Thread for discussion of National Socialism, Fascism, Traditionalism, and European Identity Movements. Share links, PDFs, reading, videos, and propaganda. > 卐 - REPORT IN FOR YOUR COUNTRY! > 卐 - TAKE BACK THE BOARD! > 卐 - DRIVE OUT DEGENERACY!
卐 - FASCIST/NATSOC MOVIES: ------ The following link contains 26 Third Reich movies (One from fascist Italy, one from occupied France). All are good quality DVDRIP (x265 codec) and all have English subtitles.
List and genre: >Bismarck 1940 Biopic, Historical >Condottieri 1937 Historical, Adventure (Fascist Italy) >Das Herz Der Königin (The Heart of the Queen) 1940 Anti-British, historical >Der große König (The Great King) 1942 Biopic, historical >Der Kaiser von Kalifornien (The Emperor of California) 1936 Anti-greed, historical >Der Sieg Des Glaubens (The Triumpth of the Faith) 1933 NSDAP propaganda
MDK8Hnh0 dumb fucking cuck. enjoy becoming a third world nation because you let in millions of inbred low iq illiterate unskilled subhumans that leech on your welfare state you stupid fucking cuckhold.
>tfw you will never ave a friendship like this why even live
Luis Turner
Easton Rogers
Michael Garcia
Were NatSocs actually racist? Ive seen some pics like this one, are they real?
Carson Thomas
Dominic Lopez
Brayden Hall
Does anyone have that picture of an article titled "What is Fascism?". I used to always see it floating around here and had it saved but lost it. it's quite a wordwall, but goes into great detail about the socioeconomic points of actual Fascism instead of it just being a pejorative buzzword for people you don't like.
Joshua Robinson
What is the difference between nat-soc and fascism?
Legit asking, because as of now I identify more with fascism.
Sieg heil! Half white immigrant living in belgium, but nonetheless, if sa, ss or wehrmacht still existed I would be in the foreign legion and hopefully on the frontline. Heil hitler, I love belgium and europe. Never give up brothers, ooit zullen we wederkeren
Luke Foster
Checked them quads, brother. 14/88
Wyatt Cox
Zachary Diaz
Christian Kelly
Michael Gutierrez
good thread
Sebastian Phillips
Yeah they're real. The Nazis were racist. But they would rather people stay in their homelands. The philosophy is that we shouldn't live together, but we can still be friends and trade with each other and fight to protect each other's lands. Sadly the modern left wants to spit in everyone's face and slam everyone together and say "Get along or else" (Despite them only doing this to extreme measures in European and predominantly white countries) Basically Sup Forums is this idea come to fruition. None of us live together, but we can still communicate with other countries and feel an affinity for all of mankind. We don't hate any one race, but we do love our own the best. We would like to live in a peaceful world where we can co-exist separately.
Sadly there are those who would pervert this idea and force us to live in the hell where the greedy look out for only themselves.
Aaron Green
Benjamin Walker
Hunter Perry
Yes... WWII never ended!! America teleported nazis into the future and we are now fighting them and their saurkraut breath
Joshua Martin
It saddens me deeply, it brings tears to my eyes everytime I think about how different things could have been but one thing hitler taught me is not give in to defeatism. Kapitulieren? Never! Heil hitler
Juan Roberts
For anyone interested in lit from various times, places and sources.
So how did those black guys and arabs fought along the whites? Where they just inmigrants or they were from the german co ies?
Nicholas Reyes
God zegene België, Nederland, Luxemburg en het Duitse Rijk
Bentley Turner
Brayden Myers
They fought alongside whites or on their own, i.e. muslims, hindu's, africans and eastern europeans / russians who wanted to fight for a better future under the Reich.
World War II (World War I was much the same) was fought on many fronts and it was impossible for the rest of the world to be unaffected by it.
It is really hard to say where they were from. But they were probably fighting in Northern Africa.
Aiden Young
For a sense of belonging and to fight communism.
Asher Price
They were voluntary soldiers? Nice, so he 3rd Reich never had a colony right? Also, if Mosley was elected as prime minister, would ww2 ever happened?
Benjamin Barnes
My chilean friend. Germany had one of the most multicultural armies of ww2. They joined out of free will, out of compassion for the cause and/or maybe because of how good and prosperous they saw the third reich was. Do not believe the jewish lies that they were racists, they sought to find what makes each of us great and how every race had their own land and ways. Everything history in schools has taught you was biased towards the victor and that was the communists, jews and jewish capitalism.
Watch the greatest story never told and many of the links shared by my dutch neighbour in this thread and youll begin to understand things from a point of view they dont want you to understand.
Justin Reed
Adrian Perry
Didn't Hitler's shoot himself? Why is there an idea that somehow hitler lived through the war?
Isaac Walker
How can I be a better cuckold in the fashion of a true NatSoc?
Caleb Brooks
As soon as the Nazi's opted for war against Russia and the moment America became involved you can see it's a lost cause due to resources, but it took the rest of the world basically to subdue germany in order to keep their gold backed economy into place. That's the lesson they don't want us to learn from history.
Wyatt Flores
Whats wrong with other translation versions of Mein Kampf?
