What are we going to do about Hollywood?

>Constantly deflect criticism away from themselves like white SJW's with virtue signaling.

>They think they can compensate for their fame and fortune by throwing conservatives or white men under the bus.

>They influence culture because Hollywood is and has always been the death star of liberal propaganda that makes and spends billions of dollars to manipulate American values.

Can we find a structural weakness and blow it up already?

Other urls found in this thread:



Don't forget
>Think they're political gurus and can tell you who and what to vote for because of their celebrity status

why is writing stuff on yourself considered courageous and wise?


Put the focus back on why they are being hypocrites for not opening their million dollar mansions up and hosting them

>advocates open door policy
>closes their homes to refugees

I'm so grateful. Really what would we do without these heroes.

Oh look, it's the Jew from three Jews, a paki, and a faggot. I'm so interested in what he has to say.


They're talking about her cunt.


Actually People won't hold them to that...

but maybe looking at what they make versus what they have donated to help refugees themselves

Leak movies
Leak spoilers
Show others how to do it.

>Actually People won't hold them to that...
I know, but if we can get them to, it would be ideal

The hypocracy is too obvious to ignore

This. Can we make these people shack up a few refugees? Somewhere around the 3rd rape I think they'll get the picture.

Jewish guy holding a sign who played as jew in a jewish industry in a jewish series with a jewish producer while standing in a high percentage jewish location while being a jew.

Is his wife like 170 years old?

Trump is working on this right now.

All these countries condemning us.

Iran threatening to drop the dollar.

How many refugees has Iran allowed in?


this sort of shit only works when your actually famous and people are going to take your picture anyway. i have no idea who these people are it's just two retards looking super serious

Not bad leaf. Not bad at all.


Also really this:

>let them in
in da pucci

Its probably so big that if she let refugees in they'd probably wind up back syria by the time they got out.

Holy shit. Fuck these people.

dude he was JUST before this pic. He was on big bang theory

>living in a gated community
>against having a wall

All those countries have Syrian refugees.
It's a weird clause but the Gulf states didn't sign some agreement about refugees so they don't get refugees but expats instead. Saudi Arabia has a few hundred thousand Syrian "expats".
Israel anyway has been at war with Syria and never signed a peace agreement so they are hostile to each other.

Open Borders For Israel

At the NYU riot today they were chanting against Israel's wall too. We need to push this again hard.

why are all these big bang theory actors going all libtard and sjw lately?

They've always been sjw & libtard m8, you've just not noticed


Donald "Triggering every pussy" Trump

No they don't. Some do, yes. But many don't.


Literal terrorists the "white helmets" are going to the (((Oscars))) this year(If Trump decides to allow it) due to a documentary about their terrori-err "heroism" was nominated. Anyone hoping they go full kebab and wipe them all out?

Except Based Mel Gibson.
Not a coincidence the millionaire kike getting $1mn per episode of his shit show wrote "LET THEM IN" with black marker on his Ayy lmao wife.

>live in gated communities
>won't open their mansions up to refugees
>will try to shame you for not letting them into YOUR house, though

since they want refugees and love communism so much, why don't we just use The State to redistribute Hollywood's multimillion-dollar mansions & million dollar salaries to """""""Syrian""""""" refugees? Surely they would agree that it's for a Good Cause.

release their tax returns
then see how much people still support them


That's easy - slash copyright terms back to their original 28 years. Everything made in 1989 or earlier goes into the public domain and is no longer a revenue source for the (((studios))).

kikes standing for muzzies that literally want to wipe them out. kek

What are the white helmets?

This is actually a good idea.

Stop buying their products? Why do conservatives have this safe space mentality that everything should cater toward their beliefs? They scream, cry, and pout about godlessness, degeneracy, etc. but then when the left does the same and demand safe spaces they tell them to ''STOP WHINING!''

I'm tired of rich conservative talking heads taking some silly issue and blowing it out of proportion and getting people fired up for a culture war that cannot win. A war they don't want to win because if they win their support base crumbles.

Except, that's EXACTLY what conservative talking heads do. They do the same shit, except it's not refugees it's ''BUT TAX US LESS! WE KNOW THE STRUGGLE OF THE WORKING MAN! TAX US LESS PLEASE!''


No, that would be anti-business. Why do you hate the free market? Why do you want a class war? That's what the liberals want.




They are volunteers to help in syria.

>this 5'5, stick-thin, liberal Jew slaps your girlfriend on the ass

what do?

>get tan enough to pass for some type of colored person
>fuck all their dumb easily-manipulated liberal women


What we need is more directors like clint eastwood.

Some kind of strange PR pseudo miillitary organization.

