Fucking wow, Trump faggots, this is what happens when you get a racist bigot in charge, we all warned you.
Fucking wow, Trump faggots, this is what happens when you get a racist bigot in charge, we all warned you.
all according to keikaku
That totally won't cause any backlash nor is it any sign of the president having racist inclinations. Praise our God Emperor Trump
The KKK hasn't done jack shit since the 90's you inbred, abo fuckwit. Pipe the fuck down under.
Time to put Antifa on there.
best timeline
Pretty sure the FBI's been watching them for a while and nothing has come of it at all.
You still mad that Trump BTFO your shitty island, and now you're stuck with all the rapefugees?
Occupy Democrats is the fakest of fake news in the universe
this is fake news. even so, dylan roof was not associated with any group. what violence has the kkk been responsible for in the last 20 years?
Yeah, it doesn't make much sense to label undercover federal agents and informants as terrorists.
>tfw our tax dollars are now going to fund white supremistist with cheeess burgers
>occupy democrats
my favourite propaganda page
Fake news?
Fucking kek if not desu.
Gake and fay
>muh kkk
blacks and liberals are helping the kkk kill blacks and leave them in poverty while doing nothing.
into the trash it goes.
wtf i love kkk now
>directly linking to literally fakenews.com
>see flag
>don't care
The article didn't even say KKK it said 'similar to KKK'
so it's probably a bunch of patriot groups that fucking obama tried to label as terrorists because they don't like communists ruining America.
kkk is literally irrelevant in this day and age
This is the wrong place to talk about this.
You think people who normally browse Sup Forums care?
Antifa, CTR, whatever you are, go after Reddit or something. Go to someone that cares.
Scratch that, waste your time and money, pissing in the wind
m8 what brand is that fuuuuuuuuug, I have a sam 7 but dats nice
>I warned you
Thanks. As a white man, this is awsome
Trump will make kkk great again
>This is the wrong place to talk about this.
Is he doing this shit on purpose now? What's his end game?
>Trump removes his core supporters from terror watch list
It is in Reuters................
The Trump administration wants to revamp and rename a U.S. government program designed to counter all violent ideologies so that it focuses solely on Islamist extremism, five people briefed on the matter told Reuters.
The program, "Countering Violent Extremism," or CVE, would be changed to "Countering Islamic Extremism" or "Countering Radical Islamic Extremism," the sources said, and would no longer target groups such as white supremacists who have also carried out bombings and shootings in the United States.
KKK, neo-nazis, white supremacists, have been under watch for decades and considered potentially dangerous extremists. They even waste a lot of time training police on how to spot them. The reality is these are super minor fringe groups and boogeymen whose combined "death toll" and violent attacking incidents amounts to almost nothing compared with actual real extremists such as judeo-leftists (like antifa) and Islamic terrorists.
Far more people have been hurt or killed by atheists and Marxists in the past few decades. It's a waste of resources. Not only that, but if you don't support the judeo-Marxist lefty agenda then you get branded as one of those boogeyman.
Lets see. Which group should be on the list.. The KKK ( which hasn't made the news for doing literally anything other than " supposedly " endorsing people.. for as long as I can remember ), or Black Lives Matter.. Which seems to have their hand in every single riot... errr... " peaceful protest " that has happened over the last few years.
How long has it been since the KKK have kidnapped, beaten, or lynched a nigger?
A very long time.
How long since BLM "protesters" have done those to whites? Not too long ago.
If the KKK is a terrorist organization, then why isn't BLM?
there's like 200 active KKK and 195 of those are probably FBI
who gives a fuck
also fake news
most of the KKK "members" are FBI plants, sting agents, snitches, etc.
Based straya is best straya
He looked at the numbers and saw they were 90% feds.
Sorry if I sound retarded I know nothing about guns, but is that an AK without the stock?
it looks so shiny and smooth, most other AKs I've seen look rusted and shitty
The KKK is just a bunch of FBI and ATF agents trying to entrap each other.
it's actually a famas, they have modular stocks
that has an abornmally boxy look to the handguard...
>milled gas tube
tell me more...
there's like a dozen KKK members and half of them are FBI plants
>so it's probably a bunch of patriot groups that fucking obama tried to label as terrorists because they don't like communists ruining America.
Most likely this. Let's not forget that Obama also targeted Tea Party groups with the IRS.
Pay for the fucking wall also.
it's an underfolder.
Russian and Polish underfolders look like that, other countries use a different kind of wire for the stock.
Stock folds under the rifle, copied from the German MP40 stock.
Top kek
>five people briefed on the matter told Reuters
You're thinking of this website
ugh I would totally leave my fiancee for her she's on some Beeteljuice shit
I'm pretty sure the FBI does this. Not trump.
He's not really doing much to quash the fascist, racist rhetoric is he.
Jesus fucking christ do want
the KKK is barely even alive anymore.
their not that hard to penetrate im sure. just call and say "im white and i hate jews" "ok sir u are you in. welcome to the klub."
The source is enough to know that it's bullshit.
oh for fucks sake
>occupy democrats
more like occupy democrats logic
Maybe it's because they're not a terrorist organization anymore
all they do is just walk around and act edgy.
his end game is to fuck every refugee, cuck and shill like urself\
There's a local troupe near me, they aren't even relevent any more.
Nice try, shill. If the Southern Poverty Law Center's statistics are to be believed, there are exactly 900 KKK members in the U.S.. Hardly a threat. Even less so when you take into consideration that the KKK is not a monolithic, organized group with centralized leadership BUT a small collection of informal Klans spread out across the country and completely incapable of organizing in any meaningful way. But hey, keep gobbling up the hyperbole and rotting your brain to the point that you are truly unable to do any real, critical thinking. And you'd better save all that CTR money you're getting...you'll need it when the rich, white Democrats cast you aside for another group of useful idiots.
>Gets information from terrorist group occupy democrats
>Countering Radical Islamic Extremism
if you retards actually read the article you'd know that they're citing Reuters reuters.com
so stop complaining about the source
or is Reuters "fake news" too now? anything you don't read on breitbart or other altright sites is fake news, right?
ok faggot
Someone got the image and post in Imgur, please?