Yes indeedy

THumP® will pay $100,000.00 U.S. dollars (guaranteed) to any person upon earth who can logically and clearly challenge the following solution to the world’s overpopulation and poverty problems.

In order to claim the prize, one must first call into THumP®’s BlogTalkRadio Show, Sunday’s at 6 p.m. (U.S. EST), and schedule a date for a recorded, public broadcast. Anyone can challenge the voice of The Humanity Party® and explain why the following cannot work. Keep in mind, it is easy to argue that the solution won’t work, because not enough people will support it; but this does not mean it wouldn’t work if enough people did.

(NOTE: The following explanation does not include the implementation of worldwide legal restrictions on inflation enforced by a powerful international anti-inflation law, so don’t try to use an increase in inflation as an excuse why this plan will not work. The following is an excerpt from the rough draft of THumP®’s book, THE WAY TO WORLD PEACE—The Political Platform of the World Humanity Party®.)

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How to solve the world’s overpopulation problem and end poverty.

The earth is far from being overpopulated. There are small parts of it (we call cities and their suburbs) that are very crowded and very overpopulated. But as a whole, there is more than plenty of room to accommodate many, many more humans. One can travel many hours in any of the countries of the world without running into crowds of people, or even any people for that matter. The problem of overpopulation comes from the need of a person to have the basic necessities of life that can only be purchased with money. Money, along with its production, management, distribution, and economic application, is primarily concentrated in the cities of the world. In order to live, people have to go to where the money is. Humans congregate in the major cities of the world in search of employment to provide them with the money that they need to purchase the basic necessities of life.

Whereas, all the money is concentrated in the cities, the main resources that create the goods for which money is exchanged exist in sparsely populated rural areas. As a city’s population increases, because of the necessity to buy and sell to support the lives of the people living there, the value of the materials from the rural areas of earth become more and more dependent on getting into the cities. Rural products and materials are not very profitable to the rural population, if rural residents don’t have enough money to purchase them. But what if the people in the rural areas of the world had all the money, or at least had enough to buy all the basic necessities of life they needed? Is it logical to assume that a person would move away from a peaceful rural setting into a crowded city by choice?

The strongest world governments are always found in the major cities of the world, where all the money is. When the governments need to print more money, they do so to provide the means of exchange for the goods and services of the cities in which they exist and hold power. The more people who migrate to the cities, the more money that is needed to accommodate the goods and services provided for them.

Look at it this way:

Consider a city that has 100 dollars that is spread among its inhabitants, not necessarily equally, because there will always be rich and poor when money is the value that is placed on human trade interactions and the greater the portion of the 100 dollars one has, the higher the respect. When a person migrates to the city, that person usually doesn’t have any money. That’s why the person is coming to the city in the first place: to get some of the money found there. But there’s only 100 dollars available, so who is going to give up their part of the 100 dollars to help the poor immigrants?

Well, the rich people, who run the government, have the authority to issue more money, but only according to their own needs and in support of their ability to continue to govern and control the people. If a lot of people come in search of a part of the 100 dollars, and there is no increase in the money supply, there’s going to be a lot different ways to get a part of the 100 dollars. These ways usually end in criminal activity or protests and revolution. So governments do all that they can, legally (because when a government does something it becomes legal), to ensure that they can continue to control the people.

Governments do, they must, and they always will, issue new money to provide for the needs of their citizens. Modern governments have learned that this is the ONLY way to control the masses. It was the Great Roman Empire’s lack of regulation in issuing coinage, and its inability to control inflation, that eventually led to its demise. Things have changed quite a bit since the end of the Great Roman Empire. Even then, however, the areas of the earth that became the major cities of commerce and power controlled all the money and forced people to migrate to these cities in search of the basic necessities of life. And the more the Roman Empire extended its borders, the more control it took of the rural resources, which it exploited and sent to the major cities that supported its government.

There would be no overpopulation of any area of the earth, IF the people were able to continue to live and provide for their basic necessities anywhere they chose to reside. With modern technology, some of the greatest consumer-based cities in the world exist where no life before could have ever existed. Dubai of the United Arab Emirates and Las Vegas, Nevada of the United States are modern examples of the ability of humans to live anywhere upon earth with tremendous prosperity and abundance.

If every human being were issued a THumP® Human Welfare Card (a credit/debit card that allows a person to purchase the basic necessities of life, food, clothing, shelter, health/mental care, and education from any source of their choice, found anywhere in the world), there would be no part of Earth, where humans congregate together, that would experience economic turmoil. Humans would choose the area of the earth where they wanted to live and be supported therein.

If the people in the rural areas have access to money, then the goods and services that they demand will come to them, spreading out the world’s population proportionately to the needs of the people no matter in what area of the earth they live. If a wealthy contractor knew that the people living in rural Kenya had money for homes, for example, that contractor would set up shop and provide them with homes. But new money must be created and provided to the people of Kenya.

