Trumptards literally can't refute this.
Trumptards literally can't refute this
Other urls found in this thread:
wtf I love Hitler now
Hitler didn't ban jews, he killed them.
not kill?
fucking holocaust deniers
Really gave my noggin a joggin
mooselimb lolocaust
>Trump: Ban Muslims!
[citation needed]
>Hitler: Ban Jews!
[citation needed]
>Ban Jews!
Sounds like holocaust denial to me. Let's all teach about the great banning of millions of jews.
>obama bans guns
>hitler banned guns
>trump is hitler
That means Trump is Obama
The swastika if facing the wrong direction.
they are both right, what did you mean by this?
It's a regional ban, not a Muslim ban. A lot of Muslim country's can still travel to America. And its for 90 days so they can rework the vetting system.
Also a lot of other Muslim country's ban others from entering like the Jews outright yet you guys don't complain about that.
Now shill off
1. Trump isn't banning muslims
2. Hitler didn't "ban" jews. He did much worse (or better depending on how you look at it).
3. This doesn't address the idea that Muslim terrorism is at an all time high.
This is both a lie, a false equivalence, and a strawman.
>the swastika isn't even correct
it's supposed to look like it spins counter-clockwise you fucking dinguses
> Hitler wanted to ban Jews, not makes lampshades out of them
> mfw Trump still has the power to make our enemies say the truth
>no white circle in the armband
this makes me angrier than it should
Obama banned any Iraqi to enter the United States of America in 2011 for 6 months. Explain that, please.
lemme try.
he never said "Ban Muslims".
Islam deserves to be banned
fixed it for you
[this comic denied the holocaust and has been removed by the JIDF]
Well... when you put it like that....
WTF I like Hitler now
>Ban Muslims!
Except he just banned entry by people from 7 countries. If Trump really wanted to ban Muslims, he would've banned Indonesians, Egyptians, and Turks. But, for some reason, Indonesian Muslims don't cause as many problems as Libyan and Syrian Muslims.
>bans people from 7 majority muslim nations that were classified by Obama administration as state sponsors of terror/exporters of terrorism.
>remaining 43 majority muslim nations not affected in any way, shape, or form by the executive order
>reeee muslim ban!
Were you expecting the people who call people Hitler as an insult to actually know something about the Nazis?
Yeah I want to ban Muslims.
huh wow really marinated my meatballs
this type of shitpost should be perma banned
Greetings fine citizens of the world!
My name is Justin Trudeau and I'm a huge faggot. Some of you might recall me as a part time drama teacher but I'm Prime Minister of Canada now thanks to my family name and my #1 kike, George "I start insurrections" Soros. Now you might be wondering why I've taken time away from finding black bulls to fuck my wife and inhaling muslim cocks. Well, I'll tell you.
As I watched my wife being pleasured by numerous men that were not me the other night I thought of how all white men could get a deep sense of satisfaction if they could just let go of their inhibitions and act as fluffers for the 3rd world, offering up the women we cherish most in an altruistic gift of formerly unexperienced patriotism of not country, but humanity. Wives and daughters the western world over impregnated by strong verile niggers and muslims. I say nigger of course in only the most cuckold fashion.
Well there isn't much more to this. I think I should go check and see if my wife needs a cleaning!
Again, my name is Justin Trudeau and I love sucking big hairy cocks.
I don't see what's wrong with either of those things.
>>hitler banned guns
But that's a lie. For ethnic germans it got even easier to get guns under Hitler's rule.
Yeah but what's the problem with it?
wtf I still love Hitler and Trump now
It's the right of every nation to decide who to let into their territory.
> 1 post with this ID
The average voter is a retard.
Fuck off leaf
>no reason
There are plenty of reasons.
Do your even read pol with an uncritical eye?
saved thx
We're there Suicide Jews?
Who knew Hitler was so based?
>for no fucking reason
Cracks me up everytime.
>no reason
yeah you fucked up neighbor
Go Suck a fat dick you fucking leaf.
Why not both?
This really oveboiled my cup o noodle
>There are 50 majority Muslim nations in the world.
>Ban Muslims
>Muslims from Saudi Arabia, Indonesia and 100+ countries can still come in unchecked
Wow. Worst bad ever.
Antifa can't refute this.
why not reduce the whole argument a bit more? like for example: They are both white males
Ban both
>for no fucking reason
Nice try, Shlomo
Hitler didn't ban jews, he sent them to a free camp.
>no reason
How's 7th grade history going for you?
>1 signed.
So when is this going to update?
Hitler allied with Muslims.
Hence why all Muslims are antisemitic.
Did you guys know that Hitler liked Political comics?
Sup Forums btfo guise!!
Hitler wouldn't let Jews move to Germany?
>counter clockwise swastika
Fucking hell, the lefties can't even get their proganda right.
trump didnt ban muslims or he would have banned every single one
>for no reason
how is this not common knowledge
Hitler only banned Jews from being alive. Trumps just giving Muslims the opportunity to ban themselves from living in the comfort of their own shithole countries.
Jews >Niggers>>dog shit>>>>>>mudslimes
It's getting a bit old now. Congratulations on deminishing Hitler to a Republican president, surely all these comparisions won't blow up in liberals faces this time!
Hitler: ban Jews
Muslims: ban Jews
Trump: ban Muslims
What liberals don't realize is that their incessant attempt at assassinating Trump's character with dishonest propaganda is fairly transparent to the average person.
By comparing him to Hitler, they are effectively bringing into question the average person's perception of Hitler and the validity of propaganda surrounding him.
Never, it's rigged.
>jews stage communist rebellion in germany that murders hundreds
>shortly after staging communist rebellion in next-door russia that murders MILLIONS
gee I wonder why they were worried about the jews?
I agree.
>ban jews
So the comic author is suggesting Hitler did not authorize the death camps? He's insinuating Hitler wanted to send the jews away from Germany like in the Madagascar plan?
Bold move comic author, but it didn't work out too well for people like David Irving.
Ban Jews from what? Life?
We can thank them for their stupidity.
>All of them lost or probably have a terrible plan.
>leans in
Right panel is right, but hitler dodnt want to exterminate jews, only get them out of germany.
He also had a very good reason.
Obama banned christians, and refused to hire white males
true that, for a german citizen getting guns was impossible in weimar germany, not hitlers germany
Implement both.
wtf I hate trump now
Hitler drank water?
FUCK. Does that mean I'm like Hitler???
wtf do I do
Fuck off you idiotic womble.
Hitler didn't kill any jews, the gas chambers and bullets did.
Why not both?