I wish my country would ban white American men from immigrating. They're much scarier than Muslims.
I wish my country would ban white American men from immigrating. They're much scarier than Muslims
>An American White man, wanting to even visit Canada.
Top KEK.
I agree with your sentiment but please learn to greentext properly.
ok leaf that's nice you're still relevant :)
>a fucking leaf
Day of the rake when?
why are you this way canada
Didn't militia's get infiltrated/effectively shut down after OKC Bombings/Ruby Ridge? Both of which were in the 90s?
If whites do chimp out they will be much scarier.
I can never tell if people who make these political comics are purposefully naive.
People can and will be dangerous. But if you can circumvent violence based on an ideology that is antithetical to your culture, do it.
Mostly in times of war where people might be more willing to harm their enemy, believe it or not.
Listen man, I won't even argue with you. America is nazis, whites are violent, etc. I'm happy for you, please just enjoy the refugees and don't act surprised when you're not allowed in the US after you get destroyed.
Why would a white American militiaman be burning the flag?
There's no point questioning the logic, whoever made this was a drooling retard.
And yet you shitskins fall over yourself trying to get into countries full of scary whites.
>a leaf trying to apply logic to political cartoons
I appreciate your sentiment, but you might as well try to explain calculus to a tree.
I wish the day of the rake would come sooner
sage, your coordinator should get some more competent posters
and no one seems to realise this. Once white people decide they have had enough, holy fuck
sure thing
Where and why would white American men ever immigrate anywhere?
America is the last bastion. It's the red line. There is no place else to go if you are in America.
>There is no place else to go if you are in America.
Except the grave when you get shot by an insane NRA-loving gun nut.
Why is it that every fucking time I see a thread started by a fellow leaf it has to be full on cuckery or shit quality bait. Kill yourself.
>people really think this is the reality of america
I'm starting to really think we are going to have a civil war, am I paranoid?
you mother fuckers are always invading other countries. Whats the difference kraut!
fuck off leaf
There's at least a handful of accounts of right wing groups being busted after a long sting operation, only for it to be discovered that almost everyone was an undercover cop or informant. It's some "The Man Who was Thursday" level shit.
That's a fucking garbage caricature.
>angry white guys with guns sign
>as if people are too stupid to deduce that
Modern political cartoons are irredeemable garbage.
>I wish my country would ban white American men from immigrating. They're much scarier than Muslims.
what is going on with that guys balls
>cross burning
>literally what the left did
That is the shittiest political cartoon I have seen in my entire life.
White people in the Americas are responsible for more crimes per capita than Muslims. White people are fucking degenerate.
Why is a cowboy burning the flag?
"I plan to strawman because I'm too stupid to make an argument"
-A Fucking Leaf
Are they just ignoring all the muslim terror/rape attacks or...?
>Flag burners
Pick one moron, plus nignog, dune coons and liberals are far more violent than conservatives as proven by their chimpouts over literally nothing
Go back to your desert paradise then, it must be virtually crime free
I love how the "cartoonist" had to label President Trump because he can't fucking draw him properly.
Leftist "artists" everybody.
This cartoonist is a complete and utter dumb ass.
The irony of this picture...
Problem is that white people are too divided amongst themselves
thats the original use for greentexting is implicating. nub
perhaps but it's completely legal to form militias and there are hundreds, perhaps thousands, operating in the us still
there's a website called militia watch (I think, been a long time since I went there) that keeps tabs on everyone
sorry newfag the tone and formatting is all fucked up