Steve Bannon: 'We're going to war in the South China Sea ... no doubt'

Pack your bags Amerifats, you're going to fight uncle Mao.

>The United States and China will fight a war within the next 10 years over islands in the South China Sea, and “there’s no doubt about that”. At the same time, the US will be in another “major” war in the Middle East.

>Those are the views – nine months ago at least – of one of the most powerful men in Donald Trump’s administration, Steve Bannon, the former head of far-right news website Breitbart who is now chief strategist at the White House.

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Based. Mao is based and china be based too based based based


Beating the Chinese in the South China Sea won't be hard, their navy is lolworthy and their internal cohesion will crumble as soon as the commies can't hide the ass licking they're getting.

Iran will be a bit harder

Fuck off commie

if you get drafted, is there any way of knowing what theater you're going to beforehand? i'd likely GTFO of the country if i'm getting shipped to iran but i'd be willing to kill some chinamen

fucking traitor.

>can't hide the ass licking they're getting
>ass licking

Not sure about you but I will not be licking any Chinese ass..


Steve Bannon is just a goofy ex radio host with a quirky sense of humor. That's how he got involved early on with making Seinfeld. Trump only keeps him around to keep all the stuffed shirts in DC loose.

>Trump is controlled by the Jews
>Trump is controlled by Putin
>Trump is controlled by Steve Bannon

place your bets who the media will say Trump is controlled by next

Maybe enlisting in the Navy isn't so smart >.>

>Political commentator criticizes left for leading us into war with China
>Political commentator wants to go to war with China

It's on or the other, not both.

>Bannon wants to literally destroy the world

looks sorta like =/= military equivalent. Most of this equipment isn't even in mass production yet, not to mention how most of them are miserable failures.

Cool. If we go to war with china, then perhaps I can finally use my mandarin for something.

all obama did for 8 years was kick the can down the road. unless america just sits back and lets china start taking over the world, there will be conflict when a decent leader is running america.

as usual, the dems fuck up the foreign policy, destroy world balance, and blame it on republicans when wars break out under their presidency

China's government is weak and frail and is using the same ploy Argentina used with the falklands- create a boogeyman and fight it to create unity.

Fun Fact: Chinese people don't have an army. The Chinese Communist Party has an army called the "People's Liberstion Army"

No one is a slave. Including Americans. The draft should be abolished under the 13th amendment preventing slavery

i can admit, i'm biased. my dad is iranian and i don't think i could kill iranians, especially when the war would be entirely about israel. i think it would feel like shooting my dad.

you're free to leave at any time pussy. did you miss your antifa riots tonight since you don't like our laws?

Dont the chinese have those carrier killers supersonic missiles? I dont think such a conflict would be as painless For usa to say the least



Finally. It's about time to chinky fucks go down

Finally a productive purpose for the NEETS.

won't happen. chinese are too much of pussies an know that in any scenario (even nuclear) they lose.

>and people said Hillary was the warmonger

>China's government is weak and frail

Kek, last I've seen there weren't any anti-government protests in Beijing, because we all know how that turned out last time lmao. Meanwhile your entire country is in total chaos over an orangutan in power.

Trump has pissed off Japan. Trump has pissed off Australia. Trump has pissed off the EU. Trump has pissed off the Baltics. Give it a few years and all these countries will change over to China's side.

Question this and die. The war against China is a Holy War.

It's called west philippine sea, it's within our territory!

this triggers me so goddamn much




>>and people said Hillary was the warmonger

She is. That is already proven.

>That feel when we're suddenly allied with Vietnam now.
The times really have changed senpai.

about damn time

use your dads money and get a deferment for bone spurs

oh shit you're right, i have mental health stuff that i could bring up if i wanted to get out

Some of those reefs and islands are right off your coast.
And China has come in and dredged them up to build naval bases and air bases.
That is fucked up, but there is nothing you can do.
And I don't think we should be doing anything either.
To travel to the other side of the planet, and fight a major war over some reefs the locals don't give a damn about....fuck that.

Nope I got kids am also not illegible for a draft. I will be sending care packages if this does happen.

Great. I can finally put the tyranny known as the Chinese Communist Party to death with my own bare hands.

First you ruin china, then you ruin vitenam and korea, then you set up a cue to ruin Rohdesia, then you fuck over the whole world and make them bend over to apease them.

I will show no mercy to the chinks. I want to get drafted.

