A-America we're still y-your closest ally right?
A-America we're still y-your closest ally right?
Wrong, that's us.
Sorry, I can't understand you with China's cock in your mouth.
Straya has been to every single war with us since they became a country
fkn love straya. met some of you guys that studied abroad at my uni and we became good friends
Do allies dump immigrants on each other? Huh? Huh?
ah, yah, we're still pals.
You still have the Tones
yall are fine, it's not your fault king nigger offered to take your rapefugees
Baby of course. Don't be like that. We just... need our space from all the refugees is all. You understand right?
Not gonna lie, former australia supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching australia crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guys get less refugees.
Wait... we're allies? Since when? I thought you guys were best friends with England
Underrated underwear
Australia is USA bfff
y'all cunts are straight mates
don't let chester cheetah get you down, it's all just zero-chill banter
>Straya has been to every single war with us since they became a country
Yes, but all they did was shitpost in every goddamn war.
NO! We are America-kun's ONE AND ONLY!
We'll never have that kind of relationship, but you'll always be our banter bros.
You brought this on yourselves. You've bantzed us so hard for so long we've put a top tier shitposter in charge.
Lol what?
We're sick to our guts of this deal and frankly, sick of you.
We are actually
Israel is our #1 Ally because you losers(NATO/SEATO) will stick by us no matter what, with Israel we actually have to pay attention to them and defend their ethnic cleansing
Also they're the only country in the middle east that gives us full military access whenever we want. That gives us access to THE OIL
nah you're China's prison bitch now. What's a 4 bedroom house in Melbourne cost now?
We don't have allies. Just interests.
UK is probably the greatest interest due to security council, nuclear warheads, international base potential, and worldwide influence. That, and reliability. As part of the UK's sphere of influence, you are a jr. partner in that interest.
He was just taking the piss, m8.
Thought you cunts liked banter
yes you are israel! oh, you no israel? soz.....
Jesus Christ will you cheeky fuckers just relax.
We're just in it for the syrup and poutine
>not knowing we're America's closest ally
>Our navy tells Irans to fuck off
>They do
Cant handle the bantz
Fucking (((((((SEVEN))))))) news had a story last night about how to set up your house to sell to the Chinese.
Fuck these cunts I swear loyalty to this country is DEAD.
Look pal, australia is cool in my book, but we dont need 1000 refugees that you dont want or need either. Good luck in getting rid of them, but we got a new non pussy non idiot president now.
Israel is what the white people in the US desperately want. A white ethnostate
Go home, Switzerland. You're drunk.
what the fuck country is "swaziland"
Listen, Australia just send us the boat and make sure they get the MH370 treatment
is there any hope for the housing market to collapse? idgaf if boomers suddenly are suddenly out of pocket for their 6 properties that they bought for $10,000 years ago that are now worth $1.2m
i just want to own my own fucking home and being a nigger slave to pay off an enmormous loan for 30 years and paying 3 times the total loan value doesnt sound fun.
also chinese get out, hang them from fucking lamp posts before we get like canada.
>Aussies can't handle the banter
poor form