All the fucking """Australian""" cucks on this board siding with a foreign leader against our own leader have no right to call themselves Australian.
We've been Americas closest allies for half a century, we followed you to every stupid war you created, and now you've shown you don't even have any respect for us and think you can treat us like shit.
Fuck of yanks, we'd be better off allying with China, at least they buy our exports and don't put ridiculous tariffs on us.
>we'd be better off allying with China i bet you live in Melbourne cunt.
Nolan Evans
I live in rural WA. Fuck you. You cunts love America and Trump more than your own country.
Brandon Wilson
Turnbull is a faggot who knifed a leader in the back and potentially bribed his way into leadership, who only won an election because there's no way any sane person would vote for Labor in their current state and after the damage they did under Rudd and Gillard.
Fuck Turnbull, Fuck the lot of Australian politicians. There hasn't been a good one since Howard.
Jackson Harris
Adam Ward
Stop crying, it was a fucking phone call.
Jesus, just walk into the swamp and let the salties make use of you.
Camden Jackson
>we'd be better off allying with China And you have the fucking gall to call anyone unaustralian.
Fuck off chink.
Elijah Wilson
Matthew Miller
Turncoat is not our leader, he is only the leader of the big 4 banks and international businessmen. He is a slimy spineless piece of shit and does not give a fuck about the common-man. Fuck this cunt.
Bentley Baker
>we followed you to every stupid war you created, And that is why we get no respect from a real man like Trump.
We don't deserve any. We are suck-ups. It is just embarrassing.
Benjamin Wright
If it was tone i'd be on his side but turnbull is an actual fucking dickhead who just wanted the job and thats it. A posh cunt that cares more about himself than the country.
He deserves to be called a fucking faggot and I hope he cried later that night.
Thomas Jackson
>Fuck of yanks, we'd be better off allying with China
Lo Pan you have to go back.
Gabriel Ortiz
public servant, not a leader - also apparently only suburban and rural retards voted for him
Aaron Hernandez
U.s.a is a proxy country:
They worship Israel and so they prosper. All other first world countries idolize america and know they wont get any of that israeli wealth and godly protection so they do the next best thing and get in bed with usa.
Its simple really. You cant leave America and expect that things will just work out. In one way or another you will always be cucked into thinking you have a national identity but the truth is you're just a territory.
Adrian Kelly
No one here respects the globalist ideology Turnbull promulgates.
Adam Phillips
I agree tony is better than Turnbull and Turnbull a traitor but he's still our leader and he represents our country. A foreign slapping Turnbull with his dick like that is doing it to all Australians.
William Myers
Ethan Walker
australia vs usa when?
Eli Richardson
All Australians, no. Globalist cuck Australians, yes. Fuck Prepbull
Juan Robinson
Trump is just setting the ground rules - we don't want another one of your PMs to show up over here without his pants.
Owen Ward
>Using the Every True Scotsman Argument. >Nice b8 m8
Jackson Gutierrez
Australians who earn less than 200K a year don't identify with this goon. He is not 'our' PM, only the PM of his globalist banker buddies. I literally no no-one who likes him or would defend him.
Joshua Parker
Yeah mates I'm pissed off too that Trump won't accept 1800 refuges from Nauru and manus island, atleat Obama got the memo that were full.
Angel Allen
Auscunts confirmed for real life unironic cuckolds
Brody Diaz
Fuck Turnbull. hes a puppet for the banks.
Our politics are fucked. one side is run by communists and unions, the other by jew bankers and christfags.
Sebastian Cook
Eh America will be on their knees for the vastly superior Australians soon.
Jackson James
>Americas closest allies for half a century kek who told you that? some american tourist to get you to suck his dick?
Jordan Russell
You deport illegal immigrants back to their 3rd world shitholes. You don't swap illegal immigrants with another White country and let them in.
Aiden Cox
i'm scared. hold me emus
Samuel Hall
Stop fucking replying to this chink labor shill
Luke Jackson
this. Any deal you made with Obama definitely didn't have America's best interests at heart, Trump is just dealing with it the best he can. If Trump made your PM cry, I'm sorry.
James Baker
Most people i know, even the normies are laughing at Turnbull over this. And they think Trump did us all a favour. Use to be once you could walk up to the PM in the street and call him out on their bullshit. Now they all hide away in their ivory towers, listening to what ever news corp who likes them the most.
Jose Russell
Forget that the big bad Trump was mean to our poor Turncoat; Turnbull was the one who put us all to shame on the foreign stage with that call. He's a feeble, impotent embarrassment who doesn't have the spine to deal with Trump.
With any luck it'll be enough for Turnbull to be shoved off in favour of Abbott. Tones would've called Trump a gay cunt and threatened to drop him next time they met.
Adam Brown
Caleb Cox
Remember when Tony said he would shirtfront Putin? Absolute madman.
Hunter Ward
It was literally just a phone call.
The entire deal was a fucking joke to start with.
"We will take these illegals if you take these illegal immigrants"
Just a pathetic deal that doesnt deal witg the issue. Trumps focus is Americans. Turbulls focus is himself.
We need to just proper sink dem boaties or put a large "return to sender" on them and remind them we are full.
Luke Rodriguez
>America's closest ally for half a century. Sorry Chap.
Lucas Harris
I for one appreciate how you just accept it when our president just took a dump on your country and told you to keep the refugees.
Josiah Ortiz
Nations don't have permanent friends, only permanent interests. Bout time you cunts figured that out.
Henry Wood
>what is ANZUS
who else is closest ally?
