What do you need to stop Sup Forums?

What do you need to stop Sup Forums?

liking gook girls

a bullet


Getting singles


The commie invasion

(((sugar))) is the most wide spread addictive drug





wasting valuable living space


replying to my ex when she texts me

buying guns every time I feel lonely/heartbroken because of her

>bought 3 so far since Ive known her

Kill me


We need to stop praising Kek because it is not real...just confirmation bias.


Block her on all forms of social media...including her number. It's the only way to get over it

Bogpills, I've lost all my rundowns


Browsing Sup Forums
It's unhealthy to constantly read the ramblings of average IQ edgelords. You are what you eat and all that.

Yeah, I deleted her off facebook and all that a few months ago but Ive been still texting her/ calling her alot since the holidays. Even thought wed be getting back together at one point but I keep disapointing myself.

I think this is the last time for good though, she pissed me off pretty good on Monday and I really dont feel like talking to her ever again despite her giving me sob stories/ apologizing.

Porn, having said that, I'm off to go fap.

Buy a hooker. Or fuck her one more time and then cut contact

I quit porn 7 months ago, worth it.

Still fap just not to porn

What kind of guns? I just got my PAL recently and I'm itching to go to the range.


read frank salter instead

That's a good start. Seriously though man, block that number now and don't look back. I know it's hard but you have to do it. Don't even give her the opportunity to try and manipulate you again. Good luck brother

Kill urself with one of the guns u bought

>Tula Arsenal SKS (1950)
>Mossberg 500 (New)
>Lee-Enfield No.4 MKI, Longbranch (1944)
>Springfield M1A

Have my eyes on a nice Mauser now.

Thanks man. I know.

>being a jew

Gas yourself

Definitely drinking.
Also procrastinating.
And getting up later than 5:30am.

Send 1 bitcoin to 1HuGZkKQPnLJrtbC9986ZauyEJa5wsLWJ3 and I will reveal how to destroy Sup Forums

>Smoking marijuana
>Eating like shit

Shit man, those are some nice guns.

How much was the mossberg?

It was on sale for $350

It came with 2 barrels, a long one for skeet shooting and a shorter one for tactical situations.

Get an SKS, I got mine brand new for $180 and 1500 rounds of surplus russian ammo for $350

You can do it pal. Go for an over night in the woods, and just sit and breath the whole night. Don't think, just appreciate gods world. You'll come back a better man

Thanks will do, I was planning on getting one anyway. Have you ever had any problems with them? A guy at work told me they're a bitch to maintain.

Coming to this shitty website

If you run corrosive ammunition like the surplus is you just need to clean them very well after shooting so the sodium in the primers dosent rust your shit out but just clean it with windex and then oil it and youll be fine.

CANT go wrong for the price.

Soon I will. Been getting crazy cabin fever too due to winter and its killing me.

Jewish control of the media, entertainment, and banks. On a personal level lose 25lbs.
