I'm going fucking crazy, I'm at school rn and I thought I was friends with a bunch of people, but they always fucking jab at me being a "straight white male". I'm a moderate and im being pushed and corralled into the Republican party wtf
I'm going fucking crazy, I'm at school rn and I thought I was friends with a bunch of people...
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Your side has been chosen for you. We will celebrate what they vilify.
Liberals view people as a group based on identity, they do not care about individuals.
Next time tell them with confidence "and proud of it".
Just dont get into a race arguement, just point out their racist hypocrisy.
moderates are fags and you're a beta cuck
Inform them that they're only delaying the death of the Jewish globalist agenda and that the God emperor will look upon them on judgement day
I feel you bro, my friends and family tell me what I say is "scary" now.
We'll get through it.
>dems are the real racists
fuck off, we are the racists
race is one of the single most important factors in nation
Welcome, my dude.
If you don't already have one, you MUST get a MAGA hat and wear it around them. Keep telling them they "have to go back" and they're "WRONG"
Bring them over to our side with memes.
#NoWhiteDemocrats is becoming real.
Realize you are either against the leftists or you are a traitor to your race and nation.
lol @ your white fragility
stop being a little bitch and accept your skin allows you live a privileged and harassment free life many LGBTQs and PoCs only dream about. if you're uncomfortable by their comments then GOOD you should be, be grateful they're only giving you non-violent dialog instead of the brutality they have to experience daily.
Black guy here currently at his university campus. Just listened to some liberal arts fag justifying assault on trump supporters (like myself) as "nazis aren't people"
Im sick of this bullshit. RIGHT WING DEATH SQUADS WHEN?
The's Fags want to riot and attack people. Come their next violent demonstration I want to see a full military armada GUN THEM DOWN!
Welcome. You are here forever.
kill yourself you faggot
i didnt say my school
The Democratic party hates white people, not even lying.
Unless you are a self-hating white person, it is not for you.
They are not your friends. As for family, either point out their hypocrisy or politely demand they stop harassing you
A college colleague of mine who is a fucking white male worked for the Democratic Party all through the 2016 election. He is now unemployed and on benefits in DC because NO ONE on the left will hire anymore white men to D.C. I told him to switch sides while he still can and he got triggered. He's a closeted gay so it'll take a while for him to come around to realizing Trump isn't going to put him in a FEMA camp
they are jealous because all the best things in the world came from straight white males
if they dont like it they can stop using electricity and internet
The Leaf strikes again, this time with a winning impersonation of a bizarro-world racist.
Another lost soul joins our table.
Enjoy your eternal stay, faggot.
Just go with it.
I disagree with a lot of right wing stuff, but the left has filled me with more contempt for them than I ever thought possible. So here I am.
see this
Is is possible that the shills just use leaf proxies and that #notallleafs are faggots?
This started happening to me about a year ago. I have literally no friends now. Have fun descending into self-induced isolation.
Just jab back. If they say "but you're a straight white male" stick out your hand palms down and say "that's right, kiss my hand, bitch" or something like that.
Also you're going to lose friends as you grow up anyway, don't be afraid to cut people out of your life.
t. Toronto
Of course you are, the victim culture of the left is all horseshit, they are absolutely the aggressors, in all of this.
you sound like you're fat
Come to the dark side. Take the red pill. Cross the Rubicon.
Yeah but how hard have you looked for friends?
10 years ago I would have considered myself a left leaning moderate. Now I'm based as fuck.
Those fuckers push and push. Until you have no choice. Embrace it.
Learn to take a joke you weak fuck
Really so why did you pick such faggot ass friends to hang out with? Where's your tolerant ass now?
That's right. Instead of building positive relationships with people who aren't degenerates and share a common identity you went and tried to make the world "a better place". You believed in "diversity" and "inclusion". Now you've realized that diversity just means less white people and inclusion means everyone except for you. I bet you feel fucking stupid now, don't you?
>gen x
checks out
The irony.
you know there's some black in my family tree
still hanging there
>hahahaha take a joke you nigger
There's only one solution left, OP.
>Your side has been chosen for you
That's a good way of putting it. I feel like people care too much about "sides" and they can't see things any other way because it's too much mental effort for them to distinguish between different ideas and factions.
Just make up politics you don't like and shove them in the other sides mouths. That's a lot easier than listening to people or understanding them.
just take solace in the undeniable fact that the white race has done more to help humanity than all the other races combined
they demonize the white race because corporations and politicians cant get away with what ever they want in white countries
It happened to me user, now I love Hitler
>tfw you hang out with some of the smartest STEM students in college and they're adamantly against Trump these days
>they start conversations by reading CNN or reddit headlines
I'm just sick of it, for fuck's sake...
remind them what a white guy who has access to gun might do
I always thought everybody sounded like retards generalizing everybody else, but people on both sides have really been living up to stereotypes lately
Fuck your civil war, I'm going to barricade myself with a bunch of canned food and water
don't do this, OP
just find new friends
It's just bants mate. Drink a cup of cement and harden the fuck up. Still should take the red pill.
pretty hard. Thought I had one for a second recently but then he started talking about how one of his other friends let him suck his dick and I let that end it.
