Literally the only argument against Atheism is "FEDORA!"
Feels good man.
Feels good.
Literally the only argument against Atheism is "FEDORA!"
Feels good man.
Feels good.
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The problem with athesim is that it's the same type of person that would otherwise tout conservative christian bullshit. But now they found Dawson and what to share his holy message.
Your all a bunch of attention seeking...Yes..Fedora wearing, attention whores.
Sorry, you're making the same kind of metaphysical certainty statement religious people make.
What arguments have I made?
Thanks for proving my point.
meanwhile all the agnostics are laughing there asses of because they know that neither side can provide any evidence or counter evidence.
Fuck Christians and fuck materialists.
You have to pick agnostic theist or agnostic atheist by the way
It's a matter of belief and you believe one way or the other by definition
I suggest you read aquinas proofs on God; they are very compelling as well as mere christianity.
Lack of tradition and guidance leaves the atheist in a worst position than anyone. If you have guidance, than you received that guidance through tradition. No atheists traditions lasted for more than a few generations because they ended up dying virgins.
Everyone is agnostic.
no you fucking don't. there is a third option called "i dont know".
I'd rather wear and fedora and be right than read a book of lies.
u wot.
NO, you are doing it wrong. Atheism doesn't make claims. The religious are the ones who claim to know something. An atheist's response to extraordinary (religious) claims is "that's an extraordinary claim, what proof have you got?"
You are reversing the burden of proof like an idiot.
So be as wrong as you feel, just have sex and indoctrinate your kids. That's not a position of truth nor strength and humanity can do better.
You and your troupe of idiots constantly blabbering about how freedom and rational they are are cancer.
Fuck the Woodstock generation:
The problem with atheism is that it's impossible to ground a coherent moral framework with it, or explain moral facts. When we point this out to atheists they usually give the red herring response of "atheists can be moral too!", making themselves appear autistic.
Also, they usually qualify their atheism as "agnostic atheism", probably to avoid any criticism or burden to provide any arguments for their position. However, all atheists prove with that qualifier is that their atheism is intuitive and feelings based, rather than based on evidence.
However I dont expect atheists to do any of the intellectual work to provide a basis for their position because they are mostly a political movement and are willing to use the oppresion card like the libshits they tend to be.
I'm not spiritual or religious, but let's be honest the extreme ends of both sides are composed of the same breed of idiot. They just happen to believe different things. Their shit-flinging it identical.
godel's onthological argument
>Literally the only argument against Atheism is "FEDORA!"
Probably because it's not worth arguing with someone who deals in absolutes.
Being skeptical is not absolutist. Next.
The problem is religion has refused to suicide for the greater good. It's a malignant growth on humanity that uses resources and encourages violence for no return. It's literally the cancer here.
you know that you can derive ethical conduct based on empathetic understanding right?
>You have to pick
false dichotomy
>the problem with atheists is that they also believe things about things
You can derive several.
Atheism is the position that there is no Gods, it's not skepticism. You might just be retarded lad.
Keep tipping that fedora.
According to theists you need to be schizophrenic and listen to the voices to do that.
>you know that you can derive ethical conduct based on empathetic understanding right?
Except all of your claims will (still) rely on normative and unprovable assumptions regardless.
Wrong. That would be antitheism. Atheism is a lack of believing.
several modes of conduct? or....
Well then how do we even know that rape is rape?
Because we have a conscious.
Who gave us that conscious?
Unless we are all just working on our Freudian instinct and procreating like animals without the permission of other animals as defined by other animals
wtf are you talking about? Religion was the moral foundation and unifying principle of western society for at least 1000 years. Cancer is what kills the body (i.e. society). Religion does not do that: it overtly promotes stability and order.
Huh really makes me think...
>Dumbshits taking bait from a fucking reddifag.
Says who? As if your morality is provable! LMAO. The morality of the bible was invented by man.
Caner cells are very stable. That's what makes them dangerous.
That heroin epidemic needs to hurry the fuck up and purge this country of undesirables.
Agnostics are Christians with a self loathing Jewish outlook on life, happiness, and God
You cant without any cognitive dissonance.
But its right. You believe in science.
Once you realize that math is a construct that has nothing to do with reality in the same way words have nothing to do with the objects they describe. I'm not saying that science isn't useful or precise to a certain degree, but the statement the sun is the center of our solar system is only precise to a certain degree aswell.
The barypoint is the center of our solar system, its the gravitational center of all the objects in our solarsystem and the cumulative effects from the universe at large. And there's no way to measure or predict it because you'd need every bit of information in the universe, and if you measured it you'd alter it. But you can approximate it, and/or measure and record it.
>muh proof
No, atheists are faggots because any point you argue gods/metaphysics cannot exist because you can't find tangible evidence for them, you denigrate reality down to a highly simplistic and materialistic/physicalist view that appeals to an elementary sense of absolutism.
Yes. That's why the left calls everyone and everything Nazi and proceeds to act like fascists while claiming to be against fascism. That is some fine moral compass.
Western cucked atheism it's just another cult like feminist or scientology or protestant cults, so fuck off.
Christopher Hitchens was the only one normal atheist
Your head is so far up your ass you can't even tell it's in there m8, that's why people just call you a fedora and leave it at that.
