I call shenanigans

What are the optics of the Berkeley riots?
What do they accomplish?
To whom is the benefactor?
What is the History of BlackBloc's usage as Pinkerton type thugs?

Other urls found in this thread:


Normally such a thing would be COINTELPRO type shit. These people are definitely not working for the government this time, though. They're too small and weak to be cops in masks. The left has figured out some of it and they're starting to ask questions - that's good news.

Push the Soros organizations - not soros himself. Lefties HATE the idea that these events are being funded.


>What do they accomplish?
To make liberals as a whole look like lunatics and drive people away from the cause
>To whom is the benefactor?
The right-wing who will grow because the useful idiots known as the Black Bloc

You can call shenanigans but this is what the SJW cult devolves into...Anyone with a brain could see it coming.

Just keep trolling them with Nazi shit, this is about acceleration


>Be Milo
>have boss in Trump admin
>start college tour at time of trump campaign
>pay blackbloc
>federally defund all college as secretary of edu. is being blocked
>sell books

Look into BlackBloc, they're mercinary protestors for hire, hired by those in power to deligitimise peaceful protestors.

They are being payed by george soros

They're still commie faggots who believe they are in a revolution...You better start believe in Sup Forums's theory of acceleration because you'er living in it.

We saw a generation of Yuri's "Demoralized" people and we decided to use them for OUR benefit

A color revolution in america

the whole point is to piss off Trump into suppressing them

a sniper will be placed to shoot at police and provoke a gunfight when Antifa is being confronted by SWAT

the globalists will move like we have never seen before to remove the "violent" "dictator" Trump who is "murdering" civilians, this includes funding insurgent groups and agitating violence and terrorism

they have done this over and over again, screen cap this


Thank you, THAT was a useful response leaf.
I just get a funny feeling about these optics.
The news buried the Cali pedo arrest headline of that very day, 454 arrested.

This is fucking America you dumb leaf.

The 60 million people who voted Trump are all armed

>black block is a right wing conspiracy to make peaceful communists and niggers look bad

you give the right way too much credit, I would be shocked if we had any benefactors this Machiavellian

also what is the point of making the left look bad when they control the entire media, If i was an average faggot Canadian and got my news from CBC, all I would know is that white supremacist nazi Milo was peacefully shut down by transqueer otherkins

This. The only way out is to kill the financiers.

Mark my words, if Soros and his mob aren't eliminated by 2020, America is dead.

a lot of them are cops;

Former anarchist here, next time you see a video of a protest look at the boots; the boots will tell everything. They are anarchists that have GREAT taste in military/police tactical boots that cost at least 100 bucks tho.

After the WTO Seattle protests in 2001 (i think) there was a big stink about a bunch of pictures floating around where supposed "blac bloc" kids were wearing expensive ass police issue tactical gear.

a lot of them are agent provocateurs, and are routinely exposed through their boots being the same as the cops in whatever jurisdiction the protest is going on in, but it's gotten increasingly harder to find the photos.


Hijack BHM with anti-fa sock puppets and claim that MLK would want it that way, really piss off Black Twitter.

Meme machine, get on it!

I'm open to this

whos behind it and to what end? Is it local police departments?

>Muh boots
>agent provocateurs

They are retards who we are using and this guy is somewhat rightThe left controls the media so the video of the girl being pepper sprayed and the other girl being hit over the head with the flag pole are being censored.

But mark my words we are going to continue to troll and push these idiots until they go to far and we are also going to use this incident to red pill more and more people on what the MSM is


The Berkeley anarchists have been around since the Bush years and have been a constant problem. It's one of the reasons why OWS failed.

They're the real deal, not false flaggers.

Days of Rage would like to have a word with you. Leftist violence isn't a new thing. In 1972, there were 1,900 bombings in the United States, largely perpetrated by hardline leftists.

BlackBloc seems new, and the optics are bad for the left. What if they are agents of Trump, or more likely, deep state supporters of Trump?

Yeah, and most of them went to prison and their organizations were labeled terrorist. We need to have that happen, and have Soros banned from the U.S.

"One arrest made"
"Suspect not affiliated with Berkeley"

No argument here, friend.

How is not obvious to everyone that Trump is a dipshit?

If they do this, it will be civil war and ignite a global pogrom.

>Trump is a dipshit
So says the guy who is neither a billionaire nor POTUS

this. they are legit.

They want big bloc dick.

Black bloc is a long game Portuguese funded Illegals type operation. The benefits are two fold. One to create general chaos and two to bolster support for trump who is a Portuguese puppet

They are commited to 14 words, but the global version and for all races.

Berkely was not funded by Soros or a false flag cointelpro. My brother is one of these black bloc faggots and he is too stupid to be part of a higher level conspiracy.

They could call themselves the Black Block but it sounds cool and political to use "Bloc" and it makes their pee pees real hard

The Black Bloc

We love niggers so much we decided to become them

Any further insight?

You have no idea how right you are. Some retarded lefties busted out a black guy from prison in the 70's so he could lead them and teach them guirella tactics. They knew nothing about him other than he was black.

He's a pathetic leftwing faggot who thinks it's edgy to burn shit because "Nazis". He screamed "the only good Nazi is a good Nazi" and "Nazis have taken over" at Thanksgiving and made everyone uncomfortable. Yes, people like this DO exist. There is no huge conspiracy, just autisitic faggots autistically screaming and setting things on fire. I know that he and his degenerate friends don't get paid to do it.

That right there is the tell.

(((SOROS))) is behind this too

I've met a couple of undercover cops who wore ASOLO boots. Quite nice and expensive too. Fairly rare among hikers as I am an active one in the Seattle area. Now when I see a hobo wearing them I'm 95% sure he's a cop.

My precious bullets thank you for your response: useful idiots are undeserving of them.

Except that they are baby killers without exception


>nobody likes me
>*eats worms*

Learn the law in your state



Stand your ground.

You have the right to defend yourselves.

>"the only good Nazi is a good Nazi"

...he's not wrong?