ITT Images That Make Lefties Rage
Also, this one is a fav of mine
Trump is girly man.
I fucking love redpanels
It can be a little overdone sometimes, but I think the 14-88-6,000,000 comic was an absolutely brilliant comic, a political comic that requires no words, no explanation.
I know I saved it somewhere ... I think
Christ that's funny and sad
Also this triggers the lib pretty bad.
I don't understand. What are may-issue or shall-issue?
"I'm totally anti-establishment"
>Promises to give the establishment complete control over everything
Shall-issue means you will get the license after a background check and various fees and paperwork. May-issue means you might get a license after a background check and various feed and paperwork if the state feels like you should be allowed to carry a firearm. May-issue is very much a spectrum
Wow that was hard. I literally googled "shall issue".
Post the real one, alt-kike
Thank you for the (you), have one yourself
Also, this picture really pisses them off.
checked and kekked
hows the vacation?
Truly outstanding.
Looks Georgian except blonde hair
This one made me rage. Liberals are Bolsheviks.
I'm sorry but I've never met a jew that was actually like "I hate goyim". I've met a few Muslims like this though.
>implying they say that to your face
maximum good goyim
It's putin face on trump head
Jewish lies. Muslims don't use the word "goyim".
we didn't give canada independence we just were unable to take it from the british in the war of 1812 and we agreed to leave it to those buggy cucks
did he really say that?
fucking perfect
holy fuck need source on this eagle eyed madman
He did not actually say this
I suppose that is a possibility
I meant I've met Muslims that were like
"Don't look my wife in the eyes because my Quran says you can't" not a Muslim that said "Go away Goyim."
The real issue isn't that Africans didn't have animals that could be domesticated it is that 95% of Africa is worthless when it comes to starting basic agriculture (growing maize, grains, or rice). Without those simple carbs that can be grown easily civilization cannot really develop.
Look at all early civilizations, they developed in river valleys, the Nile, Indus, Fertile crescent, Yangtze river in China. South Africa lacks those rivers and is separated by any of those lands either by relatively massive oceans or by mountains, deserts, and jungles. When you look at areas of Africa that did have contact with the rest of the world (eg. West Africa and Abyssinia) they were perfectly capable of developing civilization with their own resources, with Abyssinia resisting Muslim invasion something whites like the Visigoths, Greeks, South Slavs, and Bulgars weren't capable of. Likewise one of the richest people in human history was Musa of Timbuktu who gave so much money away while going on hajj that he collapsed the Egyptian economy.
Asking why people living in the Congo or Savannah never developed civilization is like asking why people in the Amazon or Inuits never developed civilization. Civilization requires agriculture.
what is this?
>White bitch with an iphone and huge smile
>Black bitch hate fucking her while laying face down
>White SJW bitch dressed in black with a face that says I know the trigger was pulled, I just havent felt the hammer fall yet
I love this pic
Oh I thought you said righties
>that dad
That was something user.
Your mexican is showing
Africa had contact with the outside world though. Arab traders and slavers were traveling all throughout the continent hundreds of years before the Portuguese ever thought to use black slaves for their sugarcane fields. Why would Bulgars learn from outside influences if blacks couldn't. And the myth that they didn't have any animals to domesticate is false also. The Hyena and the Eland are known to be quite suitable to domestication, but would've required generations of animals to become fully domesticated.
And Mansa Musa is still a dirty word in Mali this day. Why? Because he pimped his caravan and spent every red cent from the treasury in Libya, Egypt, and Arabia. The country never recovered after him.
Fuck off O'leary is a globalist kike. Mad Max is /ourguy/
I still can't believe we did it guys.
Holy shit.
Explinations like these are one of the few reasons I choose to lurk around 4ch. You guys may be a wretched hive, but you're a suprisingly interesting wretched hive when you eventually do something selfless and well-being.
No offense.
explanation, sorry.
Interracial is good
Straight people, but especially straight white males.
Man, Kobach really deserved a seat in the cabinet.
Not sure why this pic is always posted as evidence of the wall. The document he is holding is his action plan for his interview to be head of DHS. Kobach didn't get the job.
this one?
Thanks for the idea, leaf
Remember when (((they))) said that the five million non-jew number was a lie, but the SIX GORILLION number was completely true?
I don't remember this
No i don't actually.
It figures that I wouldn't save the image, but have the source: timesofisrael.com
>Yehuda Bauer, an Israeli Holocaust scholar who chairs the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, said he warned his friend Wiesenthal, who died in 2005, about spreading the false notion that the Holocaust claimed 11 million victims – 6 million Jews and 5 million non-Jews.
>“I said to him, ‘Simon, you are telling a lie,’” Bauer recalled in an interview Tuesday. “He said, ‘Sometimes you need to do that to get the results for things you think are essential.’”
>Bauer and other historians who knew Wiesenthal said the Nazi hunter told them that he chose the 5 million number carefully: He wanted a number large enough to attract the attention of non-Jews who might not otherwise care about Jewish suffering, but not larger than the actual number of Jews who were murdered in the Holocaust, 6 million.