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We gonna take carpet bombing to a whole new level.
Good. Stay out.
Tell me, princess, now when did you last let Jamal inside?
Fuck the middle east and fuck brown people
>tfw USA will bomb their country soon.
>as if the princess could be outside with such a little amount of clothing
but yeah its just a meme. The far-right is just as annoying as the far left because shit like op's pic offends them too
Aladin was from Saudi Arabia, a country not even banned.
Aladdin took place in pre-Islamic Saudi peninsula. Wouldn't have been an issue.
Arabs flying over has never been something anyone wanted...not even Arabs.
Good, people only play Princess Trainer for Iris anyway
If that film was set in the present day, Jasmine would be wearing a binbag.
Explain Qatar and Etihad Airways.
One of my least favourite Disney movies.
The Black Cauldron and Alice in Wonderland are the shit though
Aladdin can't take her to Japan either.
Summoning demons (djinn of which the dark lord Ahriman is the king of) is forbidden in islam. They are occult black magicians
Shaitan comes from Ahriman therefor Ahriman is Satan
Black Cauldron was super heavy shit.
They're literal royalty. They're also cartoons.
No sympathy.
I didn't see the Sultanate of Agrabah on the list of banned countries.
Is Aladdin actual from Saudi Arabia? The castle looks like the Taj Mahal, which is in Agra, India.
Aladin might be a POO IN LOO.
Aladin is fiction, muzzies aren't.
It isn't even about Aladdin. The genie is literally the entire reason for that story.
Need a pic of Aladdin flying his carpet into the world trade center.
Seriously, Muslims acting like their innocent and shit.
We don't need monkey fucking thieves here anyway.
Good. We don't need them crashing into our towers.
>not The Fox and The Hound
Holy KEK underrated FPBP.
Agribah is an islamic shithole, run by a ruthless dictator. We need to secure the future of the western world by bombing them into the stone-age.
Really cool film. Epic fantasy with no jewish pop culture humour which makes later Disney movies so damn cringey
Works for me
>poor street rat wants to live in paradise and have a virgin princess
Implying a modern day Aladdin wouldn't be radicalised
Genie killed himself because Al was a faggot.
NVM found it.
The US wasn't a nation when that film is set.
I have an Australian passport so I just walk straight through an automated machine at LAX that scans and takes a finger print.
Feels fucking great watching the browns line up every fucking time.
Aren't the saudis? They're not banned.
Is Aladdin even Muslim?
Libs aren't allowed to say this is a religion thing then turn around and say it affects all arabs.
Well if Arabian Nights took place in the current Saudi Arabia they would be allowed to come here unfortunately.
Theyre arabians
faggots cant even keep their lies straight
include me in the screencap
that plane has a tight buttholes
>1 post by this ID
Fuck OP
Does that really confirm it? Allah just means God in Arabic, and Islam isn't the only religion in Arabic countries.
Japan is muslim free, he ain't lyin
How does fp always stay bp
Alladin is Chinese.
nothing to discuss
stay the fuck out arab scum
The sultan says praise allah a few times nigga
>Aladdin is an impoverished young ne'er-do-well dwelling in "one of the cities of China".
>a princess that's housebound whose father suggests she marries a man 30 years her senior for political/monetary connections
US isn't yours to show, Arab. Stick within your borders. They're there for a reason.
Really made me kek
wasn't aladdin from bagdad? ie. afghanistan which is not banned
Burger education, everybody
Allah isn't a name like Jesus or Yahweh.
It's the Arabic word for god and it was present in the language before Muhammad.
>someone was autistic enough to make this image
Aladdin was a Uighur from western China, OP.
>bagdad? ie. afghanistan
Fucking kek
what part of arabian knights did you not understand?
I almost posted this but I remembered I'm not a leaf or a hue
My sides
the original story is arab but it is about a chinese kid.
There is no ban on immigration from Agrabah.
>when the fp is also the bp
It's actually a chinese tale. So yeah
Not bad user.
"At least until the ban is lifted in 90 days"
From the Xinjing area if i am correct?
How does he have such massive balls?
Aladdin is a known criminal.
WTF I want to lift the 90 day ban on travel from 7 countries now
I fucking lost.
disney will forever be changed
How do we even compete?
unless you're within the majority of muslims who live in countries outside of a warzone