>be a Wendy's chef
>boss pays minimum wage
>expects more than minimum effort
Want me to stop messing up orders and actually work hard? Pay me more.
>be a Wendy's chef
>boss pays minimum wage
>expects more than minimum effort
Want me to stop messing up orders and actually work hard? Pay me more.
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tfw no wendy gf
you dumb ass I am a wendy's chef and I pull down 250k a year, plus the manager's wife panties right before I give her the old one two. you need to tighten your game and flip those burgers faster hoss if you wanna get on my level.
6'5" Wendy's chef making 80k a year
8" dick
Ask me anything
how do you feel about the 4 for 4 deal
Fucking loser.
top kek kill yourself
>added to reasons I don't eat fast food
> Work easy as shit job
> Gets paid what you are earned
> Durr why do I keep messing orders up???
He single-handedly cured the right-wing poison that you guys infected me with and my life is all the better for it.
You got brainwashed by a Cantonese kitchen utensil aficionado forum?
looks like his point stands as valid
top kek I actually laughed out loud
what's wrong with you OP?
This motherfucker works at Dairy Queen. He is a billionaire named Mark Cuban.
OP, you just don't put in the hard work to be successful! Maybe you would be a billionaire if you didn't put in minimum effort!
>Wendy's chef
>at Wendy's
>8" dick
What's it like to be poor and have a baby dick?
6'8" Arby's chef
10" cock
125K per year plus profit sharing and bonus
I put muh dick in every roastie I make
This is obviously fake: the nametag says Tony
Wow, a poorfag who has a tiny dick and is a manlet. Why haven't you killed yourself yet?
>shilling this hard for illegal mexican line cooks
you aren't entitled to anything. if you want to move up in the world you have to work harder than everyone around you. every successful person pays their dues at some point.
you will be a poorfag forever.
>Solution fire you and hire someone else who cares about their job and has a work ethic. Rince and repeat till you have real employees.
Want to not get fired and replaced by a literal nigger more competent than you? Work harder.
It's a fucking stepping stone you loser. Save up money, live very humbly for a while, and either get an associates from community college or get some other certification in a field you're good at. You're paid shit because your job takes no skill; there are no prerequisites for your job, a 12 year old could do it. Hell, I'm pretty sure we could train a gorilla to do it.
He's a male that identifies as a male named tony you transphobic bigot
>Doesn't understand cause and effect
No wonder you're stuck working in fast food
that kind of ethic is exactly why you will remain a loser flipping burgers for other people who actually matter in life
You're fired.
>wendy's chef
Climbing the ranks at fast food is easy.
>Don't be a lazy nigger, take your job seriously >Management will notice. You will get a raise.
When I was working at popeyes when I was 19 (31 now) I got raises so fast because everyone else was so lazy and terrible at their jobs, made me look good. If I would have stayed there, I would be working at corporate by now. I have a real job now though, but it's the same deal at real companies.
pick one
>implying putting a burger together requires more than minimum effort
made me think wow
Minimum wage at Wendy's? What location you work at, I'm a fry cook and make $180k/year, you're in the wrong spot, buddy, should have applied to the one I work at and you'd be rich like me.
This nigga gets it. Hunker your ass down, work hard at this shitty job and make some money. Eat nothing but rice & beans, spend only on rent, utilities, necessities, etc.
Unless you're already 45 there's no reason you can't move past this
>$180k fry cook
We're not using pesos here sanchez.
>you intentionally fuck up
>he fires you
>now you're making $0/hr
wow min wage workers really can't think that far ahead, can they?
God I can't fucking wait until we replace shitbags like OP with robots and they starve because they're too lazy to get a real job
>want me to stop messing up orders?
nvm I just noticed this, you're fucking hopeless if you think you deserve notice for doing the BARE MINIMUM REQUIREMENT of your job.
>hurr look boss I made an order 100% correct where's my raise
Enjoy being unemployed while I take your job.
Wendy's doesn't have chefs. Stupid nigger.
Effort has little to do with it. It is a job that requires minimum skills. My kids could make sandwiches when they were 12. They could cut up and fry a potato at 16. You literally do what children can do for a living and you don't even get recess.
minimum skill = minimum wage.
Have a soul to ribbons?
You do your work properly no matter how much the overlord pays you. Have you no honor?
You Americans are fucking disgusting.
lmao..."look at me i can flip a burger and dip the fries in oil. We chef now." I believe the world you're looking for is cook, fucking cook.
The real minimum wage is $0 and it is what you will get when no one will hire you because you're a garbage employee with no respect nor dignity.