Remember when the EU government was surprised the refugee crisis wasnt all lollipops and unicorns? Those same people think steve b is crazy haha

He's a fuck leaf!

I don't think you know what slavey is.

>tfw too old to get drafted
peace out cuckbois, hope you make it back

>10 years behind
>Plane engines are too weak to take off from there air craft carriers and need a "fucking ramp"
>Chinese Steel is known for being shit tier, and is likely used in the majoirty of there air craft.


Actually that is a sane and100% correct assessment on the factual level

>china is pushing for a escalation with japan
>it doesn't hold back it's lap dog north korea from constantly pushing for a escalation and testing the limits
It's actually on a level where if china says fuck off they have to fuck off or best korea is history in less than 5 days
>there's no diplomatic path to resolve the issue, you can just delay it but there's no way to delay it ad infinitum as there're clear and not Obama tier red lines where one of them will escalate things
>us troops are in japan and SK and the US is close allies with both so any escalation means the US will be in a war with China

You can't be that reality blind.

they are literally worse than nigger. They eat bugs and even their own children.

Holy Glorious Five-Front War

This is why there are no anti-government protests in China, (except for Hong Kong), especially not in there own capital.

Guess I'm getting conscripted then. See you on the battlefield boys, can't wait.

Bring it chinks. Normally not a fan of wars, but if it's with China then I'd willingly sign up to kill as many soulless gooks as possible.

What a maosive head.


Based China! I'm ready to learn Chinese!

US imperialism is done.

About time

It is about time we had a major war.

Wars go against the globalist agenda:
>Can't outsource manufacturing if a war is on the horizon
>companies will not trust/hire forgein workers.
>boomers depend on the young generation and will not be down to screwing them over.
>Women will stop bitching as the male/female ratio will be skewed heavily in our favor.
>the men who survive will be able to pick the women of their choice.
>Feminism will be temporary supressed until the war is over and a new generation grows up.
>there will be lots of jobs and a new technological boom. (Ie. All our passenger aircraft are 60 year old models).
>Never have to pay back debt with China.

And the list goes on.

This. I'm game for chinese theater. Iran we can bomb from a distance, right? fuck deserts. I ain't goin there unless the brown people are gone.

>>the men who survive will be able to pick the women of their choice.

This is my problem with major war involving conscription. Only the healthy, brave and nationalistic men go to war and get drafted. Those are the men who die. So it's only the weak, sick and cowardly men left to breed.

reminder that trump is staffed with hawks and neocons and that he will majorly pick up where bush and obama left off

theres no going back, trump is complete controlled opposition when it comes to foreign policy

global nuclear war soon

>Wars go against the globalist agenda
Not true at all.
Most wars were their intention.

>Steve "Im talking crap on the mike to increase my quotas" Bannon
>said 9 months ago
>something highly improbale with decreasing odds may or may not happen in next 10 years

Good thing we have shills who will repost and remind us about this "news" at least another 100 times.

>war goes against the globalist agenda

and the smart ones that avoid the draft i.e. Trump

My first instinct says: not true.

Women would rather share a Chad rather than go with a weak loser.

Yeah it does.

Nations turn completely isolationist and nationalistic during war. They become very distrustful of forgeiners.

Only problem is if they cuck out after the war and import a massive amount of temporary workers like Germany did.

except if you win a war, you have earned yourself one free McVassal State™, one of the best gifts a globalist could ask for


This is the end goal of the kikes, you've all been played. Trumps puppies flood this board now.


>the old days again?
1981-1989: to beat down Soviet.
2017-2025: to beat down China ??

Soviet had a relation with Cuba in the era. China began to support Mexico.

Trump will have a meeting with Abe for 2 days, 10-11 Feb.
Abe will ride on the Air Force One together to move to the place for 2nd day's meeting.

Kill yourself

Bullshit, if you look at history with a sharp eye, you will quickly learn that everything a Sup Forumstard says about the kikes. The fucking Chinese Communists have most likely already done, or are doing now. There is no group of people on earth worst than a Chinese communist.

China's army is geared towards an encounter with the US. They have demonstrated that they are capable of taking out satellites and disrupting communication with ease, and they have a massive fleet of diesel ships which are superior to nuclear ships as diesel ships are much more quiet and practically impossible to detect, the chinese diesel subs have penetrated US carrier groups before.