Jace Smith
if we elected a faggot like that for president, we here on Sup Forums would fully respect any other leader to call him out on his faggotry.
Mason Gonzalez
I unironically want China to become the new sole world superpower just so that nobody will look down on me for being cheap chink shit.
Christopher Davis
you are the cuck to side with that jew dick head
Noah Lopez
But your president literally could not handle the bantz and hung up in rage. How is that not a faggoty act? I bet if he hung up on Trump instead you drones would be saying Trump is so alpha for making someone rage quit a phone call.
Fucking amerifats I'd love to beat you up.
Luke Sullivan
siding with that silver spoon fraud? You betray the real patriots of this country.
Lincoln Collins
Sorry mate but we're in the wrong on this one. We tried to con the yanks into taking our shitskins and it backfired. How pissed would u be if we were taking muzzies from the U.S.? I just pray we get a leader like Trump, and can finally fix this shithole.
Elijah Nelson
>Siding with a orange faced Israel apologist throwing a tantrum over social media like a child because muh epic memes
Christian Brooks
Eat a dick kangaroo fucker. Americans don't apologize for making foreign cucks sad anymore or didn't you hear, that nigger is gone.
Elijah Ramirez
>con the yanks by taking thousands of central american 'refugees' every year in return?
Gavin Foster
>hung up in rage Turncoat said that this did not happen, it was only reported by Washington Post. Fake news.
Adrian Kelly
It'll fucken blow over mate. Who gives a fuck. Aussies are about drinking piss and doing burnouts. We went to war all those times with the US because they help stop those slants from Japan turning us into a mega slave nation. I'd say we're pretty even now. Malcolm's a big boy he'll be ok and so will we. Don't get your knickers all twisted.
Jack Martin
Dipshit, I think your leader is a cuckold asshat; I'm not thinking about you at all.
John Butler
>siding with a jew
yeah nah but mostly nah
Jonathan Stewart
Thats like saying i shouldnt have sided with hitler
Wyatt Hall
We should have shot the boats out from under them. That way they wouldn't be an issue now. Fucken refugees!!
Jason Martin
Don't worry boys. Trump is just agitating the right wing in you. You're going to get pissed at your cucked leaders and you'll elect some right wingers. Deals will be made and Trump, by proxy, will Make Australia Great Again. All I ask in return is that you boys let me fuck LoserFruit in the ass.
Anthony Murphy
'Right wing' isn't really a thing here anymore apart from blind xenophobia.
Asher Adams
Well see, that's where you're wrong. Just give it time, and you'll see Aussie Blue turn Red. I'm serious about the Fruit. I want to hate fuck her. Plz deliver.
Jack Morris
>you don't even have any respect for us said the king of all shitposting nations
Justin Miller
Turnbull doesn't even have any respect for us and thinks he can treat us like shit.
Oliver Baker
>Australians unironically siding with their refugee-loving globalist
You cunts should be more upset than anything. You're forced to take in 4000 more refugees under this deal. Send all the cunts back to their own country.
Hunter Miller
Then stop trying to dump your trash in our country.
James Wood
>Remember when Tony said he would shirtfront Putin? Absolute madman. He also said it was up to the Anglosphere to fight evil in this world. He was our guy.
Jeremiah Morris
The vast majority of us want to send them away but we can't because we're UNcucks.
Christopher Hill
Malcolm Trunbull please go, you are not welcome here.
Elijah Perry
We don't want your sand niggers
Camden Rogers
You're not our closest ally. Israel is our closest ally
William Gomez
Eat shit faggot. We don't want your fucking refugees.
Juan King
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it
Americans don't hate Australians, but that deal was stupid from the moment it was agreed upon. Your leader needs to nut up and just deport them. It's insulting to ask if that deal is still on the table when the American people elected a leader who specifically opposed everything it stood for
Illegals arent chess pieces to be traded. You have thousands of muslims you can't vet, deport them. You're not forced to keep them. Your leaders are too pussy to actually do it though because theyre faggots that think they have to appease the left. Instead of sending them back they just put them on an island to hold them in limbo. Fuck that, don't appease the left. They're a cancer that'll never be happy. They just take take take take take. You can't appease an ideology like that, one thats entire foundation is the destruction of your society.
Our leader made it very clear that he wasnt going to let in people that were potentially a threat to the American people. He has an obligation not to do that. That's a bad deal and he deserved to be called out for it.
Australia itself is cool, so are the aussie people. I think many Australian people agree with that line of thinking. If trump had actually done something unjust to Australia we'd call him out on it. It's insulting to Trump and his administration to assume they're as incompetent as the faggots that came before him.
Elijah Walker
>Your leaders are too pussy to actually do it Mate, I hate our "leaders" but they are among the least cucked when it comes to illegal immigration. Australia has half the world crying and yelling at us for not letting the boats in and we've told everyone to get stuffed.
Though the main reason our government is tough on illegals is so our dumb people don't wise up and notice LEGAL immigration is already killing us. The government, both sides, are on board with their retarded ponzi scheme. Fucking boomers.
Elijah Reed
>His son, Alex, who runs a hedge fund, lives in Singapore with his wife and their baby. >His wife is Hong Kong-born Yvonne Wang, or Wang Yiwen. According to FairfaxMedia, >her parents were "well-connected in cosmopolitan Shanghai and wereknown to be >on good terms with former president Jiang Zemin".
I think he might have swallowed weird pill from CCP.
Thomas Adams
We basically are allied with china, what with our trading we do. If not for china we wouldn't have a penny to our name. We teach the chinks at out unis, and export our iron.