Why can't Trump realize he's doing exactly what ISIS wants him to do?
Why can't Trump realize he's doing exactly what ISIS wants him to do?
>hey guys trump banned travel from foreign countries what do we do now
>same shit we always do
Goatfuckers gonna goatfuck
Nobody is afraid of them except your PM leaf
But you're making Muslims in your countries feel hated and oppressed. That will make them sympathise with ISIS. Trump just created more terrorists than Osama bin Laden ever did.
>nukes drop on the last surviving ISIS
>checkmate this is what we wanted all along
If Muslims are so thin skinned they turn to terrorism for something that trivial than they are the problem. Not Trump.
Ik this is bait but come on.
>Politics will turn ordinary harmless Muslims into mass murdering terrorists
What is the bigotry of low expectations, OP?
Or alternately, ISIS is doing exactly what Trump wants them to do.
so the argument is bend the knee to terrorists. how about we do whatever the fuck we want and bomb the fuck out of whoever attacks us?
Yea they want increase deaths and destruction, on top of banning most of the region they've infected with bullshit. They're totally winning you guys.
>pissing them off will turn them into terrorists
sounds like banning them was a good idea
damn they sound really volatile OP
>so the argument is bend the knee to terrorists
The argument is to treat them like human beings. I know this is hard to understand for racists, but Islam would not be a problem if white people weren't so Islamophobic, did a better job of integrating Muslims into their countries and stopped bombing their homes.
lol i was thinking of using a pinky and the brain image
"Well, I wasn't going to be a terrorist but Trump enacted a temporary ban on travel from 7 predominantly Muslim countries, 4 with virtually no functional government and 2 predominantly Shiite, a group that I consider to be heritics. I guess I better hijack an airplane and crash it into a building for some reason not related to Islam whatsoever."
How liberals think Muslims think.
Or solution B, we don't let them in and then we don't have to do any of that shit.
i suggest you read up on a concept that predates the united states
What in the fuck you faggot know exactly what ISIS want?
Go suck a beaver.
Why doesn't ISIS realize they want Trump to do exactly what he wants them to want him to do?
It is a death cult anyways.
Yea just like they treated all those people they've beheaded like human beings, just like they've defiled historic sites, raped women, persecuted anyone they've taken under their control.
They just deserve to be treated like human beings you guys.
Why don't you start treating them like the Nazis you hate so much? That's what they are.
>refuse to integrate
>punish fellow community members for assimilation
Guys you need to be more tolerant!
propaganda has no effect you idiot, words are just words it doesn't affect anyone at all.
if you kill them, they win
>don't anger they bad guys or they'll get... badder
Nice argument shithead.
Leave the foreign policy to adults.
Trump has a perfectly legit precedent for the Muslim ban. Japan and China have accepted literally zero Syrian refugees, those are two reasonably wealthy countries that have the means to resettle them, and they don't have any terrorists trying to kill them for "Islamophobia". The libtards just hate white and Christian countries so they're trying to scare people into thinking banning Muslims is a bad idea.
Why cant you stop being a fucking cuck/CREW Shill. THE CAT IS OUT OF THE BAG YOU RETARDS.WE KNOW YOU ARE CTR. GTFO
strictly leaf hate thread now
They never really get that irony do they? The same way they treat black people.
But I thought radicals were just insane crazy people not peace loving Muslims. Or are you admitting Muslims are inherently violent?
Sounds like a hostage situation rather than a cohabitation.
ayy lmaooooooo
>hurr durr ISIS can scheme
ISIS was set up by powers in the united states and funded by them. Originally dumb ass. Iraq and Libya were taken out in a month each. ISIS is just a scrambled militia.
Iraqi women are now not coming over for spring break and getting their kid off? Guess so.
>did a better job of integrating Muslims into their countries and stopped bombing their homes.
>better job of integrating
>Letting Muslims tell you what to do is the same thing as integrating them and not them integrating you into a global caliphate.
What's ISIS gonna do? More recruits from the shithole countries they are terrorizing? Who will go where exactly? To other shithole countries instead of Western Nations? And fight against Western troops who basically have no qualms about bombing the shit out of them on their home turf?