>A front for funding ISIS in Syria

Send in right wing speakers to give presentations in Hollywood. Antifa are scrambled to """"resist"""". Antifa does 1 of 2 things; They either deny a platform to the speaker and burn down Hollywood OR they allow the speaker a platform and the people get redpilled.

Pick up my girlfriend like a baseball bat and beat him to death with her.

Dude wtf are you talking about.

Not really. Barely any.

Why has nobody ever shown up after some hollywood idiot says this at their house demanding to be housed by them and offer to remove their gate and locks on the doors.

Thats like 100 on 3. Did those guys live?

Said Arabia and UAE have

Don't pay for their movies/series.

How fucked can you get in the US for downloading a movie/series episode?

Who knows. One nearly got killed. That was a shit head move, sucker punching someone from behind. Really only blacks, women, or Antifa would do something so cowardly.

ISIS/Al Nusra in "volunteer aid worker" uniform. Evidence says otherwise. They are the propaganda behind the "innocent children" meme and are/were funded by Obama's administration.

Death Penalty in California. All other states a $15 fine.

The numbers are inflated.


They have counted all refugees arriving in their countries even if they are just passing through on their way to europe.



Its a 4 letter word nigger. Just surprise us for one. Just once.

Bravo Obongo.

Is that photo where the girl is getting makeup put on to look like she's wounded from those people as well?

If so, that shit is incredibly dark

A "free market" would not have copyright protections AT ALL. Copyrights are a government-enforced monopoly for a specified period of time. At the time of the constitution, that period was 14 years plus an option for a 14-year renewal.

The current terms are insane and only benefit massive leftist corporations.

In other words, stop cucking for multinational conglomerates that hate you and your politics. Start hitting back at them by sapping their money flows.

Call them out for being rich liberals hate rich people

Send all the refugees and economic migrants to LA. Beverly Hills etc.

Then hope a earthquake kills them all.

Pre-heat oven


If they're so welcoming then why don't they let refugees stay in their house(s)?

Some times if you throw enough conservatives or white men under the bus, you drown in conservastew.

Build the wall around California and dump all the refugees in there.


Structural Weakness =/= Being Ignored and Not Watch their Movies

All those assholes are self righteous narcissists

Its always sucker punches.

Antifa goal as stated to to counter the violence of nazis and the far right.

There are never any roaming groups of nazis beating people up though.

So they basically randomly deem that someone is a nazi and run up and sucker punch them.

Like they think gavin mcinnes is a nazi...



When Brady wins the SuperBowl this weekend the media will throw a fit because he's Trump's bff.

>This Much Winning

I'm almost tired of it, (but no, not really)

No shit. This fucking covered it perfectly.


I'd like to see this retard house a refugee family in his house from the ones that are already there

I hope the patriots win desu

Ravens are fucking gay

When he wins its a proxy victory for trump.

So fuck yeah

Shit, he probably doesn't even let the pizza delivery guy in his (((house))) when he orders a pie. The last thing he wants is a refugee near his dreidel.

Beat him to death and peel his face off and eat it. Gain his Jew powers by proxy.

I can't believe that guy is an actor, no talent, not in shape horrendous face, a fucking manlet.

I hope Trump tax Hollywood to death, all those mansions and cars just gone. Fuck them

The structural weakness is their horrifying pedophilia. Expose that and everybody will flee.

That or just pirate movies and stop going to the cinema.

Send help.

>Ravens are fucking gay

jesus christ leaf. at least pretend to care.

Send refugees we do have to live with these celebrities.

>That or just pirate movies and stop going to the cinema.
Or just grow up and don't watch them. There is plenty to do in this world other than sitting through an hour and a half of pointless drivel and CGI.

Very few films anymore are written with any sort of depth or emotion. Each scene is as 2 dimensional as a comic book, aside from the occasional actor blinking....followed by an explosive chase scene and possibly a boat explosion.

>I can't believe this guy is an actor

Check his surname and all will be revealed...



These clowns are immune from criticism in part because no one has yet figured out how to collect and aggregate their "predictions" which are inevitably on the wrong side of history.

In fact, a person could make a lot of money just betting against these assholes 100% of the time. They're like that guy in fantasy football who goes 1-15 or 0-16 on consecutive weeks.

I keep hoping it falls into the ocean

who cares about hollywood?

Movie attendance and ticket sales are plummeting, no one gives a fuck what they think, and the only good actors left are all aging out of the business. Just ignore it. This is one of the only places I even see their virtue signaling

If some ((sitcom)) actor gives his opinion or makes a prediction, one only needs to go the other way and take the other side of the bet to make a literal fortune.

These fuckers are a perfect contrary indicator.