>didn't jack off today
Didn't jack off today
Other urls found in this thread:
You're a hero
Ok now do a few months without it.
>jacked off 4 times today
>usually average 2-3
>feel depressed and lazy and sad constantly
>can't stop because porn is nice
>think I didn't jack off today
>remember I did it as soon as I woke up
>jacked off 14 times today
how the fuck, how old are you?
I'm 30 and I still do it 2 or 3 times a day and I still think it's too much, though I'll only fap once watching porn if I'm still in the mood after 2 faps throughout the day
>my boyfriend and I jerked off eachother
>will do so again when I get home
>then cuddle till sleep
Can't imagine what it's like to be one of you virgin losers.
>almost forgot to jack off today
thanks user
that would've been embarrassing
>He cant fuck without getting POZZED
>what are condoms
Shitty rubber that my dick regularly breaks. Enjoy the aids.
Are you asking?
>He cant fuck without a tire wrapped around his dick.
>burger doesn't understand butter
American education I guess
boys are gross
Yes user I'm asking if you want to cuck my bf and have sex with my sweet boipussy
Me neither, I fucked my wife instead.
Jesus fucking Christ. I got so much depression from this board and this just increases to the overall pain.
Boys are best. I bet you kiss girls you faggot
Dam nigga are you me. I felt just like you stopped faping for 9 days and I feel way better.
Inject yourelf with testosterone Desu
>finally got too depressed to fap
was wondering how long it would take me
about a week or so going completely dry right now, can't look at porn without thinking how bothersome it would be to get my cock out and fap to a woman or woman(male) that would never give me the time of day because I'm trash
Good night Sup Forums
northern wall when?
>get my dick out
>implying soccermonkeys wear clothes
You can beND me over a wall~
>tfw you have a hot gf
>she gets out of the shower wearing only a long tank top
>her tits jiggle as she walks over
>bends over exposing her tight, pink pussy
>tits hanging down
>push her onto the couch and fuck her senseless
>blow massive load into her pussy
>watch my cum drip out of her as her pussy pulsates
>repeat as necessary
Don't you bros want to know this feel?
dont you have a wife or long term gf to fug??
Fuck off degenerate
you just lost OP
pls yes
you had more nukes...why didn't you use them? two was just not enough America.
not nearly enough.
>seeing a women gives an instant boner
>can't go out without jacking off first
>jack off 3 or 4 times a day
I seem to have the reverse problem of a lot of people, where I only get hornier the older I get. It's worse at 21 than it ever was at 13.
Heterosexuality is a mental illness. Pens in vaginas for any reason other than child making is degenerate. Heterosexuality is a sexualit fetishist therefore.
Beyond that, women are the original sin and God does not favor women. Read genesis. The vaginas is a filthy bacteria riddled cavern and copulating with it for any reason beyond childbearing is equivalent to stick your penis in a vat of chemical waste.
Homosexuals are genetic, look up the Xq28 gene. God intended for gays to exist and it is the proper path to take once you have ensured your genetic survival.
Depicting Christ as a chan and not a kun or chan (male) is heresy
You're a virgin
fucking hell i know what you mean, i'm 21 and it's terrible, one would expect to feel this way when 15 or 16 not when puberty is supposed to be fucking over.
it doesn't help that it's exam season at every fucking university (except mine, of course) and every single person i know is staying home all day studying so i can't do shit about it
>jacked off all day
>sticking your dick in a vagina is gross and dirty
>sticking it in a man's shit-filled asshole is Godly
You voted for Trudeau. I can tell.
>get a girlfriend
>have sex daily or almost daily
>haven't flapped in weeks
Am I doing no fap correctly?
this kind of girls have ate so many dick that having sex with them will make you GAY
>develops prostate cancer before age 40
No I voted for the conservative Christian choice. Trudeau is a french/Cuban heathen islamophIle.
The anus was made dirty by women and the snake with intent for women to be more appealing but it is common knowledge that the anus can be cleaned and purified for the sanctified act of sexualit Intercourse. For best results, one would use holy water to flush out the impurities.
yes goy, keep jerking off. it prevents cancer, you dont want cancer goy
Leaf post a grill with the queen of spades tattoo.
Good one Colombia, muy divertido
>haven't flapped in weeks
I have some bad news..
You're not a bird
I'm sorry
She is literally my fetish.
Fucking shortstacks.
father gregory lied to you
god damn it this was so stupid but it made me laugh anyway
You just need to release every other day. No fap is fucking retarded.
Good to know. How does the priest react when you tell him you need holy water to rinse out your bf's shitty cornhole?