(these are what china has a fleet of)

Let's face it the Chinese are cunts, they like to toy with your planes/pilots (, they pop up undetected in the middle of your war exercises just cause they can, and they blow shit up in space. But there days not everything is fought on the battlefield, China has been waging an economic war against the US for a long time, and winning. And if course China is notorious for hacking and stealing US military secrets Sneaky sneaky chinamen.
I thought it was taiwan that the US are constantly having to send their carriers in to protect them from china?

fair, but there's also truth to the fact that China is one of the main opponents to the (((global banks))); they have plans to create a multipolar world economy. they will probably fail on their own, but we can always bring them (((democracy))) to hasten the process


enjoy the war boys

i'll be staying at home as a nice women and not getting hit my bullets and dying

China's army is geared towards an encounter with the US. They have demonstrated that they are capable of taking out satellites and disrupting communication with ease, and they have a massive fleet of diesel subs which are superior to nuclear subs as diesel subs are much more quiet and practically impossible to detect, the Chinese diesel subs have penetrated US carrier groups before.
(these are what china has a fleet of)

Let's face it the Chinese are cunts, they like to toy with your planes/pilots (, they pop up undetected in the middle of your war exercises just cause they can, and they blow shit up in space. But these days not everything is fought on the battlefield, China has been waging an economic war against the US for a long time, and winning. And if course China is notorious for hacking and stealing US military secrets Sneaky sneaky chinamen.

I thought it was taiwan that the US are constantly having to send their carriers in to protect them from china?

did any normal people win this contest?



Nobody understands China. But I do. I fucking understand China. So listen to me.

In the next 2 minutes, I'm going to red pill the shit out of you about China. I'm gonna open your eyes. I'm gonna give you a motherfucking epiphany.

On my previous thread, some dummy posted that China has a history of never being occupied.


The last dynasty in Chinese history was the Qing Dynasty. It lasted about 300 years. The rulers of the Qing Dynasty were not Chinese. The rulers were a "barbarian" race called the Manchus. This dynasty successfully lasted for 300 years. China was OCCUPIED and ruled by a foreign race for 300 years.

Why? Why did the Chinese kowtow to the barbarians for 300 years?

Answer: Because of the alternative. Because Chinese people are deathly afraid of shit hitting the fan, because every single time shit hits the fan in the Middle Kingdom, tens of millions of Chinese people die of slaughter or hunger. Therefore, the Chinese people are inherently willing to tolerate bullshit from their authoritarian government in order to stave off the inevitable disaster that is the Chinese dynastic change.

Right now, the same thing is happening. China is on the verge of collapse, but Chinese people are tolerating their bullshit government because they're so terrified of the inevitable. But, trust me, there WILL be a dynastic change. It's absolutely inevitable. It's the nature of China to collapse, again and again and again. China has had 83 dynasties in its history. No. Make that 84, including the PRC.

China is a DOMINO, just waiting to fall and trigger a chain reaction of nonstop ass fucking.

This is the future. Be prepared.

I fucking called this shit.

There will be a standoff and China will back down. Russia will side with America.

The Chinese plan for the world, is far more threatening to people's liberties than the Jewish one.

We are already more than half way to the world utopia that the kikes envisioned, and it is already imploding on it's self. Besides its not even as bad as other disotopias that have existed.

If I had to choose to get rid of one threat to world peace the Chinese would go first, then the muslims, then the jews.

like i said, i'm fine with going to war with china. just playing devil's advocate

>Why? Why did the Chinese kowtow to the barbarians for 300 years?
>Answer: Because of the alternative. Because Chinese people are deathly afraid of shit hitting the fan, because every single time shit hits the fan in the Middle Kingdom, tens of millions of Chinese people die of slaughter or hunger. Therefore, the Chinese people are inherently willing to tolerate bullshit from their authoritarian government in order to stave off the inevitable disaster that is the Chinese dynastic change.
>Right now, the same thing is happening. China is on the verge of collapse, but Chinese people are tolerating their bullshit government because they're so terrified of the inevitable. But, trust me, there WILL be a dynastic change. It's absolutely inevitable. It's the nature of China to collapse, again and again and again. China has had 83 dynasties in its history. No. Make that 84, including the PRC.

Your absolutely correct, and your not the only one who can see this coming. I bet they have at the best 2017 and and the worst 2020 until there bubble collapses.

this image always get me kek

Agreed 100%, fuck China. They are the only external force on earth that can destroy 500 years of European dominance over the globe and are supremely dangerous. If a genie came to me and asked to choose between Chinese and Jews to disappear forever I'd choose Chinese.

