What exactly is the end goal of these people?
They seem to label any type of pro-nation government as fascist. So do they want utter anarchy or what?
Why do they get so much leeway?
What exactly is the end goal of these people?
They seem to label any type of pro-nation government as fascist. So do they want utter anarchy or what?
Why do they get so much leeway?
They believe humanity will live in peace after they kill a bunch of people who they deem to be the problem.
They are idiot 15 year olds beating their chests over naive hopeless ideals.
Antifa is a united organisation of Anarchists and Communists against what they deem as "fascism."
I'd assume that their endgame is to instate far left politics while dragging down the influence of the far right.
The organizational structure of them is anarchists, with a lot of mid to low levels being communists. So yes.
Antifa is an acronym for "anti-first amendment".
I don't think they want to install any government, they have no big goal. Whenever nazism is on the rise, they just beat them. And Nazis deserve that honestly
>Although I do agree that there are more fake "antifas" appearing that beat nationalists. Kinda not ok, but beating fascist = superb
They are mostly anarcho-communists. They are not liberals, they hate Lenin, Stalin, etc., and really hate anything remotely right wing.
except there's a distinction to be made between Right Wing ideology and Fascist ideology which Antifa fails to
Pretty sure #3 is drive the masses to the fascists desu
Their goal is their next soros paycheck.
True, true
But once you go far right enough it doesn't matter
People who antifa should beat
>People who believe that there are higher and lower races
>People who are antisemitic
>Holocaust deniers
>Nazi supporters
>People who believe Hitler dindu nothin wrong
>People who yell "Sieg Hail" or whatever
>people who believe other races should be exterminated
Who antifa shouldn't beat
>everyone else
I'm not convinced these people have a plan past inciting a war in the streets.
then by that logic Antifa is far left enough to be labeled as Anarchist communist and should get beat too
poo in loo, you did good
you are now honorary aryan
Why ?
>hurr durr why does antifa beat nazis hurr durr they shouldn't use violence hurr durr it's not the way to deal with opposing oppinions
Someone opposes your oppinion
>"Yeah we should beat communists because they oppose my opinion"
Nobody said they were smart.
Its always funny when antifas go on about how "tolerating the fash" was what lead to the rise of Hitler and that only through violence can they be stopped.
Ignoring the fact that Hitler was only able to seize power after communists use of violence against fascists was enough to turn them into scapegoats and create the third reich.
From what I have gathered they're basically college kids from rich suburban households that want every trash can on earth to be lit on fire.
It's the same goal as of every company in USA: to conquer the marker. Those aren't protests for people by people, those are protests for companies by people. Democratic jobs are at stake, politically the line goes deep. You might even have people who genuine believe they are fighting for people, but no, it's USA, the endgame is always fighting for companies of rich people.
I was only going by your logic you retard
>hurrr durr antifa should beat up far right while not getting beat up for being far left radicals
This is the endgoal. Internationalism. Where as you people are stuck in narcissistic bubbles and delusions and only think about yourselves.
>What exactly is the end goal of these people?
Make (((Trumps America))) look unstable and scary
>They seem to label any type of pro-nation government as fascist. So do they want utter anarchy or what?
They have no fucking idea what they want. They're just the violent arm of...
>Why do they get so much leeway?
Pic Related
Who Antifa should beat
>nobody because they're not authorities
Who Antifa shouldn't beat
The big question is does kike palpatine give them money?
They are an-coms.
There is no guess what they want.
What is far-right or alt-right in USA anyway? If there's no definition for it, then chances are it's political term to keep elites on power, same as term lefties. The key to success for people on long-term is having terms that have actual definitions, else elites might use every term with loosely definition and change it to their benefit.
alt-rigjt is:
it's nothing and everything.
Everything that I stated contradicted left wing policies
In this post modern era, where there is no more good and bad. right or wrong, it's really hard to label any group as inherently good/bad . Communism for instance has good intentions and seeks freedom, but on the surface can be implemented horribly making hard to determine whether it's good or bad
Fascism on the other hand is objectively bad, not a single good side on that, not a single point from which to defend it. Antifa movements therefore shouldn't be political at all, it should be common sense that Nazism/Fascism is bad and that it deserves a beating if police already isn't doing so
>that still doesn't mean I agree with all antifa movements today, a lot of them are shit, but there are still those good ol' beat a nazi Antifa groups here and there
Antifa are loser weirdos who can't stand traditional successful ppl
An extreamly contradicting ideology?
Hey there friend, rarely do I meet Albanian comrades
>Soros is the only guy who can do that
Yes, precisely so.
And it shows in their actions.
Hey, since we are all NAZIs now, does that mean we get Lebensraum?
LOL 5 internets
They're to the left what 'extreme islamists' are to muslims. They use violence to achieve the changes the larger group wishes to see and in return the larger group covers for them. There is a reason these people never show up spontaneously at conservative protests.