Have fun being NEET, at least then you can tell people it's a choice.
Want to get paid more? Put more than minimum effort in.
You fuck up as much as you want OP, the meat still ends up in that god-tier chili
5'6 sissy McDonald's cashier ch-checking in.
3" cock
18k a year not including bonuses from doing favors for my coworkers
Get on my level bluepilled faggot
>complaining about pay
If you can't follow basic directions, you deserve to be a wagecuck.
>work at ice cream place.
>most other workers are lazy ass college kids
>bust my ass for a year and a half always putting 200% in my work
>never get raises cause boss is a fucking like
>Owners wife wonders why store starting to get dirty and why customers are complaining and I told her I stopped working hard cause I never get raises (I sometimes need to work alone 7 hours at a time and get no breaks)
>Tells me if I want to make more money I better get a new job then.
>get new job and slash my hours at ice cream place and now the owners have to work cause they need 2 people to replace me.
Don't treat your hardworkers like shit.
Except they won't starve.
They will break into your house and steal your shit while you're gone.
You never betray your work ethic. You find better employment.
>hardworking cuck.
Employers rarely pay better to hard workers. I used to work in a grocery deli and we had a head manager and a "Co manager" who quit 1 1/2 years after I started because she didn't get payed manager pay for manager level work.
Hard work doesn't pay
That's why I quit.
>get a minimum wage job on purpose
>do minimum work
>complain and get fired
I see no problems here
If an employer tries to undercut he will pay later. Like dealing with customer data being leaked for not paying enough for security. Some people shouldn't own businesses or wealth
Enjoy your minimum hours
>just bee yourself :DDDD
Why don't you just enjoy your rich boy privilege
without feel the need to rub it in everyone's face?
Almost had to lower myself to working at a fast food restaurant but a nice jewish man gave me a job working as a field rep for an insurance company.
want better pay? work better, make them depend on you, threten to leave for the mcdonalds down the street, then theyl give you a raise, cause why the fuck would they give a raise to a shit employee
>be a Wendy's chef
>a Wendy's chef
>Wendy's chef
Wendy's chef here. Doing 90k right now, hope to get to 6 figures by next year.
Also.9 inch cock.
>this nigger
Mcdonalds cashier sissy here..
If I become a Wendy's chef will my dick get bigger?
Your minimum effort isn't even worth seven dollars an hour.
Go to China if you want to output minimum effort.
This desu
Become a lynchpin of the organization then leverage your value. I went from $12/hr warehouse grunt with no experience to $20/hr warehouse supervisor in a year because I provided value and wasn't afraid to ask for compensation to match.
Choose one.
I think I'll invest in a robot instead. Thanks.
Polish up that resume and put in some applications at other places user.
After a decade at walmart, I make almost $15/hr at walmart, but after deductions and having to work for free, my real net wage is around $8
I couldn't imagine working fast food again, which I did at minimum wage for 5 years.
You weak willed peasants don't impress me youtu.be
Learn from our enemy you lazy slack-jawed faggots youtu.be
>break room
what's that like? 3 years at walmart and I take breaks and eat lunch in my car
Using a fisher price microwave doesn't make you a chef.
Hurr durr I deserve more than minimum wage amirite? Better passive aggressively be shit at my job
72 replies
Nobody suggested OP to tell his boss that
This is why the world is fucked, lack of communication
Current Walmart bro, I'm trying so hard to leave my god I don't want to be there.
But when I go to work I fucking work. I can't stand people who pretend to work.
Oh and their Sam Walton hero worship is strange ass stuff. He hasn't been managing shit for twenty years and they got framed photos and worship altars
>Want me to stop messing up orders and actually work hard? Pay me more.
or get fired for fucking up
Where is that American entrepreneurial spirit i keep hearing so fucking much about?
You think Daniel Plainview would be working at fucking Wendy's? youtu.be
You're either dumb , lazy , or both.
Or maybe you just don't have the balls to go out and take what's coming to you youtu.be
Do you have any plans on the outside?
Also, yeah... the warship of Sam Walton is the reverse negative of say, Kim Il-Sung?
Increasingly non-white and sounds like a press line at trade shows (from what I read anyways).
>2 posts by this ID
It's the new 1 post by this ID.
Would totally supports the rebrand in pic
A lot of sucking the corporate dick going on here. Yes boss no boss sute boss i'll work like a literal nigger slave please dont fire me sir! Faggots. Its like you've never even seen fight club at all wtftbqfhlmao
You shouldn't be 'messing up orders' even at minimum wage, you're just incompetent.
>be a Wendy's chef