While true, wars usually backfire. Companies that make military shit obviously love it, but war is generally really bad for international finance and for global trade, with shipping lanes interrupted, embargoes and boycotts, and destruction of infrastructure. Not to mention lost human capital. Of course a tiny handful of winners, but war is bad for business as a whole.

No shit. Anyone without their head up their ass understood that China is the real threat to US hegemony. We need Russia to stay out of it or be on our side. That's what the globalists were doing though with the Russia shit. They want Russia on China's side and the US to lose.

You know China well.
Many of westerners don't know China.

Good post. Chinese history is replete with powerful governments that the average Chinese person resents, while the structure itself is rotten. The government, like the CCP now, is threatened by mass movements, so they crack down and divert people's attention elsewhere, which lets the issues fester. War with China would break their social stability.


Why didn't we let Japan deal with the chinese problem?

shut up Davido-kun

>China's army is geared towards an encounter with the US

Any potential US-China clash will be Air Force and Navy, not Army. Even if things escalated to war, the US is not stupid enough to try and invade China.

>They have demonstrated that they are capable of taking out satellites and disrupting communication with ease

Something the US is aware of, which is why there are redundant CNC links, and standing orders to field officers to act as needed in the absence of communication with higher command. These "standing orders" actually go down to the level of individual Private or Seaman in some cases.

>They have a massive fleet of diesel subs which are superior to nuclear subs

They have around 60 submarines. Not a "massive fleet". And they are not "impossible to detect". The US Navy was destroying diesel submarines in the 1940's. Arguing it can't do so in the 2010's is beyond stupid.

>Chinese diesel subs have penetrated US carrier groups before

Good for them. Such actions are suicide missions of course. Because launching an attack of a carrier task force will bring instant death to to the sub in question with no guarantee of the attack overcoming active countermeasures and achieving a mission kill.

More to the point of Chinese subs "sneaking into our carrier groups", there is absolutely no proof they actually did succeed, because the US Navy is not so stupid as to reveal they were not tracking the Chinese subs the entire time. Its not a war time situation so there is no need to attack Chinese subs for getting too close, and certainly no need to reveal that we COULD have attacked.

>I thought it was taiwan that the US are constantly having to send their carriers in to protect them from china?

China also wants territory owned by Japan presently.

Who else is ready to exterminate the chinks

I thought Trump said no more war

Are they trying to say Bannon is planning to start a war? Sounds like he thinks we're going to be dragged into one.

That's like saying the ceasefire on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month is a 20 year armistice is a call for a second world war.

"No more War!"***

***in the middle east with our direct involvment

like, i knew about china ripping off designs from other countries, especially the usa

but just, wow

nothing else to say but wow

>all the traitors flee to canada
>trudeau welcomes them with open arms

what's not to love? it's like automised cleansing.

Dead Nazis.

America has actually been the one western country really fascinated with China for a variety of reasons.

For our government, China was seen as a potential wedge against the Imperialist powers of Europe. It seems strange to think of the USA being terrified of European Imperialism, but in the early Republic, this was a valid and legit concern. The US Government saw China as a potential check on the expansion of European Empire in Asia and acted accordingly. Demanding China be "open" (i.e, not colonized)

For our business class, China was seen as an amazingly untapped consumer market for US Goods.

And for the culture warriors, a billion souls to be saved in the name of Jesus.

This combined to make China an object of fascination in the USA that it never really was in other western countries. The feeling was reciprocated to a point, in that the Chinese government thought the USA might be useful barbarians to pit against the more dangerous barbarians like the French and British, and later the Japanese. The key point here though was that the Chinese never stopped seeing Americans as barbarians and thus inferior. Which is NOT how Americans saw themselves. Quite the opposite.

That said though, the last thing the United States wants is war with China. China however is acting in an aggressive manner because appearing strong is critical for preserving the legitimacy of the Communist dynasty. It is also driven by a belief that a unified and strong China has nothing to fear from "barbarians". Which is traditionally how it goes for China.

Thing is, this assertiveness is now stepping on core US strategic interests. Like freedom of navigation. In a rather perverse turnabout, the United States understands perfectly well why China is acting the way it is, and what it is China wants. But it also cannot let China do this without breaking with core US aims that date back to the Barbary War.

China for its part, has no understanding of US desires.