Daniel Thompson
Last bump, Guten Abend an alle
Gott mit uns
Levi Russell
>Whats wrong with other translation versions of Mein Kampf? jews got to them
Owen King
>ywn have hitler touch your hair and listen to you play the piano
James Baker
holy shit that girl looks a lot like my mom aunt and sister
Nicholas Morales
I admire the german army for being one the most powerfull armies in history, in ww1 it took 3 world powers to defeat it and in the 3rd reich it took all of the world to take it down
Dylan Phillips
Did later translators modify the translation?
Leo Brooks
Because his death only exists through shady Russian reports that wanted him to be dead and therefore he was "dead." In truth he was a spaz at the end, but suicide was never in his nature. He did die in a way as he did lose everything. But he had enough funds and lived somewhere he could hide well such as South America, which had ties to the Nazis.
I believe there is a very good documentary on the History Channel about it if you are interested if he lived or died.
He's dead now of course. His health wouldn't have allowed him to live more than twenty years after 1945.
Jeremiah Brown
you think a cuckold gets cucked by force of arms? the black is more of a cuck than the german. at least the german fought for his survival. the black dude fought for his own imprisonment - for racism back home in the US. and don't start with the white american in the picture who basically fought for his own enslavement and racial extinction.
Ethan Carter
How do we remove this alt-white element from the right?
all these fucking Gooks, Chink, Wogs and Spics posting ironically on Sup Forums, pretending to be white - sickening
Dylan Sanders
Back to /r/socialism
Dominic Clark
they were fighting for their own nations, in Africa and Arabia.
Benjamin Gray
gtfo commie
Parker Jackson
Hello Achmed. How's Nova-Turkey?
Grayson Price
this is what i imagine nazi sex looks like
Sebastian Wright
fucking weird shit man
David Moore
Nazi sex is the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation
But didn't the German army still have large problems?
Matthew Cook
Hail Hitler!
Grayson Rogers
Jose Watson
Liam Flores
that's what they are doing, right?
Kevin Jenkins
That's a blowjob, my good sir
Aiden Myers
imitation Is high form of flattery.
Dylan Adams
Bampen this incredibly based bread
Joseph Collins
ah, thank you. you learn something every day.
John Cook
John Hughes
Nolan Thomas
No problem Glad I could teach you something :)
Brody Lewis
what is the fascist view on human sexuality
Hunter Collins
To have family, kids, to raise the kids in a loving family.
Justin Reed
I would pay $1000 plus for an original banner
Adam Lewis
Carter Diaz
We need to provide more content but I'm not sure what.
Robert Diaz
Acquire a loving wife. Have kids together (2 is the Empire building number but the more the merrier) Raise your kids to be hard working members of society Kids have lots of kids Lots of grandchildren to play with and be a loving grandpa to. Grandkids have kids when they grow up. Die peacfully surrounded by you wife and children knowing you built a beautiful world for them to live in. As you die you tell them your death is not a cause for tears but for a time to celebrate you getting to know them and care for them.
You are now destined to live on forever through your children and have lived the most fascist life possible. The Jews and leftist would have a conniption fit if this was the dream of every western man.
But as for sexuality: Have as much sex with your wife as you want. You love her and she loves you.
Carter Brooks
Jace Watson
at which point did you care about intellectualism or virtue? at which point did you practice dialectic with your wife or children? at which point did you instill book-reading and the arts in your children? at which point did you leave behind more than your scummy genes?
low life animal. base creature unworthy of your supposedly developed brain. you are in the furthest reaches of Plato's cave.
Tyler Ortiz
That shit are white birth rates are low
Aiden Cooper
Liam Baker
stug is such a kawaii tanku
Jason Jenkins
Make a petition and/or get Donald Trump's attention to make Antifa labelled as a terrorist group.
Once that happens, the general public, especially family-oriented people across the US will think "terrorist" when the name Antifa pops up. This will also deter anyone from joining or being affiliated, because anyone with half a brain would not want to be part of a group labelled as terrorists because of the stigma and the legal pressure.
Also, because of this, police and homeland security would essentially do many searches for any Antifa members and throw them in jail. Nightclubs would be searched, punk shows would be monitored, raves would be watched, and warehouses would be raided. Essentially a legal gestapo without the bad image. If we do the same for Arabs in airports and big cities, we can do the same for Antifa.
Remember, that Antifa are more than just vandals and people who harass innocents on the streets. They're also involved in illegal activities, especially in San Francisco where they're involved in selling drugs to people at punk shows and raves, including minors if rave nights are all-ages. They're also involved in numerous cases of statutory rape, one member alone having approximately 730 accounts. They're also known squatters allowing fire hazards.
So, here's the thing if you get them labelled as a terror group and the police remove them. You'd be removing the following bad qualities from communities
>Less drug peddling, inluding the drug solicitation towards minors >Less indoctrination and recruiting towards communism and anarchy (less propaganda venues) >Safety such as less fires and innocents killed with less Antifa squatters (safe spaces) >Less innocents assaulted on the streets >Promotion of freedom of speech >Less businesses vandalized >Less cars vandalized >Less police deaths >Less fires from arson >Less corruption towards youth, giving them a future
You want real volkish NatSoc? Spread the word to authorities and twitter. Save our nation.
Caleb Ward
Thread for discussing European identity? Well then you guys surely hate Varg then for excluding southern europeans as actual europeans in exchange for Chinese, right?