I unironically got a half chub from reading this
>tfw basically virgin (history = 2 blowjobs and insertion once for like a few seconds before realizing I dran too much to have sex)
>tfw just now jerked off while wearing a condom to practice for a tinder date I may be having in a couple hours
>took forever to cum, didn't feel fun, and I felt anxious thinking of executing sexual positions I don't know and pressure to perform
This is going to be a disaster.
>got a wife
>have sex twice a month
did I fail at life?
Good work user. Jacking off is a disgusting habit.
No, nofap isn't just about not her king it to porn but having self control over an area many men fail to cool that is their dick with sex or pleasure, if you can resist at least month with no fap and no sex you have done what millions have failed in.
Justin go to bed
Who are these godless bastards who post porn in /nofap/ threads
you make me sick, you fuckos
I'm on day two.
>sex twice a month
How long you been married now m8?
Why does your gf shower with a tank top on? Is this a public shower? Are you homeless? Or live at the YMCA?
Shit, that sounds horrible. I can understand not flapping to porn but that just sounds like you're stressing yourself out for no reason.
Except as a man you should be trying to have as many children as possible. Forcing yourself not to have sex is retarded on literally every level.
a year
Nigga, you're thinking too hard about it. You're never going to enjoy sex like that.
I hate to seem like a braggart or make you feel bad, but I've been married 15 years and I met your monthly quota yesterday. About to go in for more pretty soon. You should work on that user.
30 here
never had a wife or gf my entire life
that doesn't exist for some people
I was just watching this, saw this thread and was about to post it.
Very eye-opening.
>that doesn't exist for some people
Yeah if you're a fucking retarded autist. Literally and unironically kill yourself.
You need to find a way to revitalize your sex life or she will start fucking other guys.
Shieeet hope you at least get your dick sucked on the regular, otherwise eh 24 times a year is just gonna get less...
The bible never mentions Homosex is sinful, such was inserted in the 1800s to serve the current jewish agenda.
My butthole*
I have a subscription to have it delivered. All priests know the Homosex redpill and simply hide to to deceive their enemies and false christians.
I voted conservative
A tank top? she doesn't come out naked? Why does she wear a tank top in the shower?
Have been jacking off 2 to 3 times a day, sometimes 4, for the past handful years. Finally converted to roman catholicism and haven't masturbated in 5 days, going strong with no intense need for it.
How many times does she visit with her bull in a month?
>not flapping to porn
Penguins, the lot of you
How are you supposed to not think about it? The idea of not really knowing what to do when the girl is expecting me to, and probably being made fun of for it behind my back is terrifying.
This is actually a problem that haunted me in high school, college, and now.
your world would not exist without autists. You couldn't seek out your cumsocks if this world wasn't maintained by your betters
Yeah, my autocorrect keeps changing fapping to flapping.
I'm just fuckin' with you m8, I know plenty of conservative gays also
Enjoy your child support.
definitely, if you go in with that attitude
wow what an obvious tranny, just look at that fucking abdomen for fucks sake
and I thought Madonna and Michelle Obama were obvious
that is NOT an ugly woman, that's some straight up hollywood baphomet shit
I'm 2.5 nonths without porn.
Havent had sex in 19 months though. trying really hard not to crack
You're still thinking too hard about it because you were told not to think about it too hard, not to not think at all. Relax. Otherwise, you're going to look like a freak who can't cum. And don't tell her you're a virgin, either, unless she asks. It isn't cute for guys. She's not going to squirt when you tell her you suck.
Join the enlightened, reject all pussy
cummies are for the weak
>doing nofap without having sex
what the fuck are you doing? the whole point of nofap is so you can get it up when you fuck your gf instead of having a chub due to all the porn
>caring about Tinder dates
The point of OKCupid, POF, and Tinder is not to satisfy some stranger. It's purely self serving.
>not hitting the single mom who works at the Audi dealership 2 blocks from your office that you ran into at Walmart a few months prior and found on OKCupid looking to fuck guys half her age
The best part about older women is that they will do all the work. You just lie there and let them do their thing, it's better than any 20 year old.
Pretty sure thats steven tyler
yeah, Dude Looks Like a Lady
I'm not doing no fap. I'm trying to quit watching porn. Cutting down fapping to a few times a week only, though.
>Think I didn't jack off today
>"No, I slept all day instead"
>Remember jacking off to the thought of getting fucked in my boipussi before falling asleep
You must be a ball of seething rage at this point. It's not natural to cage that much frustration and testosterone dude, you're going to murder someone over the smallest transgression.
>no flap
Sounds like a challenge for tards, whom are prone to flapping their arms
>not having a bf to fuck your boipussy before bedtime