What happened? Werent we BTFO by Trump? Why is the Peso winning?
What happened? Werent we BTFO by Trump? Why is the Peso winning?
>that graph
You were fucked long before Trump boogeyman came along, mexibro.
Wew compadre
How is this good for you? This is $1USD/X pesos = .2, it means the Peso's value is declining
>Going from 22 to 20.5 isnt winning
>How is this good for you? This is $1USD/X pesos = .2, it means the Peso's value is declining
It's USD/MXN. That's a divide sign. As in a ratio. As in going from 22 pesos = 1 dollar to 20.5 pesos = 1 dollar.
good argument loser
What a success story! Congratulations, Paco. Why don't you celebrate by chainsawing a couple of sicarios.
This angers the hillbilly.
Because if we kill them, they'll win!
Isnt that quacking crazy!?
It used to be 12 pesos in 2012
>Mexico pesos use to be 1 pesos per 1USD
>It use to be 10 pesos to 1 dollar
>It use to be 15 to 1
>It now 20 to 1
It's been winning since Trump took over. My question is why?
Cus the government are "trying" to get their shit together so we don't get more fucked in the ass
>18 shortly before Trump won
>shoot up instantly to 20
>rises to 22
>20.5 now
>we are winning guys!!
>peso rises
>export market suffers
>peso falls
>niggas can't even afford bus fare
You guys lose no matter what, just implode already
Reading all you retards talking about currencies makes me realize how easily how Soros made money manipulating currencies.
You clearly forgot
>From 12 to 13 when Peña was elected (Which proposed to sell oil
>15 when they announced oil to be sold to private corporations company)
>18 when oil prices dropped.
See this had nothing to see with Trump, and more related to Oil.
Because as more stuff sold in America moves their production to America, more American people have jobs but products are more expensive and this makes the real wages go down (even though the nominal wages go up, since natives charge more than outsourcing), effectively diminishing the amount of goods and/or services that you can buy with a given amount of money. This will keep going gradually until their money is worth shit, and that's how Trump is fucking their economy.
>Dollar gets lower and lower ever since Trump got elected.
Im going to ask again, why is this happening?
Americans want their dollar weak otherwise other countries can take advantage of you.
>persisting 10% loss of value within day Trump wins the election has nothing to do with Trump because long ago other things devalued Mexican currency.
>18 shortly before Trump won
>shoots up instantly to 20
>rises to 22
>Mexico winning
>Mexican intellectuals
>Trump finally gets into office
>Goes from 22 to 20 and keeps going low.
Again, why is this happening?
It's climbing back up becuase its so cheap, this is only over a few days. I would wait at least a month to make a prediction
Trump has nothing to do with this. It's all bout oil.