Or maybe they hope that these actions will self-radicalize lone wolf terrorists in Western countries? Who will then do what after major terror attacks? Enact further measures against Muslim residents and citizens leading to eventual stripping of said citizenship and deportation? Which leads to Muslim-free Western countries?
>No, thank YOU.
if you don't bend over and spread 'em you're playing right into their hand
If they are so easily swayed, maybe there is a reason to ban states who pose a potential threat to the American people.
Muslim is not a race you disgusting purveyor of white guilt.
Fuck anyone who wants to impose their stupid belief system on me and fuck you.
You've got it all wrong my maple encrusted friendo
ISIS wants people to be complacent and accept Islam. That's what it actually wants.
When the refugee crysis happened, ISIS managed to spread Islam more than Mohammed ever dreamed he could've. They literally put Islam all through Europe and many other places because of it.
This is the biggest islamic win in centuries. They've effectively toppled Europe if this continues and they aren't sent back.
ISIS wants you to hate on hate of ISIS. That's what it wants, and you've been duped, all of you.
More radicals join Isis, more radicals get bombed (by planes).
But he's not.
Even Muslims want this done.
The smart ones are the ex-Muslims who are speaking out against the left.
If you kill your enemies they win. - Justin Trudeau
Hes so smart.
Be nice to them or else theyll kill us?
Ya no, shit eaters like that deserve death
>if you prevent us from killing people in your country, we win
Thanks Trudeau
>if you prevent a foreigner from coming to your country for security reasons (daily terror attacks last year haha lol), he will decide he must hate and kill innocent civilians, and thats your fault
Diversity is our greatest strength!!! Reality has a liberal bias!!!
So what you're saying is that terrorism has everything to do with Islam?
I disagree with this statement, The nazis didnt slaughter or subjugate all other ethnic and cultural groups they came across, Some of them they actually tried to befriend.
Success breed jealousy.
>mfw there's been an uptick in people looking to come to Canada for school
As if your education system couldn't get any dumber. You already rely on the Chinese and Indians to even leave a mark in international school evaluations.
If something as minor as a travel ban is going to make you go fucking nuts and start killing people in the name of Allah, then you weren't really a moderate Muslim in the first place, now were you?
That's me playing along with you. The whole scenario is, of course, absolutely absurd.
>I'm going to throw in with literal rapists, murderers, and thieves wrecking the name of my religion who want to tear down the world, destroy the very concept of freedom and rights and install Sharia law all over the world
>Over the country that I live in
>just because my country decided to temporarily block immigration from several countries known to harbor the extremists that they are fighting
>#notallmuslims!!! ISIS does not represent Islam!!!
>I'm not a terrorist but I will become one and betray you as soon as you do one or two things I don't like
literally what liberals believe
ISIS is Doing exactly what AlNursra expected Hezbolla to do to Hammas but Al Shabaab didn't fully expect the Free Syrian Army or Boko Haram to be expecting that Lashkar-e-Tayyiba did expect the Taliban to be prepared for an unexpected change in Al Qaeda's policy or always being prepared.
Ban all Muslims
Why is it our job to integrate them?
Okay since fighting ISIS doesn't stop ISIS how are we supposed to stop ISIS?
This is literally a made up criticism. ISIS and Islamic radicals hate the US and the West no matter who's elected. This is the Left trying to pretend someone who's solving a problem is making the problem worse simply because they have a personal bias against that person. That's all this shit is. They aren't experts on the causes of terrorism.
Muslim countries have problems imposed on them by other Muslims they put in power. Because they're too busy trying to conform to the group, but deflect any negative criticism of the group of any kind, they absolutely refuse to take responsibility for this and seek an out-group to blame.
This. So much. No Muslims means no problems coming from Muslims. This is the most logical way of dealing with the problem.
Ayyyyy lmao
Changing our behaviour based on what terrorists think Is giving in to terrorism. That's the point of terrorism. Playing into their hands would be acknowledging them in any way.
>Muslim ban
Well, I'll give the left credit, they can be consistent when they want to be.
Are you really so stupid to not realize that ISIS was created by the USA and Israel?