Yeah, I do feel stupid. Not much I can do about it now, though.
how do you starve a nigger?
hide his welfare check in his work boots
>It's just bants mate
That's how most people find us. Welcome home.
Personally I was a color-blind libertarian until I was about 15, and that's about when the SJW thing got out of hand and ive been here ever since.
a little intimidation can go a long way,show some backbone and don't let other tread on you
Just wait my dude. I'm about ten years older than. Wait until you go into the real world and become a success in your career. Every jealous socialist, nigger and feminist is going to make your life a living hell.
I was a militant liberal two time Obama voter. After trying to make a living and actually having the capability to be competent and work hard, because of how worthless faggot leftists treated me, I'm now full on for gassing leftists.
in our country, that is illegal
it's always a goddamn leaf. i fucking hate you
We're all racist, except the moderates.
The difference is, we don't care when we are proven racist. They do care.
You're not being pushed or corralled into anything. You're simply starting to see them for who they really are. Your base ideology cannot be pushed around so easily by others. Perhaps you are simply one of us. You're in decent company you know.
still backing down or turning the head on the other side makes them more confident,i don't suppose beating some sense into them is a viable option?
Racism against whites is real. You have to stand up for yourself because no one else will. Consider that your empathy and altruism has been a, very sadly and patheticly, one way street.
They're just joking you spineless fuck. No one is telling you how to think. Grow some balls.
nothing pisses off American liberals more than indifference
if you resort to violence, they win
also, the dindu's broke the white guilt liberal contract when they refused to support Bernie
still a few hit into their empty head should give them the message
>not taking the Homosex redpill
But the moment you talk about Muslims "oh they aren't all the same you don't care about individuals!!!"
no, they key to fighting American liberals is to get them to attack you and then just call the police and say
>I want to press charges for assault
Culture is the most important factor in a nation. Races such as being white and asian just happens to strongly correlate with having a good culture.
damn not only are they pussies but cowards aswell
>It's just bants
Liberals HATE banter, they take everything personally and literally. They're probably autistic like Libertarians.
This. I once saw a liberal get pissed at a guy for saying something along the lines of "well then I'll have to put something in her drink" and he made it clear the joke was that he was a terrible person. She maintained for like a year that he meant it's funny to rape people.
What comparable joke could they have been making to a white american?
Go become a member of college republicans.
Don't know about jokes, but constantly telling us we aren't allowed to speak, we can't experience racism, we are inherently racist, we aren't allowed to be proud of our people, and our race deserves genocide (I've actually seen this), is a lot worse than a joke.
It eventually wears on you, and you eventually decide enough is enough.
Maybe if you're a yurocuck
You came to the wrong place. Sup Forums will only push you further right.
Leave if you like being blissfully ignorant.
do you need a fucking safe space? This is your destiny
I always found it alittle strange how other white males will come to me and complain about political correctness now. Guess that's what happens when you lump a group of people together
My wife tells me the same shit. Sorry honey, I'm woke as fuck now.
Welcome to racial reality. Your ideology doesn't determine politics, your identity does.
>im proud of being white
There's no point. Success breeds jealousy and these people know their inferiority complex is justified, so they'll bully you down to their level like the racist fucks they are.
Some people have greatness thrust upon them
The left is making it easy for us. Their tantrums are stampeding moderates into our camp.
Fuck that we're the GDI.
Impressive bait. Have yourself another (You).
join us so that we can make america great again
Idk man. I went to a super liberal university, am a white guy, and never had to deal with what you're describing minus one BLM rally. But that was pretty much universally criticized by the students (they protested in a library during finals week, dumb shits). I think a lot of people here are getting caught into the same persecution complex causing triggered lefties to lash out. It's a culture war with over emotional people on each side, better to succumb to sweet apathy and not give a shit
As the racial makeup of the US continues to deteriorate you're going to see people stop voting along political lines and start voting along racial lines.
We've become a collection of competing subgroups and you can choose to advance the interests of your people or be enslaved to the whims of other races.
I've had to deal with all the things since at least middle school.
It may be because I went to a liberal "prep" school. Then I went to a liberal university, but I've also experienced it outside of school.
Where do you live?
This, to be honest. I don't understand why they act like it's so hard to understand. Doesn't matter though, history will remember them as the villains. All we can do in the meantime is punch some nazis and pepper spray female trump supporters.
I'm not sure you understand correctly
Look up collectivism vs individualism
You sound like a fucking mental patient, your victim mentality is why we hate you you.
I know this is bait, but do Antifags realize that they lose any and all credibility in the eyes of the general public when they do these sorts of things? Not only do they make themselves out to look like a pack of savages, but they're proving the point of the very people they're "protesting" against, which is that leftists are incapable of hearing opposing points of view.
Don't worry Jerome, they're just digging their ideological graves. The stupider and more violent and authoritarian they look they better the right side looks.
>you're safe anyway they think all blacks are democrats kek
If you're not a shiteating SJW commie, you're more Nazi than Hitler. It's how it goes.
Then fucking kill them
When you leave school job prospects are better for straight white males than whiney little bitches.
You don't even have to be straight or white, just not a whiney little bitch.
>ywn have leaf-tier shitposting abilities