Preety sure the nazi party ended long ago fag
Hey, since Soros pays me, when do I get my money ?
You are in USA, you should have a big house and big land already. That's one of basic American dream requirements, besides being big yourself.
Go back to your hole jew
Smrt fašizmu, sloboda narodu! Vdekje fashizmit, liri popullit!
Wannabe thugs funded by Soros. They're cowards who don't like even numbers or a fair fight, and frequently attack unarmed opponents from behind.
Think of them as your average uni campus leftie with a bit more aggression and less ability to spout whatever rubbish about privilege and racism their "educated" peers spew.
>Why do they get so much leeway?
Obongo belonged to Soros. The ones in Commiefornia were attacking unarmed (mostly liberal) and vastly outnumbered students on a university campus, and the cucks running both the uni and the state seem to have instructed the police to look the other way and do as little as possible.
They won't have the balls to do anything against rednecks who like a good fight, but to begin with it seems the whole point of Soros unleashing them on other lefties is to get people pissed enough to retaliate, giving the media a chance to work the whole "Trump is a fascist" and "RWDS are real" angle.
Communism doesn't have good intentions, it is inherently hostile and violent towards the middle class or as they'd put it the "bourgeois" which it calls for armed struggle against
communists are just as bad as fascists and will go to any legnths to achieve their goals
Isn't that a fake quote tho?
Hell if I know.
Soros pays you? Tell us more.
Just because there's no more Hitler that doesn't mean there's no more Nazism. Europe is slowly succumbing to fascist ideologies and and all people are doing is trying to find reasons why these retards aren't fascist. Why are they allowed to use violence and protests but antifa isn't ?
They want to cause enough violent disturbance over nothing so that the government has to react to them.
Once the government tries to keep the peace, no matter how peacefully or forcefully they try, Antifa will scream fascism.
It's a self-fulfilling prophecy
poo in the loo killin it
To bre druže ! Smrt fašizmu sloboda narodu !
It's attributed to Huey Long in 1930 something but lefties will try to say that you're dumb for using the quote because they just wanted to "normalize fascism" and "hurt the true patriots".
Oy vey goyim those evil mean goyim anarchists are destroying my banks make sure you join the national guard to protect them!
Actually read Marx and then make an argument
They are the true children of privilege. Only amazing technological and economical and social surplus can afford them.
They dont care about anything other than mobbing up with their friends and feeling righteous about it in order to excuse their delinquency.
Now *this* guy goes poo in the loo.
Cheers friend.
Imagine being at the lowest rung of society - ugly, poor, stupid.
Imagine being full of rage at the world for your predicament.
This is the end result. They just want to destroy everything, dragging everyone down into the abyss with them.
Churchill knew what he was talking about, that's easy when you are one of founding fathers of EU and world banking, you simply know what you financing in future to come, but that doesn't means it's truth, it's just reality.
I doubt most of these kids are poor
>read X
The calling card of leftypol
>So do they want utter anarchy
>They believe humanity will live in peace after they kill a bunch of people who they deem to be the problem.
Who are they gonna kill? They would get wiped out in a real war with the red states. These faggots are delusional.
The end goal is communism.
Communism, nihonjin.
Well basically every Friday 15$ appears in my mail box with coordinates where to attack the Nazis. Then a bunch of jews(me being one ofc) shows up there, we dress up as communists and beat random good town folks, we later go to our secret Jew hideout where we hide all the "holocaust never happened" evidence and sip our beer as our huge noses dip into the mugs. Than we just laugh, go home and wait for more Soros money
And there you go
>not real gommunism
>you haven't read Marx
That's a funny way to spell globalism, commie.
Antifa are a coalition of jewish supremacists who want to use open borders as a weapon against white people and pedophilia activists who want to legally rape children.
See: Luke Kuhn, the confirmed pedophile jew who was caught planning a chemical attack on the inauguration event.
Their goal is to use violence to shut down speech that is contrary to their aims. They are an arm of Soros and left-wing politicians across the west, similar bussing tactics to create violent gatherings led to the Ukraine crisis which could have led, and still could lead to WW3.
Their leaders should be arrested for terrorism and all funding frozen. Everyone should use the whitehouse petition system or other means of contact to demand this from Trump.
Sorry to disappoint
Oh yes, balkanization of the US is much better.
You are fucking idiots!
Or they simply want to employ cheaper workers who they don't need to pay anything and can fire them whenever they can, because they are illegals, so they need work-slaves.
Anglo-capitalistic logic to exploit others has gone full-circle.
Sick argument bro, let's hear it again!
Oh shit
Antifa aren't fighting oppression. They're wanting communist oppression.
Not only that, they're assaulting innocents, not Nazis. There haven't been actual Nazis in decades, and if they keep harming innocents, new Nazis, which they claim to be against, will arise thanks to their nonsense.