This only "plays into their hands" at all because our media keeps screaming "Muslim ban", and getting idiots to protest. Real news coverage would have emphasized the limited scope in terms of targeted nations, and that it was going to block everyone.
When the ban is lifted, it will be harder to infiltrate the us, and we will have more first hand accounts of their depravity as we welcome the "persecuted religious minority" Christians over their oppressors. That should give Trunp support for even stronger actions.
They will just have to keep attacking europe
uhm, banning muslim immigration is exactly what isis doesn't want...
you will find that muzzie terrorists will be unusually quiet during this muslim ban period.
What is this implying? That more people are going to die because people can't get into our country? How is that our problem?
Don't talk bad about Islam or they will kill you!
But that's what you want isn't it leaf? I have on good authority by your PM that you win by dying.
Ejaculations on infants and fucking kids is ok under shira law, but we are the problem? A fucking leaf everytime. Cant wait till the god emperor shits on your shit country.
>if you ban your enemies they win
he's a unifier, now we have something in common with isis...
But people are islamophobic because Islam is known for violence. Not even just in recent history, though recent history is also an issue. Part of it is the US destabilizing the region with coups but that wasn't the start of Muslim violence. Causing more violence because people don't like you is just going to make them not like you more. It's a vicious cycle.
>something that trivial
>prohibiting someone to enter a country
Of course, the best solution would be to say "meh ,fuck it" and just not travel there (a land with such cartoony rules is just not worth thew hassle). But now people are eager to travel there becasue they're NOT suposed to. Salty pettyness.
tldr. Both burgerland and the mudslimlands are children.
When you ban your enemies from entering your country your enemies win.
Never change leaf.
Hey, canada. the place where the leader guy said that if we kill our enemies then they win
If you stop your enemies from entering your country, they win.
Since when are all Muslims so violent and on such a short fuse? Islamophobic much?
The US has no obligation to accept anybody
Fuck off we're full
I agree. American education is so bad that Americans actually think that going to Canada will be better than the American schools.
t. Muhammed
if muslims are that weak willed, then no western country should have them
How about those "good" Muslims fucking pick up a goddamn gun and fight for once?
Seriously, what would be the most efficient thing to find a compromise between all parties:
a)stopping people from getting IN
b)taking the bad roots OUT and make sure it nevers gets in
You should have done b) before you started with a).
Please do you want the Buddists think about Islam.
Are they white or oliver skinned ?
>if you ban them, they win
Leaformers cuckolds in disguise.
look dude, we're trying to create the perfect big mac AND vote the next winner of America's Got Talent.
We're pretty busy here
>don't forbid muslims from coming in or they'll kill you!
Muslims can go feel hated and oppressed somewhere else.
But Trump wants ISIS to want Trump to want ISIS to want Trump to want ISIS to want them to want him to do, obviously
>muslim ban
Look, Islamists feeling oppressed for not be able to force convert hinduists in Pakistan.
>be Muslim in the middle east
>hear the stories of the great northern peoples
>hear stories of the great religious wars and Saladin
>just want to go back to the old days
>just want to plunge my scimitar into the great christian army
they just want to be the allahu akbar to our deus vult. they just want to go back to the glory days.
>Obama droning the sand niggers is different, Trump said they weren't welcome for 120 days!
You're right, it's toooootally different. Trump's to blame, thanks for Correcting The Record!
>tfw >A. >FUCKING. >LEAF. speaks the truth
>If you don't do as the Muslims say they'll get violent and kill you!
>If you do as the Muslims say they'll get violent and kill you!
Good, thin out their population
If Muslims can be triggered that easily into joining isis then ALL OF THEM SHOULD GO BACK.
Leftists have a serious fetish for islam.
I tried to explain that the leftist alliance with islam is why trump won the election to a guy at the bar. He refused to budge and wouldnt stop defending. Now hes not looking at me and we are sitting awkwardly. Lol im trying to actually help leftists and they refuse to listen.
Ok now I know this is a troll.
Europe let them in with open arms and they have all but destroyed it. America will not give them that chance. Trump is the president. The muslims will be banned. The wall will be build. Deal with it.
>I'm mad at this law that prohibits me from kidnapping people and forcing them to be muslims
>I mean, it rarely happens anyway, why outlaw it