Where did you learn how to feel bro?
Was it God or was it humans that taught you what feelings really mean?
stable? They overgrow and kill themselves by construction.
>cognitive dissonance
"God works in mysterious ways." Like this kind of cognitive dissonance?
Lol no. Science is based on evidence.
>Says who?
If we're demanding a system of morals that can be validated and empirically observed, like most atheists do, no such system exists.
Gee, I can't imagine religion ever doing that.
Lol. Thanks for proving my point.
Do imagine it.
Atheism works in absolutes and God is mystic and unpredictable
Think about free will, consciousness, good/evil
>still being an atheist after this past year
>not taking the final red-pill
Believe what in science? Are you calling yourself anti-science or are you trying to attribute a quality to science that doesn't exist?
Any metaphysical position that attempts to bridge the is-ought gap that troubles naturalistic ethics will inevitably make itself open to theism. This is also true of causality and consciousness.
I don't think I said anything about that...
I actually do? Any time overt worship, either through religion or personality cults, wholesale self-destruction tends to happen.
Have any atheists here taken a large dose of LSD in their lifetime?
Generally curious.
Not trying to be an edgelord or anything, but that was the moment I realized I could never be an atheist again.
And you believe in angels and zombies and your middle school bully is going to hell
no we are not. In fact i'm an agnostic about essentially every mode of supernatural belief there is. The truth is that you may never know the exact truth because of the lack of information. To disprove something of these magnitudes is almost equally impossible. There may be any number of things we simply "don't know" and thus the best option is to remain skeptical, yet flexible.
Good. Then at least acknowledge you cannot take the presumptions that define atheism (the rejection of all metaphysics/anything beyond physically provable phenomenon in science) without belonging to some form of nihilism.
>An ideology so weak it can be driven out by repeatedly naming a style of men's headwear.
In all seriousness, though, atheism fails because it doesn't actually contain a proscription for positive action. That is, it simply tells people what NOT to believe, what is NOT true. It doesn't provide any positive guidance. That's part of why 'atheism' is being replaced with 'secular humanism' - because at least that provides some guidelines on how to live.
look up the etymology of "agnostic" and you will understand what that term actually means
No, like this one
>Science will figure it out, I swear!
>You dont NEED to know all the answers! That's what makes it better than religion.
Why so triggered?
>Didn't watch JRE 911.
>Has no clue about the real red pill
>Drugs are equivalent to religion!
All the more reason I avoid both.
If you don't know, then you lack faith in god, making you an agnostic atheist.
there are religious people even on the left you realize....
No, I'm just pointing out that science used to be done by scientists, and now everyday people walk around spouting science facts like they're smart without having empirically testing a single thing. Like mindless sheeple who follow religions. Not to that level of course, but its getting there.
1st commandment, m8
>That's part of why 'atheism' is being replaced with 'secular humanism'
Which is equally as much a religion as the same ones they claim to hate and replace, only this time it's some arbitrary essence of "humanity" that's being elevated into the position of a deity.
Just like the Jehovah god, Kek is not real.
>Science will figure it out, I swear!
One of the qualities of science is it's ever improving but outright says it's not perfect. Are you even trying? This is just a red herring to keep people from examining the faults in religion.
>You dont NEED to know all the answers! That's what makes it better than religion.
So you do? I can't wait to for you to explain how you pulled that one off without fairytales.
Atheists are all fat queers. You can join that shit all you want, but leave me out of it.
Morality is connected to power and is as detached from objectivity. Values differ across cultures. Realizing this doesn't make me a nihilist.
read again
Well, that's what happens when the superstitious and religious inclined try to hijack science for their own purposes.
We live in times when even science has become a personality cult. Truly pathetic.
Yes. Made me more atheist. Realized even if gods real, hes just a puzzle piece like me
"I don't know" shows you do not believe in a God.
Agnostic atheist.
a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God.
>1st commandment.
>Not a meme-cancer.
All Atheists are agnostic.
>Realizing this doesn't make me a nihilist.
The rejection of normative truths and objective values is what defines nihilism mate. Having subjective opinions doesn't disqualify you from that label.
This is the dumbest fucking thing. You could say that about the assassination of Kennedy or if the moon landing was faked.
Agnostics are just atheists who would bend their rules insofar as they think it would end up helping them. Even worse than atheists to be honest.
>Morality is connected to power and is as detached from objectivity.
You literally just described God you fucking austist
wrong... faith is simply a kind of blindness to accept the potential of other possibilities. It doesn't make me completely ignore the possibility that there is supernatural conduct. i simply remain indifferent to it. So i am neither an agnostic atheist nor a agnostic theist. Capeesh?
I've had more success divining the future from playing numerical Ouija on this board than trying to guess the end of the world from the bible.
Let that sink in.
No. That's a false dichotomy. I don't partake in absolutes, and therefore I reconcile completely contrasting statements. But if you really want to put a label on me, go ahead and try.
I believe there are many gods, yet there is only one god, but there are no gods...all at the same time. What am I?
A towel.
>being atheistic means bashing and ignoring all religious lessons
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The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the 'agentur' of the 'Illuminati' between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion. We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.