If you think otherwise, you're
We're all the SAME SPECIES!
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Bottom right looks ballin
It sounds crazy, but what if whites were actually "engineered"?
Abos obviously are not the same species as us. They were not even considered human until a few decades ago.
Indeed. For example white americans are europoids while "white" hispanics are mongrels as you can see here.
why do you guys always pick the weirdest looking aboriginals?
pic related looks pretty normal to me
They were, by Aliens colonists. (Atlanteans, AKA Green Antarctica)
choose one
Germans were literal niggers a few millenniums ago while "shitskins" from Mesopotamia were 1st world by the standards of the time
Australiods have 5-7% Denisovan admixture.
He looks like he could star in Planet of the Apes, no makeup or costume designers required.
Nobody from El Salvador looks like that.
I could really go for some big abo cock
check'd and kek'd
Speaking of which, are Aboriginals the worst of the niggers? I swear, these """""people""""" are the niggers of the niggers. Australian Black people, and the are by far the most primitive. They haven't even invented bows and arrows by the time we found them on their shithole down under. Hell, they've only been considered human since 1967. They've been legally human for about 50 years.
>When pol doesn't know what a species it
You guys are like, another level of stupid. And I love how courageous you think you're being when you say shit like this, when you literally don't know what a species is.
Are britons even white?
>If you think otherwise, you're
caught me on-guard
We are the same species you absolute idiot, there just different races (Caucasian, Congoloid, Asian ect..)
Stop shilling with this divide and conquer shit.
The Whitest.
Your country is Mexico's Mexico.
You'd like that, wouldn't you shlomo?
Lol why'd you have to pick the ones that look most like monkeys and make me laugh. Now I feel terrible.
If you guys are white, so I am
That German has peroxide hair. His roots are showing ffs.
Abos aren't human
reminder that Aboriginal magic caused German birthrates to fall
We are the same species, to the extent that Abos can rape and knock up a white woman.
All the more reason to neuter amd spay them before puberty.
Or, you know, it's a poorly colored picture from WW2.
What the fuck is wrong with that guys ass?
I'm sure it's just the picture
You were saying, Pedro?
>thinking Mesopotamians were anything other than a race incredibly similar to ancient Greeks and didn't have a large influx of R1b
Half of them are Irish (who got a good Spanish dicking like you people). Russell Brand has some Italian in him, and the other two have dark hair. What they don't have is chinky looking, Indio eyes and brown skin.
Christopher Lee is Italian and definitely very white. The rest are all white too, except some are just ugly. Kit Harrington is definitely white, just brown eyed. Are you autistic, genetic trash bin of America?
They are the same species , just because they have different racial traits doesn't mean two different species. Pick up a goddamn book
If that cholo doesn't have 18 on his face 18 times, I will be disappointed.
Except we aren't. Africans are "pure" human (no Neanderthal DNA) and Aborigines have lots of Denisovan genes and look like hairy apes.
aboriginals have both neanderthal and denisovan dna
other groups in asia do too
You See >thinking Mesopotamians were anything other than a race incredibly similar to ancient Greeks and didn't have a large influx of R1b
And greeks were bleached nordic and shieeet right
Abos have souls youtu.be
I consider them to be inferior human beings. Savages.
Looks like they wear padding. Probably for the bike.
Explains why they're also deficient then.
Greeks aren't, no... Stop crying because you're a 90% native Spanish rape baby.
I'm German and look like a monkey. The dark skin just accentuates ape like features. The blonde actually looks quite apish.
Typical burger reading comprehension.
Holy shit, I know we talk about niggers being monkeys all the time, but Australian Abos literally look like apes
You and me both, northern friend
Brits actually do have Roman genetics more so than any other European except perhaps Northern Italians. See: Britannia
>Kit Harrington is definitely white, just brown eyed
As I was saying, if a dark eyed dark haired anglo is easily considered white, so I am.
>"genetic trash bin"
No such thing as a Denisovan though. Literally all they have is a fucking finger bone and some teeth. Found in a cave that also had genetically modern human and Neanderthal remains.
>And greeks were bleached nordic and shieeet right
No, just Europeans. Unlike you, hue hue monkey.
Northern Europeans actually do descend from Southern Europeans and R1B the most common haplogroup in both Germany and Iraly.
If you're White you're White no matter where you were born.
I can tell a White man when i see one.
Cállese puta, usted era mexicana.
Those are Latinos.
The 2015 genealogical survey done in Britain showed they left no genetic footprint.
The Romans kept to themselves.
Bottom right isn't an aborigine, she's Amish. Lern2speciate you stupid fuck.
Brits are mixed with Phoenicians/Carthaginians, Romans, Alans, Sarmatians, Persians and other off white swarthy dark haired races
None of the people on the top are white; what's this trying to prove? That non-white Americans are ugly?
>Things look different
>Therefore they are completely different species
Yep, pugs and labradors are completely different species.
Oh wait I am just getting word that all dogs are the same species and that the definition for different species depends on genetic differences between members as opposed to kind of looking different.
All Central/South Americans are hue hue monkeys. Stay vigilant if you're a white American, or deport yourself if not.
They don't even look that different. The blonde has an ape face.
>Hurr America is so shitty
>Please let us into your country please tell Britain to give us the Falklands
Take a class on genetics.
R1b is a chink haplogroup. Western Europeans got it from Asiatic migrants who were probably predominantly male. There are no R1 fossils in Europe only a few thousand years ago. There were G,H,I haplogroups which are found in Scandinavia today. Middle Eastern J is related to I as well.
>No, just Europeans. Unlike you, hue hue monkey
So what you're saying is mesopotamians were europeans?
I see where you're taking me Ahmed
I take offense to that good sir.
I challenge you to a duel!
Exactly. Also smelly.
What I can't understand is how white people don't look like apes. If you don't look like an ape you have an undeveloped face. Dark skin just accentuates ape like features. As in it makes them easier to see.
>Brits are mixed with Phoenicians/Carthaginians, Romans, Alans, Sarmatians, Persians and other off white swarthy dark haired races
Yet they believe they hold the highground to decide who's white and who isn't
>tfw to intelligent to stop going to prison
Are their clothes painted on or something?
It looks so wrong, but I just can't quite place me finger on it.
Retard. Where is it in Asia? No where to be found. If anything it's from India. We are not related to chinks at all. Caucasian race.
Funny thing is that if you go by the "If you're born in X that makes you X" that many posters here apply, all the pakis born in england are white, while the german communities in brazil are huehue monkeys.
>if a dark eyed dark haired anglo is easily considered white, so I am
White skin with blonde/blue/red/shit hair = white
Brown with blue eyes and blonde hair = brown
your insecurity is telling
I was talking about Greeks, but if you have no reading comprehension due to your 3rd world education, I can empathise.
I know a guy with a German dad and a Puerto Rican brown mom but he is light skinned with blonde hair and blue eyes.
I also have a pic of my pink nipples if you want to see
Nigel Farage is reptilian.
Why is there never white aboriginals? Where the fuck did white people come from? Another planet?
I'm assuming this is bait because I don't think anyone can be this retarded.
> Overexposed and over 9000 hours in MS paint
I think your eyes would be the bigger giveaway.