Anybody else agree?
>question mark at the end of the sentence
Back the fuck off??
Of course, only an idiot would disagree
The uncertainty keeps the enemy awake at night.
Berkeley is the home of the free speech movement. Hate speech is free speech. Fight it with your own ideas and voices, votes, and activism. Not violence
I'm trying to
This. He needs to keep up the charade of a madman holding the US hostage, when in reality he's a (not so) evil genius saving the West, minus germany and sweden.
Can't save them but I'll take a swedish wife for the good of the white race.
The campus itself must be having at least some doubts about how left-leaning they are now that they've been vandalized and fucked up by the very leftists they prop up as heroes.
Antifa is a movement of vicious mindless trash.
>Antifa fags cause violence at a protest at university
>Punish entire university population by fucking with the funding of the school
lol 'murica
Siri the pornstar is from Sweden and she makes me cum in exactly 23 seconds when I jerk my meat.
Major ordered police to stand down
>california goes bankrupt
wow much original
Here's an idea, to hell with secession, kick California out of the US for treason.
If it harms liberals I'll vote for it.
idgaf about siri i still want to know who that bitch is :C
fuckin this., they need to rethink their purpose and intent. sadly it only invigorates their furor.
Case and point!
NO FEDERAL FUNDS for radical terrorist groups!
Berkley is full o' commies since the hippy days. That's their proud tradition and the reason you GO to Berkley.
If Berkeley isn't going to cooperate with authorities in removing illegal/undocumented immigrants then federal funding should be taken away for THESE students. I can't afford to send my kids to Berkeley, not that I ever would anyway, but the American taxpayer should never have to pay for a foreigners education period. Pay your own way or GTFO.
>if you voted Trump you must disavow the alt right as often as a muslim prays because they said racist stuff online
>if you voted hillary you are in no way connected to antifa causing riots
I think I'm gonna snap.
god she's hot. Who is she?
burn off your fingerprints
>destroy the institution that created the atom bomb, ushering in over a half century of unequivocal global supremacy because of the townie mayor and a bunch of faggot non-affiliated antifas
>all those students standing idly by and filming and laughing and doing nothing to stop the damages
Really made me think.
who is this asking for a friend
Donald Trump is #NotMyPresident. I did not vote for him.
yeah, but whats her name?
Do you live in America?
I don't know but my dick just shot right off of my body
Based California. Fighting one fascist at a time. Based
Academia and the media need to be fixed.
This is zany. Cal student group was allowed to invite Milo. The university did nothing to prevent Milo from talking. Radical, face masked thugs with murky origins prevented him. What needs be done is a quiet investigation into the origins and structure of so called Antifa. Here's a small red pill, Antifa are as much a political myth as the alt right.
We said this during it.
I'm not giving up one inch of US soil to these god damn monkeys. I want to purge them, walk them into the sea
Now go ahead and move back to a dictatorship country that defunds learning and education because they dont stroke your ego, you fucking bootlicking fascist.
they could have stopped it but they didn't
now they get to face the consequences
And I know the perfect place and time to start
True enough. However, you're naive if you think that the police would have allowed the talk to go on while they quelled the riot. Perhaps ucpd and bpd failed from the outset. However, defunding a public university for that would be extremely imprudent and seems like a hot-air bloviation untempered by shrewd judgment
Don't make me get the rake, leaf. What. Is. Her. Name.
News flash antifag, I already live in Delaware. Not just a different country, a whole different planet where I'm trapped by kikeist elites.
Trump openly bringing up the idea of having U.C. Berkeley defunded (rather than outright demanding it) only reaffirms how he serves at the will of the American people, and damn well knows it.
we should defund it anyway, this just provides more justification
Aww, konflek. You're so oppressed
most efficient way?
Before today why would you tell me it should be defunded?
lmao snap white boi
you think you're making a real deep connection here but the truth is you're fucking oblivious if you think antifa has anything to do with shillary the liberal
Defund all reeducation campuses while he's at it.
Except they're graffiti-ing their name all over Berkeley. No one ever admits to being alt-right because it's BS
I'm listening
that's a good thing right?
The Coachella music festival in April. If you don't know what it is, it's the biggest gathering of antifags, basic white chicks, and upper class college marxists in the world. It is their Mecca. A successful purge there would create a symbolic victory for us, vaporizing the morale of the entire left
Well I don't think the government should be funding education in the first place. So this is definitely a good place to start. Too many people in the education system are basically just sitting their barely doing anything useful or productive and absorbing a government paycheck.
ABSOLUTELY! If you want a student loan, make it for a major that will be of benefit to society, and get a loan from a bank.
