Other urls found in this thread:
>1 signature
only 99,999 to go, faggot
It doesn't auto-update.
how is it stuck on 1?
Isn't there once without more signatures?
This is kind of suspicious.
We could be wasting our time with this.
I signed this earlier today. How the fuck is it a one signature?
Hahahahah BTFO!!!!!!!
It's rigged all petitions that mention antifa never go up. Trump's tax returns? That reached it's goal in about an hour.
Bumping. We need to get this out there. Send it to all the right wing faggots on twitter, this could be YUGE.
Signed and verified.
Don't know if it's worth it. I think petitions normally update by now. This has been up for at least 10-12 hrs. An earlier thread had close to 300 replies. There should be at least 500 signatures so far.
Doesn't mean it isn't working, what reason would Trump have NOT to brand them a terrorist organization?
bump. don't let this slide
Can someone send this to Trump or someone influential so that we can get this thing rolling?
I want to dome Antifa shitheads in the next Counter Strike game.
I agree. It might be some shitty democrat that runs this site and blocks anti-liberal petitions though. Hopefully, it will update soon and we can see if any progress was made.
It's been at 1 signature all day
Link the thread user, its still up
So why would they be keeping the ssignatures private?
can someone explain this please?
Signed. Share it on your normie book.
DO NOT SIGN THIS SEE it's a registery made by CTR.
honey pot you retard.
Stop using this shitty website. Normies made it a joke when they wanted to build a fucking Death Star. Literally just sign you name on Piece of paper and than burn its. Same fucking effect
Thanks. But no need to be rude, you cunt.
if you dont want to use your real email
use this site
smells like a rogue department playing around in their final hours or worst case antifa apologist collecting names
that site is run by people who report to secretary of state and tillerson probably hasn't even unpacked yet
I signed it. So if it doesn't go up, it's rigged.