Get fucked, fascists. people have spoken

get fucked, fascists. people have spoken.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Most Americans want to ignore George Washington and the 22nd Amendment.
This is just sad.

>tfw King Nigger will never be president again
Trump's America now, boy.

Leftism in the US is dying, and it's beautiful

>Most Americans are retarded
yeah, old news

>Most Americans would like to be given 1 billion dollars cash

Get fucked capitalist. socialism 4eva!

Oh shit. Trump will never win the election with these polls

What did Croatia do to deserve to have their proxies abused by you guys??

Most Americans where? In what city? States? Probably was a poll on some leftist website

Reminder if someone polled this question in 2008 it would have been racist and anti-democratic.

>Need to pay the beaner thousands of dollars to give you that "pound" but despite that money still chooses to keep the white gloves on.

Obama getting cucked like always.


Because they were so very accurate during the election

Literally fake news

We all know how polls typically work out for you guys

Don't you have college campuses to destroy?

Wait a second, isn't Hillary president according to the polls?

I'm so confused . . . maybe watching the Kardasians will help clear things up for me.


Fake news

Sorry but all sales are final. No refunds.


Cognitive dissonance.


Don't trust the polls.

>Rachel ((((Ravesz)))))


Why anyone still believes in these baffles me

Op please tell me how many people where involved in the polls?
Also post reasonable sauce plox

>taking the time to reply to each of the posts

Same here


More people wanted an extinction event instead of either candidate.


>Most Americans want Obama back
Why should we give a fuck is what I wanna know.

3 million more votes for Hillary.
Sounds ok to me.


didn't most polls say that hillary was going to win?


>believing polls

Lol fag, Trump is president and nothing you do or say will change that, polls have literally no impact on how the government is run you stupid sonovabitch

>Poll shows

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.


every one here knows that polls are shit. we all spam the polls for our side so they must be spamming these polls to make it seem something something...


Ours were probably baned all

>In shocking revelations we asked literally nearly two dozen people, including all the short haired fanny eating dykes and limp wristed faggot aids chasers do they want the cucklet chimp back in charge
>It wil astound you what they said!
>Also inside
>1 post by this I.D
>Is my 4 year old boy a girl

>Public Policy Polling

>most american want a thing based on some obscure poll that no one has ever heard of or participated in.

"Polls" - are these the same polls that said trump had a 1% chance of winning?

this, and morons like think we're the ones with (((Cognitive dissonance)))

these polls are retarded there is no way they sample realistic rural opinions

Yeah yeah the same polls that showed that Hitlary will get 98,9% of the votes I guess ....

good thing the polls say hillary will win in a landslide

See, the great thing about being a fascist is that you don't have to care what the people think once you're in power.

recount california, new york, and virginia not a problem then I assume?

>poll shows trump won't win primaries
>poll shows trump won't win general
>poll shows russia hacked our polls
>poll shows trump inauguration was only 10 people
>poll shows obanana was better president
>poll shows obanana for third term

did you not just live through BREXIT and Trump's election? why would you still give a single fuck about what polls say?

You keep saying that and Trump will still be President.

>muh polls


>minus illegal votes

Shoot yourself, leaf.

Polls also showed hillary was gonna win in a landslide.

>Most niggers want their father back


Of course foreigners want Obama back. He bleed the U.S and redistributed wealth to the rest of the world. Get fucked commie. No vacancy


Get used to 8 years, chimps.

>(((fake polls)))
yes and hillary has a 99% chance to win too



They spoke pretty loudly with the election of Trump and a majority legislative branch, too. Keep listening to those polls buddy. I enjoy watching y'all fail so spectacularly. Serious, it's entertainmentioned meta. Cuckold. Praise Kek


I'll come back in a different form, Kek wills it.

I'd wear a glove before fist bumping him too.

>Most Americans

It's just a bunch of hippy college students having a fucking sook

I hate my fucking generation

Obama would lose to Trump, the rust belt states got fucked during his presidency.


The DNC made this same exact mistake during the presidential race. When you poll selectively, your results are incorrect.

No source so I'll just assume they polled the readers of Occupy Democrats.

Most Americans are tired of winning after so much winning so much, poll shows.

Nigger-jw is obvious kike loving shill faggot nigger jew

>experts suggest

DAMN that heavy loaded question and the numbers still didn't fit their narratives. How did they spin this?

Yes, and Clinton is 10+ points ahead in the polls too.

This pleases me greatly

HAHA actually thats what your post is... fucking jew



>(((Rachael Revesz))) (((New York)))
>(((Sources))) (((say)))

>trusting Fake Polls


Underrated post

canadian dissonance ahahaha

just like when Trump was losing

Why do people take polls seriously ever? Might as well ask 5 guys on the street with such a low sample size anyway. I never even know how to find these polls they do. Where do they do them?

who the fuck do they poll in these things

why arent i ever called?

>people STILL pay for polls
>people STILL think polling is accurate

Polling failed with UK general election. Failed with brexit. failed with USA primaries and ABSOLUTELY FUCKING BTFO with US general election

why is (((polling))) still even featured anywhere