Because illegals don't deserve my tax dollars period. Come legally and we'll talk, but as it is my kids have to go to community college before transfer because that's all we can afford without loans and they're better off not being indoctrinated by leftist ideas and indebted for a full 4 years at uni.
How could we plan something like that covertly
(((They))) are watching
You had me at
Fan-fucking-tastic idea. It's awesome to see this place militarizing. I feel like the final solution to the left is going to kick off soon.
I feel your pain, man. My ex girlfriend got to go to a uni and let herself get gang-raped by a bunch of trust fund babies.
muh dick
UC Berkeley literally did nothing wrong. It was the Rioters fault and the Mayor/Police partially for failing to act.
Depends on where you stand politically, but it's a good thing in my book.
President Trump could send in the National Guard to go all Kent State on the anti-fa and students if he damn well pleased, but thankfully for these hippie faggots he's not a literal fascist and will, at the very worst, defund their little marxist indoctrination camp and leave it at that.
Establish a base of operations somewhere in the California deserts, like Bombay Beach, where they would never think to look, shoot an EMP missile to jam comms from police, military, etc., and attack the night that Mac Miller is playing, right as he's singing "Fuck Donald Trump"
Lol. Could you imagine if this actually happened? Wew lads...I would love to see the reaction of the left.
Explosive payload drones
>gang-raped by a bunch of trust fund babies
Kek that's like being raped by crayons.
I agree.
We'll do that too just got to make sure I can drink enough of their antifag blood first.
Who is this Carvalho? redpill plz
Black blocs are false flags, google "black bloc police boots." Nobody knew what a black bloc was 10 years ago and now they show up at every protest.
Going to community college is not unusual for the UC and CSU systems. While I don't share it I can understand your frustration about illegals especially while the university continually hikes its tuition.
Sorry but Trump is weak. Look what Reagan did in the exact same situation. The United States will crumble if he isn't absolutely iron willed.
The University cancelled Milo's speech
They'd blame Trump, Kek, the alt right, white people, Russia, Putin, etc.
Quick rundown on Carvalho:
>Brazilian expat in the US
>former lefty converted to conservatism a long time ago
>political commentator and influential thinker
>journalist, writes opinion articles on Brazilian newspapers
>self-taught philosopher, subscribes to a mixture of Aristotle and Guénon
>lectures an online philosophy course for the Portuguese-speaking audience
>wrote several books on many subjects: philosophy, Brazilian and international politics, literature, astrology, religion, science, NWO...
>is an expert on Islam
>debated Aleksandr Dugin
>is the chairman of The Inter-American Institute
>a documentary on his life is being released this year
His resumé:
The Inter-American Institute website:
His personal website:
exactly this.
if you can't play nice and don't believe in free speech then you don't deserve federal funds. This is the first amendment under attack and we will not be threatened.
Tmw Siri will never be your thiccy succ toy
Why live man
It's only BS because what the MSM did to it. Mainstreaming neo-reactionary/alt right/ dark enlightenment though scares the piss out of the libs in the media, so they are doing everything they can to quell it.
Trump has bigger fish to fry. If he ships out guard to there, then that will a) reinforce the rhetoric of the antifa since they can then claim military state-like actions, b) will encourage more radicalism like this throughout the country. Reagan had it a little easier in that he was limited to his will being solely in Commiefornia. If Trump reacts with military force, it lets the antifa think they're successful in their points AND can be disruptive enough to spread forces thin, and let the anarchists revel in the resulting destabilization.
>That whining cuck academic
They never change. And what a line. "All of it began the first time some of you who know better and are old enough to know better, let young people think that they have the right to choose the laws they would obey as long as they were doing it in the name of social protest."
Yes. Because they could not assure people's safety. I do not believe that it was politically motivated.
> Race mixer
Here's your (you), you nazi tupiniquim.
>unironically bashing Olavo
Veadasco/Petralha get
I agree. They're actively shitting on our rules so they shouldn't get any of my money.
Then call in the national guard. It's absurd that anyone can be silenced just because the police can't bother to secure the area.
Lend him your energy Sup Forums
Of course
It's a public Uni. If they're not going to uphold the rights of a minority of students within the college to express their points of views, then they shouldn't receive money from the federal government.
The police should have handled it better and UCPD surely knew what was expected given Milo and Shkreli's visit to Davis. Still I doubt there was a concerted effort by the university to prevent Milo from being there
The University just did absolutely nothing to disperse the violent protesters. I'm sure the commies there were really interested in protecting Milo's crowd....
It was politically motivated if the police were told not to intervene to make the area safe.
Then they praise them on social media.
theres a restaurant here called carvalhos, $40 gets you unlimited meat and sides
it's pretty good
He's leaving it up to them. Giving them an out. kys.
The police were told to stand down. They didnt do shit to stop the violence. How can you defend that.