Also, in California, Antifa don't just fight people in the name of their movement. During their weekend hours, they're HEAVILY involved in illegal activity such as pushing drugs at punk shows and raves, even pushing drugs towards minors when places host all-ages raves. They're also heavily involved with sex with minors, one AntiFa member having over 700 accounts of it (approximately 730) yet they have the nerve to claim they're fight paedo "nazis." Shit, I haven't even mentioned the vandalism they're involved in such as graffiti, smashing windows, flipping cars, and all that shit. Yes, property of INNOCENT people.
They're ruining neighborhoods, their ruining a future generation of young girls, or current young adults. They're the epitome of gutter trash street punk rockers that the 1980's warned people about in movies. Now they're "Crust punk" which is that very fictional type come to modern day reality.
Fuck Antifa. A bullet for every one of them.
Who or what are Antifa? Nothing but thugs. Mercenaries who are greedy and put on some false-righteous persona. They're punk thugs who are corrupt, bored and seeking strife, anarcho-commies, whatever. They're not a brotherhood, but a coalition.
The USA doesn't really make sense to break up. The gaps are wider than usual but we're still very much one people.
are you new here
I was listing the 2 calling card statements communists make when they lose an argument
those being
>it's not real communism
>You haven't read Marx, Bakunin, jungle book, etc.
Yugoslavia doesn't really make sense to break up. The gaps are there as usual but we're still very much one people
>we're still very much one people.
Less so every day. Most of the south is niggers and spics. They are not my people.
That the point of alt-right.
It's a blanket term the used for right leaning people who are not traditional republicans. Basically the right wingers wo got off the reservation.
So they group ancaps and nationalists and frustrated libertarians and new traditionalist with white supremacists and claim the whole bunch is neo-Nazis.
>Being racist
>Not fitting in in the South
I'm giving you free advice. If i was an enemy of US (china or russia) and weaking you was in my interests, this is the way I woudl do it. I would promote sectarian ethnic and religious conflicts from every different angle.
You do realize that Trump is the perfect puppet through which to accelerate a process like this...
Well, what are you waiting ? If so many people are suggesting Marx , why don't you atleast read a short summary instead of crying how that's not an argument because you don't know what's in the book ? Read Lenin, Engles, Trot, anyone ... Most of the hardcore anti fascist I met red Mein Kampf to see what's in there, it doesn't really matter whether you like the contents or not, at least know your enemy and what you're fighting against
They want anarchy, but not just any anarchy, the shittiest form of anarchy.
Anarcho-capitalism is the best form of capitalism and the best form of anarchism, simultaneously.
they are anarchists pretending to be against fascism in order to incite riots between all sides.
they are chaos and the end of civilization
they think they the jewish portrait of the post apocalyptic world looks fun and edgy. they want to create it and live in it thinking they will survive and run shit yo. little do they know that all they will become is food.
people will either wake up and stop them dead in the tracks or they will destroy the world.
I'm going to fly to Serbia one day and help you neck yourself. Hillshill faggot
The end goal is George Soros gets control of the college age crowd and controls public opinion thereby -- social media, etc. The next liberal administration has a ready-made youth movement with which to enact a fascist state.
-- yes, Antifa is fascist, even if 90% of them don't realize it.
antifa cuck spotted
i hope a nazi beats you to death and stomps your skull in with his ladder laced red laced nigger destroyer boots of white hot justice and pisses on your corpse
>You can't tell me national socialism is bad, you haven't even read Mein Kampf.
>Why do they get so much leeway?
They are pro globalism
Should I put tea or coffee ?
Anarcho-capitalism has no rules, since it has no government, therefore it can't have definition of what your property is.
yup, that's why all anarcho ideologies are doomed to fail, you can't have an ideology with on rules. What would differ ancap from ancom ? What would stop one from turning into another ...
They are a FCCking joke. Mostly are stupid monkeys on soros payroll to provoke FAKE tensions
>therefore it can't have definition of what your property is.
The non-aggression principle exists, lad. Unclaimed land can be settled or purchased from the landowner. You can enforce these property rules as you see fit.
>what would differ ancap from ancom?
Anarcho-capitalism is completely voluntary, by default. Anarcho-communism is not.
The reason they want anarchy, is because it allows them to get away with criminal activity, if they were ever to achieve their dream lifestyle. They're criminals. But most of all, they're bored. They want a happening to keep entertained. They want some sort of fictional Mad Max lifestyle. It's why most of them join protests. Not to achieve the shit they spew, but because they think riots are fun and a way to socialize and do stupid things in public.
Communism is an impossibility.
What you want is stupid and impossible.
It completely ignores human nature; things like ambition, greed, and envy.
If you are going to implement a system to rule over people you must plan around human nature. Communism acts like everyone works the way an autist expects them to.