It's officially over. Trump is finished.
It's officially over. Trump is finished
Welp, guess I'm with Her now.
Bernie still can win.
wtf this happened in my State? God damn cucks
It took 12 to wire a single word
That's hilarious, because their resistance will, both literally and figuratively, be washed away by the rising tide :)
and that pesky global warming will wash it all away
Well guys it's been a wild ride but I guess it's time to pack it in
maine anons please go and stamp it out
tide comes in, tide goes out
I can't resist beaches
But this one says resist
But I can't
Son of a crap.
>12 people to spell a 6 letter word
Sounds like the left's typical work ethic to me
I hate sand
it gets everywhere
These kind of "protests" get more retarded by the minute, they really need to hire better planning
>12 people
Is CNN really not making fun of them
Resist Masturbation
Based ocean gonna wash it away.
Tides go in, tides go out. You can't refute that.
kinda hypocritical since maine is the state with the least enrichment
what are they even resisting, harsh winters and pleasant scenery?
That took twelve people?!
Hey Rabbi, I can't help but notice the path leads from your stairs straight to the edges of the swastika.
It's too close to Canada and got infected with their faggotry. At least it's not New York.
A whole twelve people? Well clearly the country wants him out.
looks like they only did it for a quick picture, what fags.They did it at low tide then high tide came and washed it away two hours later.
>still relevant
The moon itself is on Trump's side!
Libs BTFO!
>says increasingly nervous man for the 27th time
Haaaa. Greely is loaded with Mexicans.
God I want the photos of it being washed away
Hello brother. Where is this? I will go shit in it tonight if close. When might be good to know too.
Pretending this is news. Cnn is pathetic
The MAGA Moon has already destroyed this symbol of their resolve.
We've also had a """wave""" of """"bomb threats"""" at joo centers around the state lel.
Glad to see that there's still nothing to do in Maine. Enjoy your Montana East faggots.
A group of friends got together early Sunday morning at Sand Beach in Acadia National Park along the Maine coast. But they weren't there to frolic in the sand.
The group wrote the word "RESIST" in enormous letters in the sand at low tide, then took pictures before the ocean rose again and washed it away a couple of hours later.
Maybe try and figure out where some of these people live and take a shit on their doorsteps
Lol the irony of the m building this on the shoreline where it will inevitably get washed away is the perfect allegory of their whole resistance "movement"
You can't fight the tide.
Yeah it all ended up being a waste of time, since for all that they spent hours on it just for it to get washed up just as fast. Of course CNN would be the ones to report on this garbage
How the fuck is this even news? We used to do shit like this as kids at the beach for fun.
Typical. Leftists cannot create anything that isn't temporary and/or easily removed.
So the best idea the left has is to play in the sand.
That message will be as lasting as their "movement"
>gaywad edgy teens with bad haircuts take a whole day out of their unemployed life to write oversized slogan on beach
>leftists lose it and celebrate them
How delusional these people are.
wtf im a #cruzmissle now
That's it, boys, time to hang up the ol' keyboard. It's over.
No one saying,
It washed away like their movement will?
So this is what it feels like to be BTFO...
Beat me to it
How many liberals does it take to write out a six-letter word?
I chuckled, user
How is this a news story?
>12 people to drag a rake through the sand
came here to post this
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear code
Man, not having a job seems great.
I don't have the time to write big letters in the sand.
>12 people
1 person could have done this shit in a couple of hours
Die flut kommt
Whelp, that went right into my "you laugh you lose" folder
In what world is this news worthy?
CNN is fake or redundant no matter what they publish.
>People on a beach
>12 of them
Jesus, it's over, isn't it!
>There are more Sup Forums posters than Jews in North America
>surely these pol posters prone to mental illness would ever do such a thing, the jews must have done this
Okay Mohammed Al Bongo Drums
11 managers and Joe
>They need 12 people to write big letters on sand
Not very under budget or ahead of schedule, if I had to say.
Fuck cnn. This is it for me. I'm done with them. How the fuck is this news?
WTF i hate Trump now
>12 people
Its like the old saying. How many idiots does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
CNN do I need to say more?