Trudeau but......................
HE IS ONLY DOING NICE THINGS, HE IS SAVING AMERICA, WHY THE FUCK PEOPLE HATE HIM? I hated him with my whole soul until I realised all the nice things he really did (because the media doesnt tell you everything)
how what?
">13 days into presidency
>killed a 8 year old girl along with 29 civilians and 1 US solider
>on verge of war with Iran, Mexico, Venezuela, China, etc."
the whole thing, are you just pulling things out of ur ass
You are the other side of the coin CTR is on.
He's done more in 13 days then Trudeau has done in a year+
Yeah, because polls were so accurate last year. Hillary's smug face got a broken jaw. Deal with it, sore loser.
>the whole thing, are you just pulling things out of ur ass
Are you a fucking faggot who can't google
>Bait with approval rating
>No one notices
That or too many shills and their proxies to get a real response
>killed a 8 year old girl along with 29 civilians and 1 US solider
Debunked by the girl's imam
>on verge of war with Iran, Mexico, Venezuela, China, etc
A businessman is being tough during negotiations. Liberal commentators think it's a declaration of war because he's not sucking their dicks.
Brock's wasting his money if this is the best you can do.
Actually, the polls were accurate, national polls had hillary winning by about 3%, hillary won the popular vote by 3 points.
>Public Policy Polling(D) numbers
into the thrash it goes
Go back to the reddit containment general.
>People who hated Trump before still hate him now
>Put Jeff Sessions as Attorney General, guy who regularly opposed civil rights and was only tangentially related to a handful of pro-civil rights cases
So, understandably, blacks and hispanics who want to vote might be a bit nervous.
>Allows Bannon to include Visa and Greencard holders to be included in ban, despite already having been vetted and cleared for entrance into the US previously
So Arab Americans are understandably fairly against his allowance of an indiscriminant ban on people from countries, whether they're known to be a threat or the opposite.
>Wants to build another fucking wall on the southern border
The one that's there now barely does much and it's expensive as hell to maintain, so a lot of people aren't encouraged by possibly having to pay the upkeep tax
>Backed down from negotiating price ceilings with Big Pharma by getting tricked into 'm-muh R&D costs' based on a study funded by Big Pharma
>A study that reveals none of the specifics about how the average R&D Costs of a pharmaceutical firm are calculated, just that it was based on some very popular drugs (that were unnamed)
So Trump isn't going to help Americans get the medical attention they need for issues that are often out of their control.
>pulling numbers out of ass
gas yourself
Actually the Data is from Gallup
Why did you qualify this with "national" if the polls were accurate? It would be a superfluous qualification if all the polls were accurate.
We all remember ABC's poll dropping Hillary by 12+ points over the course of a few days, as they feared falsification on Election Day. At least with these polls they don't have to worry about falsification and can peddle bullshit with complete impunity.
I don't trust the Rasmussen poll either, BTW, the one showing > 50% approval. Most of these pollsters have shown themselves to be agenda-driven.
And in terms of analysis of polls, we all remember HuffPo, Sam Wang, and the NYT giving Hillary a 99% chance of victory. I guess Trump just got lucky with his 1% chance, eh?
The polls are unreliable, whether by deliberate distortion or by flawed methodology, and the pundits are completely discredited.
This isn't helping your claim
You guys are so obvious
NYT, HuffPo and Sam Wang were lazy leftists who wanted to believe that their vision of the world was self-actualizing without any work done.
That Hillary could win the swing states without ever visiting them personally.
The polls of preference between the two followed the same approximate popular vote count trend. The issue is that Hillary ran a shitty campaign and disquieted moderates who might have shown up to stop Trump where Trump himself galvanized previously dormant voter blocks.
Hillary couldn't bring the millennials or moderates out to the voting booth, she made them prefer 'none of the above' as an option