This is a simple and logical, and unchallengeable solution, not only to the world’s overpopulation problem, but to end worldwide poverty. But what keeps seemingly logical people from accepting and implementing this simple solution? The easy answer is: their ignorance of how money is created, managed, and supported by their governments. The more complex answer is in how they were reared and educated by their parents.

“Money doesn’t grow on trees! Nothing is free in this world. Nobody gets a free ride in life. You have to work for what you get!” are typical statements by which modern parents brainwash their children. Thus inculcated from childhood, as adults they simply can’t perceive any solution outside of these ridiculous and ignorant statements. Adults accept what their parents taught them and fight any new idea that counters what they were taught.

The fact is, money DOES grows on trees, at least for those who have planted their money in investment orchards where one doesn’t have to be present nor provide labor in order for the money to grow in abundance. This is how the wealthy get wealthy and remain wealthy. And … there’s a lot of free money in the world, but it usually goes to help keep the wealthy, wealthy by bailing out the companies that tend their financial orchards. The American Dream implies that one can eventually retire from work and still have all their needs and wants provided for.

What our parents taught is not the real truth. And until we can accept the fact that are parents’ ignorance is responsible for the problems we face in the world today, there will continue to be natural resistance to the simple solutions that can change our world overnight. … (end of excerpt)

THumP® has issued the challenge. We challenge ANYONE, anywhere in the world, to challenge our plan to end worldwide poverty. Good luck!

Good luck

There is no reason for this to happen without broad intervention by an actor with broad powers. This is utopianism and does not account for self interested actors opposing an abstract agenda with unproven methodology. It also doesn't account for limited material resources and limited enthusiasm by individuals.


I can tell you why any of this solutions won't ever work:

It's because we live on planet earth with human scum.

Hail lord Glaxonuru.

genocide and birth control

>define "money"
>define "currency"
>define "value"
>define "inflation"
>define "supply"
>define "demand"
if rural population resources are so valuable to urban areas, they should be selling them to the urban areas at a fair price. they don't need free currency, they just need to sell their valuable stuff. Unless...
maybe they do not have as much value as you imply. farms and resources are themselves valuable, but there are also rural people who are a net negative on the economy.
this proposition is UBI Socialism and it will not work due to hyperinflation. People will simply raise the price of their goods to counter the increased demand for said goods and things will go back to how they were with the one exception that it wipes out most lower class people's savings.
In essence you are proposing theft from savings of citizens via inflation. this is why the gold standard was created. Gold standard is superior because fucking idiots like you get into positions of power and induce inflation through socialist policies, except you won't call it inflation because you're saying you will somehow create a magical law where people cannot increase the price of their goods despite the value of the currency being provided diminishing due to there being more of it in abundance than before. Forget inflation, it is unfair to those who worked hard to create wealth that will ultimately fund your proposed system.

> implying money is the only reason why people live in cities.

people, especially the young, want to be part of a larger context where more things happen, more possibilities arise, less judgment on their life choices is imposed. they don't want any undignified welfare card. Besides, there is simply not enough to experience in the country. this is why cities thrive and will continue doing so.

there, challeneged it. where's my money at



>$100,000.00 U.S. dollars for the final solution

Easy, kill everyone in India, China, and Africa.

That reduces the population by almost 4 billion.

I am not even going to bother reading this garbage, fuck off with the political romanticism.

We already use some 12% of all the land on Earth to grow plant foods. And plenty more to raise livestock for meat. Eventually all the forests will have to be cut down, which is devastating for biodiversity. Too many people.

>but this does not mean it wouldn’t work if enough people did
This kind of thinking is why you are stupid.
This shit right here.
That is not enough for something to realistically work.
FFS anarchy would fucking work brilliantly if enough people went along with it and were all on the same page. Guess how likely that is to happen? The sun would burn out first.

We came up with a solution before and the world didn't quite like it ....

what a load of hokum LOL

OP, the single first line is factually incorrect.
>The earth is far from being overpopulated.
In terms of food production and ability to sustain current population growth, we are completely and utterly fucked. Fucking Niger has and average birth rate of something like 7.65 children, population growth is fucking mental.

radio tier click bait

>FFS anarchy would fucking work brilliantly if enough people went along with it and were all on the same page

would it work, though? that is the question and the challenge.

Thanks for your input!

Yeah what a tard, this is Sup Forums. In all seriousness, I'm pretty sure it's just nuCTR

Anything will work as long as people are on the same page.
This shit is fucking retarded.

The problem has never been "over population", it's always been the competition and burden of resources. Ofc, we have overpopulation if the entire world wants to live like the West, since we don't have the resources to maintain such a population. However, if we'd live like niggers, we could quadruple our population and still not be stringent on resources. (Granted, were we to live like niggers, we would have no need for those resources)

Also, their entire argument is that money grows on trees. That you can just print money, and that it is in no way related to the creation of wealth.
>have an apple you sell for 1$ with a supply of $100
>THumP, the idiots, have issued an extra $100 to account for the poor people who come into the city
>They expect you to sell the apple at $1; they see no problem with this
>B.but people can live wherever they want says ThumP, not understanding what logistics are

What's their number? The $100,000 they intend to pay out, did they print it themselves?

