You shitlords better fucking vote for her in 2020
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the seizures will kill her within the next 3 years bro
that crazy fucking cunt will be dead
She will be dead
For what, chief resident of the nursing home?
digits and she dies by 2019
who was stupid enough to make a hillary pepe.
your shoop is shit.
she's up by 50 points, goyim!
you have no choice!
98% chance of winning!
say it with me!!!!
Say it with me anons; "Madame President"
giving this much of a shit
She dies this year. Either by alcohol poisoning or by a shank in prison.
is madonna still up for blowjobs or nah?
>is madonna still up for blowjobs or nah?
Maybe handjobs
What will America do when she dies? Cry more?
>What will America do when she dies? Cry more?
Blame the Russians of course
you scared fascists?
>Even more liberal embarrassment in 4 years
You will never live this shit down. N E V E R. Remember that.
All the kids she has eaten over the years will catch up to her. She will die before she can even stand trial let alone run again in 2020.
But she'll be in Jail
Scared of what? A loser and her loser followers?
The fuck is there to be scared about?
She's running in 2024 too after she gets BTFO in 2020
>her only appeal wasn't that she wasn't trump, which was a pretty big deal
>still lost
It's over for her. She couldn't win against literally anyone at this point
She will be forgotten about long before 2020
I will.
Antifa death squads
>Antifa death squads
How will they kill when they do not believe in citizens having weapons?
how do we riot when we don't believe in citizens having weapons?
checkmate drumpfkins :^)
>shill memes
Why are they always so shitty?
You dont need weapons to riot, maplenigger.
You just need to be unemployed.
you have to be inteeligent to understand them tniy hands :^)
She'll run but die a week before election day. Check em.
she's already dead
If you are reading this reply with "OP IS A FAG" or your mother will die tonight.
KEK, I love those weird ass chink news cartoons.