>Anything will work as long as people are on the same page.

"Anything will work" does not mean it is without critical flaws. Find that flaws and collect $100,000.

Here's another fact, my moldavian brother:

260 million people in America use 40% of the world’s energy resources, and the 5 billion people in the rest of the world use what’s left

There's nothing flawless about humans.
You're stupid.

>would it work, though?
Probability dictates that anything can "theoretically" work. Theoretically, I can throw a football around the Earth. Given that all the needed circumstances come together, such as lift, the jet stream, and atmospheric pressure differences, it is theoretically possible. But how many times will I have tried it and failed?

No, i'm not going to tune into your radio show.

You can fuck right off with this clickbait garbage.

systems, not humans.

>if you try to take money from rich people then the rich people will move, kill you, or both

pay me now

>If every human being were issued a THumP® Human Welfare Card (a credit/debit card that allows a person to purchase the basic necessities of life, food, clothing, shelter, health/mental care, and education from any source of their choice, found anywhere in the world)


so basically communism

>Doing this for 100,000

Bitch, if I solve this I deserve to be King of this puny planet

You're talking about making a classless society where everyone isn't stupid. You have to break human nature and genetically modify everyone. We could do a lot better, climate change, space, etc, but people are idiots and wanna jerk it to 4d instead of caring about their species.

I think I have the Final Solution to this overpopulation problem.

biologically engineer a disease to target and shut down the reproductive capabilities of humans designated to be "unfit for breeding" or UFB.
Cataloging will be done from a variety of factors including: genetic analysis, race, education, personal history, mental health, and moral values. i.e, no more niggers

There's no solution that they will want to hear. You have two options; Kill a whole bunch of people at some point or sterilize a whole bunch of people at some point. Possible both. That's it. People aren't going to voluntarily control their reproduction before it hits critical mass. So, you have to control them. That's the option. You don't have to like it, but there it is. Unless we get into space colony shit. And that isn't happening without alien intervention within the next 200 or more years.

Why would people work to provide what you call "basic necessities" when all they will get is a "THumP® Human Welfare Card" that provides the same basic necessities of life that every person is entitled to no matter how hard they work or how smart they are

where is my $100,000

A system that is meant to be applied to humans has to take humans into account.

But if we're leaving out human nature, genocide would work.
Round people up and kill them. It works.

>posts degenerate image of a degenerate cockpuppet
>trying to datamine Sup Forums with a nonexistent monetary bait
>still being christopher mark namelka
tottemo sageru

who the hell are these people? This "idea" is fucking juvenile. I'm tempted to call them and claim my prize but I really don't think its worth the time. They will play stupid games so they don't have to admit their plan is idiotic. How do I know this? Because they said you can't use inflation as an argument since inflation will be "illegal". Economics doesn't fucking work like that. They are working from the mentality that this plan is really good but whatever holes appear can just be plugged with a law that makes problems illegal. Absolutely idiotic.

Plus the bizarre shitting on parents towards the end. What the fuck is this shit even? God damn it

M8, the world human population has reached peak child. Africa is the only remaining problem since their living standard is so far behind the rest of the world, but by 2100 the net total of humans will be dropping and fast.

>who can logically and clearly challenge the following solution to the world’s overpopulation and poverty problems.


To clarify, overpopulation is a global non-issue. We could comfortably feed more people than we currently have, if transport costs weren't a thing and profit was a nonissue.

The horse you are beating is long since dead.

Nature will fix the population problem on it's own, if we really weren't able to sustain the population we have now, that would mean people would by dying by starvation, disease etc. faster than the total births. Which isn't happening, and when it does, it will be hell. But hell will come regardless because we are feeding these irresponsible third worlders without stopping.


Radio station clickbait article trying to push communism. /t

>it is easy to argue that the solution won't work, because not enough people will support it; but this does not mean it wouldn't work if enough people did

You can't just hand-wave shit like that. That's the only reason that any utopia doesn't work, because of human cooperation (or lack thereof). You can't just dismiss the most important variable in your solution (humans).

it's just another globalist scheme. The want to give rural people around the world "welfare cards" that can be used to """buy""" basic resources anywhere around the world. Paid for by printing money but there no inflation because international law will make inflation " illegal".

Literally anyone that understands econ 101 could call and disprove it. But after browsing there website I don't think contacting them is a good idea. It's very eerie desu. Feels like it's backed by some powerful international org. Probably put this contest out for dishonest purposes

Damn where did the other 1.75 billion go

>How to solve the world’s overpopulation problem and end poverty.
the only reason the world seems underpopulated right now is because the vertical expansion, it makes people believe that, just because there is enough people to live within a couple of miles doesn't mean there is enough food those people

Stop giving food to africa. Give them free birth control instead.


indians aren't people